

在 heroine意思產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,591的網紅腹語少女「 奕璇E.T 」,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 應該很少人知道 我平常在做什麼吧 其實我很常都在練舞🤣 這是我現在舞團的成員們 我們叫Heroine 有女英雄的意思💪🏻 我真的很喜歡這次的作品 希望大家幫我們分享出去 Youtube: https://youtu.be/yiMiYcUx9iM Instagram: https://instag...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅テーマパークガール,也在其Youtube影片中提到,※この動画は外出自粛要請前に撮影したものです。 テーマパークガール|Theme Park Girl YouTube⇒https://www.youtube.com/c/themeparkgirl Twitter⇒https://twitter.com/themeparkgirl_t LINE⇒h...

heroine意思 在 ♡Mayu♡?☕️??️‍♀️ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-12-04 14:31:01

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  • heroine意思 在 腹語少女「 奕璇E.T 」 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-10 21:57:12
    有 109 人按讚

    應該很少人知道 我平常在做什麼吧
    我們叫Heroine 有女英雄的意思💪🏻

    Youtube: https://youtu.be/yiMiYcUx9iM
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/heroine_official_tw?igshid=3xhyqzv1virh

    喜歡的話 可以在影片下面留言鼓勵我們💕
    謝謝大家 母親節快樂

  • heroine意思 在 酸酸時事鐵絲團 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-25 22:58:04
    有 40 人按讚

    【婚攝打斷新郎鼻子毀了婚禮 變成土耳其全民英雄】

    #更多國外仇女的例子 #看國外如何維護女權 #說好的國際觀呢?


    a woman made pregnant by a rapist shot him ten times and cut his head off after authorities refused to let her have an abortion.

    the victim hurled the severed head into her village square, shouting that her attacker had "toyed with her honour".

    the man had taken nude photos of her and blackmailed her before raping her repeatedly.

    the 26-year-old has been hailed a heroine for her actions by women's groups in turkey.

    well he really should have worn more protective clothing if he didn't want that to happen

    sounds to me like he was asking for it.

    are we really sure he was actually shot and decapitated? IDK, sounds like some thing he would've made up. guys make false decapitation accusations all the time, you know.

    if he didn't want to be decapitated, he shouldn't have worn a shirt that showed off his neck.

    i mean, not all woman decapitate people. i'm not like that.

    was he alone? he shouldn't have been a lone. i mean what was he expecting?

    it obviously wasn't a legitimate decapitation, if it was the body has ways of shutting it down.

    he probably enjoyed being shot. most men don't like to admit they actually enjoy being shot and having their head cut off.

    he shouldn't have run into her bullets. tem times.

    i heard he'd been at a bar before it happened, so he probably just got drunk and tripped over the blade that decapitated him. men really need to be more careful when they drink or these things are bound to happen.:/

    did he say no? we all know no really means yes, especially when something as ambiguous as decapitation is involved.




  • heroine意思 在 Gforgypsyc Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-27 12:46:54
    有 0 人按讚

    近5️⃣年一直都用Heroine Make eye liner,因為本身我係油眼,用過好多款eye liner 只有佢嘅皇牌持久防水配方🏆,先可以keep到全日唔會花面貓!

    身為日本銷量No.1眼線液嘅黑色纖細眼線液 01黑色,今個夏天搞搞新意思,出咗限量海洋系packaging 呀! 眼線筆上面有貝殻同海洋元素🌊勁有summer feel😌

    0.1mm 極纖細筆尖,易畫唔斷墨水,新手都唔怕handle唔到👍🏻

