herd 翻譯:獸群;牧群, 芸芸眾生,人群, (將…)趕成一群,放牧, (常指強迫性地)使集中在一起。了解更多。
#2herds中文, herds是什麼意思 - 查查在線詞典
herds中文 :n. 畜群;大量(herd的復數);人群…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋herds的中文翻譯,herds的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#4herd - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
herd. 獸群,人群,牧人群集,使成群,放牧成群 ; herded. herd的動詞過去式、過去分詞 ; herds. herd的名詞複數 ; herd instinct · 【心】群居本能;群體心理 ; herd investment.
#6herd是什么意思? herd翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
herd 的解释是:兽群, 牧群, 把赶在一起放牧, … 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:herd的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
使用Reverso Context: Guard herds from predators, applying experienced puppies.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"herds"
#8herd 的简体中文翻译- 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典 - Collins Dictionary
'herd' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#9HERDS 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
HERDS ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“HERDS” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#10牠們的格鬥牧群- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《牠們的格鬥牧群》(英語:Them's Fightin' Herds)是一款由Mane6开发,Humble Bundle发行的独立 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#11herds of cattle中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
herds of cattle中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 牧群。英漢詞典提供【herds of cattle】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#12博客來-Healing the Herds: Disease, Livestock Economies, and ...
書名:Healing the Herds: Disease, Livestock Economies, and the Globalization of Veterinary Medicine,語言:英文,ISBN:9780821418857,頁數:299,作者:Brown ...
#13Them's Fightin' Herds - Shanty - Steam
The Goat is here! Shanty dives into action as Them's Fightin' Herds' 7th playable character. ... 不支援繁體中文.
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#15herds的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
herds 的中文意思翻譯:n. 獸群( herd的名詞複數); 牧群; 人群; 群眾; v. 群集,糾結( herd的第三人稱單數); 放牧; (使)向…移動。herds的中文翻譯、herds的發音、 ...
#16herds单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
herds. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ hə:dz ]. 解释, 兽群( herd的名词复数); 牧群; 人群; 群众. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. Regularly at daybreak they drive ...
#18PC STEAM 序號Them's Fightin' Herds 牠們的格鬥牧群動作 ...
商品資訊: ✔️遊戲名稱:Them's Fightin' Herds ✔️遊戲詳細內容請至STEAM官網 ... 【WC電玩】三國群英傳8 中文PC離線暢玩STEAM正版遊戲HEROES OF THE THREE VIII.
#19swineherds' or swine herds' - 鈎端螺旋體病 - 國家教育研究院 ...
以disease,swineherds' or swine herds' 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 獸醫學, disease,swineherds' or swine herds' ...
#20herds 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释herds这个英文词呢? herds这个英文词,中文意思如下:牛群。 Meaning of herds for the defined word. 在语法上,这个单字"herds"是一个名词 ...
#21Online 中文/英文聖經Holy-Bible
"Now a traveler came to the rich man, And he was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd, To prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him; Rather ...
#22Them's Fightin' Herds | PC Linux Steam 遊戲 - Fanatical
Them's Fightin'Herds是一款獨立的格鬥遊戲,由著名卡通製作人Lauren Faust設計並製作了一系列可愛的動物。在可愛而可愛的表面下,一架嚴肅的戰士在等待著!
#23動物大集合!『一群』動物除了『a group of』還能怎麼說?
雖然中文裡我們可以說「一群動物」,但在英文中,不同種類的「群體」會用不同的「集合名詞」 ... herd(畜群)+ deer(鹿)= a herd of deer 一群鹿.
Associations between Dairy Herds' Qualitative Behavior and Aspects of Herd Health, Stockperson and Farm Factors—A ... 中文翻译: ...
#25cow-calf beef herds 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
cow-calf beef herds 中文意思是什麼. cow-calf beef herds 解釋. 繁殖肥育牛群. cow : n (pl cows 〈古、方〉 kine )1 母牛,乳牛(opp bull);(象、犀、鯨等的) ...
#26Steam格鬥新作《Them's Fightin' Herds》,操控魔法小馬來場 ...
獨立遊戲工作室Mane6 開發的格鬥遊戲《Them's Fightin' Herds》本月上架Steam,玩家將操控小馬、獨角獸、小羊等動物來場可愛動物比武大會, ...
#27Herds of Ants – Chen Zhiguang Solo Exhibition - Moca Taipei
中文. Search. Plan your visit Exhibitions & events Discover MOCA MOCArt shop About us Latest news Support. Follow us.
