
為什麼這篇hgh生長激素致癌鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在hgh生長激素致癌這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者nasa73 (啊竹)看板Mavericks標題Fw: [外絮] Mark Cuban希望NBA...

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作者: nasa73 (啊竹) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Mark Cuban希望NBA准許使用生長激素
時間: Fri Feb 21 22:49:11 2014

圖文好讀版 : http://ppt.cc/u5Jb

原文來源 : http://ppt.cc/TJ7w

Mark Cuban Wants NBA to Consider Allowing Use of HGH(註一)
Mark Cuban希望NBA考慮准許使用生長激素

The injuries to star players in the 2013-14 NBA season have been
disappointing and happening at a relatively alarming rate. Derrick Rose, Kobe
Bryant and Russell Westbrook are just a few stars that have been out for much
of the season, with guys like Anthony Davis and Eric Bledsoe also missing
significant portions of time this year.
NBA 2013-14球季已經有許多球星受傷,傷病令大家沮喪而且發生的比率很高。Derrick
Rose、Kobe Bryant和Russell Westbrook只是其中幾個已經缺席大部分賽季的球星。就連
Anthony Davis和Eric Bledsoe今年也缺席了很多時間。

However, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban—ever the forward-thinker—has a
proposed solution. According to a report from Sam Amick of USA Today, Cuban
believes that the NBA should look into allowing the use of HGH,
particularly study the effects of HGH on players recovering from injuries and
how it can aid their journey to get back on the floor.
但小牛隊老闆Mark Cuban—有遠景的思想家—提出了一個解決方法。根據報導,Cuban相

Cuban made it clear that he didn’t know enough on the topic of HGH—which is
currently on the NBA’s list of banned substances—to fully advocate it, but
he believes that the league shouldn’t just accept the negative stigma
that has been placed on the substance and should instead fund research to see
if there are any potential benefits to the use of HGH.

Amick went on to describe the major “hurdle” to the league
potentially allowing the use of HGH is the simple fact that the FDA(註二)
even has strict regulations on the use of the drug and the use of it to help
speed along the recovery from injuries isn’t necessarily one of those
allowed uses by the administration.

Cuban does raise an interesting point, though. There is a distinct lack of
knowledge regarding the potential benefits of HGH. Perhaps there are none.
Perhaps there’s no way to regulate the use of HGH in the NBA to only be used
for recovery. However, those questions don’t matter until there’s more
known about what effects the drug can have in that regard, which is exactly
Cuban’s point. HGH won’t be allowed any time soon in the NBA, but the idea
of looking further into it isn’t a bad one by any means.

註一:HGH (Human Growth Hormone) 生長激素

註二:FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 食品和藥品管理局(美國)


http://nbainenglish.blogspot.tw/ 看NBA學英文: 外絮翻譯 詞句解說

http://ppt.cc/APF9 看NBA學英文粉絲頁

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◆ From:
B0988698088 :絕境病毒 02/21 22:49
hy654 :* 02/21 22:50
imleewan :lbj用了生長激素 看可不可以 長頭髮 02/21 22:52
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imleewan :那西河用了後 可以從賽魯2段變成完全體? 02/21 22:56
a8227416 :生長激素在各大運動項目都是禁藥吧 = = 受傷例外? 02/21 22:56
dcoog7880 :用的球員風險也很大 02/21 22:58
jaysuzuki :真的這麼好FDA還禁個屁 02/21 22:59
miha80425 :風險比起沒復原完全二度傷害好多了 02/21 22:59
jensentaipei:生長激素只能維持一段時間補血包比較好 02/21 23:06
jensentaipei:哦這裡不是在講惡靈勢力哦!? 02/21 23:07
miha80425 :樓上...L4D2有腎上(O)生長(X) 藥丸(O) 補包(O) 02/21 23:09
joey1149 :生長激素不是10年前MLB抓的那一波嗎? 02/21 23:10
jensentaipei:哦對齁是腎上腺素太久沒玩拉哈哈 02/21 23:10
joey1149 :同樣都是美國,NBA可以用的話,不知觀眾想法 02/21 23:10
miha80425 :是抓類固醇還是生長激素一直搞不懂 02/21 23:12
supersissy :A-Rod 我當初應該打籃球的... 02/21 23:15
joey1149 :類固醇是A-rod這一波,生長激素大概再03年左右 02/21 23:18
joey1149 :當時老爹,A-rod都有用 派帥是受傷才用 02/21 23:18
Highflying :類固醇跟生長激素又不一樣 一堆人搞不清楚亂酸 02/21 23:18
miha80425 :了改 02/21 23:19
joey1149 :也不算亂酸啦,生長激素再MLB新制也是不能使用沒錯 02/21 23:20
joey1149 :不過我覺得可以研究看看可行性,例如受傷復健才能用 02/21 23:20
joey1149 :聯盟要補助,讓Amare跟香波 富與窮 都能用 02/21 23:21
joey1149 :前題當然是對養傷復健有幫助&無副作用啦 02/21 23:21
mingxian :Cuban想組魔鬼隊?肯定是打了針或是吃了藥 02/21 23:45
kobeslaker :他已經講了幾十次了吧,好像每個月都一篇 02/21 23:52
Highflying :如果能幫助受傷的人健康 那沒理由不開放 02/22 00:04
george78789 :這讓我想到有本書叫"反對完美" 就是在思考該不該禁 02/22 00:06
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wana3729 :cuban 想要被罰錢? 02/22 05:48
eric761217 :是屬於應該增大術的那種生長激素嗎? 02/22 08:35
mmchen :NBA藥檢超黑,一堆人早就猜某些明星有在使用 02/22 09:11
mmchen :尤其是月亮臉那個 02/22 09:11
AirLee :誰阿,好八卦 02/22 09:24
blindone :月亮臉我會想到天下第二人 02/22 10:29
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: nasa73 (, 時間: 02/22/2014 21:43:27