#28英语: “herds” - 大词典
#29大角羊| Fallout中文維基
Bighorners are herbivorous and are primarily found in wild herds of three to ... Bighorners are communal animals, and as such, if one member of the herd is ...
#32flocks and herds — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“flocks and herds” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#33登入以按讚或回應。 - Instagram
Villagers of #Bhetanai do not mind herds of #Blackbucks feeding on their farmlands. Know #TheGoodKindOfPositive from India's Best Kept ...
#34GLOBALink | Herds of nearly 10000 Tibetan antelopes appear ...
LHASA, March 31 (Xinhua) -- Nearly 10,000 Tibetan antelopes have appeared in Ngari Prefecture in northwest Tibet, China, an indication of ...
#35herd 中文
herd的中文意思:[ hə:d ] n.1. ... pastures and thriving herds” 中文翻譯: 水草肥美牛羊壯“su wu herds sheep” 中文翻譯: 蘇武牧羊“herds of” 中文翻譯: 成群, ...
#36Animal Health Workers ensure healthy herds in South Sudan
Public veterinary services infrastructure is dilapidated, access to animal health services is limited and diseases can wipe out entire herds.
#37live in herds的中文翻译及音标 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选live in herds是什么意思、英语单词推荐、live in herds的用法、live in herds的中文翻译及音标、翻译live in herds是什么意思.
#38Tule Elk - Point Reyes National Seashore (U.S. National Park ...
All of the estimated 5,700 tule elk present in twenty-two herds across California (as of 2020) were derived from this small remnant herd, thanks to his initial ...
#39Control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia – A policy for ...
提要: Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is an insidious disease that lingers in herds, causing significant morbidity and mortality.
#40Efficacy of vaccination on Staphylococcus aureus and ... - HIPRA
Efficacy of vaccination on Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci intramammary infection dynamics in 2 dairy herds.
#41Course: English In A Minute / Unit 1 / Session 3 / Activity 1 - BBC
中文 Change Language ... they had scatteted by need for searching pastures for their herds because there was a famine which ... The herds began to decrease.
#42herds: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
herds: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子. 翻译: herds 中文. herds 牛群 ... Before long I was to see the vast herds of drongs with my own eyes.
#43FrieslandCampina | LinkedIn
They are social animals who naturally form large herds. They like human beings, make friends, get attached to certain members of the herd and avoid others.
#44COVID-19 herd immunity: 7 questions, answered - MD ...
What is herd immunity, and how is it achieved? Once we achieve herd immunity for this novel coronavirus (COVID-19), will it diminish the ...
#45herd的意思在线翻译,解释herd中文英文含义,短语词组,音标读音 ...
herd. herd的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [hə:d] KK音标发音: [hɜd]. herd的词性: n.(名词). 1. A group of cattle or other domestic animals of a single kind ...
#46Them's Fightin' Herds中文版下载 - 游戏堡
《Them'sFightin'Herds》(群马乱斗)是一款2D格斗游戏,由Mane6,Inc制作。群马乱斗基于LaurenFaust所创作的彩虹小马世界观。本作是《彩虹小马:格斗 ...
#47Validated-Qualified Herds - BOAH - IN.gov
When all swine are shipped directly from existing VQ herds, a new VQ breeding herd can be established. When qualifying a grow-out or sales point (from which ...
#48Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd). #TheHerd with @ColinCowherd and @JoyTaylorTalks on @FoxSportsRadio, @FS1 & @iHeartRadio.
#49How a Herd of Elephants Won China's Internet - The New ...
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... China's elephant experts have largely speculated that the herd is moving in response to man-made changes: ...
#50Tracking the herds of preferreds | UBS 全球議題
... Italiano it · Español es · Russian ru · 日本語 ja · 中文 sc; 中文(繁體) tc ... Preferreds Tracking the herds of preferreds.
#51天津大学教师个人主页系统黄金海Detection and Genetic ...
Detection and Genetic Analysis of Porcine Bocavirus in Different Swine Herds in North Central China. 点击次数:21. 是否译文:否.
herd 的中文意思:兽群;牧群;放牧人;,点击查看详细解释:herd的中文翻译、herd的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握herd这个单词。
Paradise Herbs, ORAC 綠色能源,12.8 盎司(364 克). 5396. HK$366.58. 加入購物車. Nutiva, 有機壓榨,初榨椰子油,12 盎司(355 毫升).
#54Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Herd immunity, lockdowns ...
WHO is hopeful that countries will use targeted interventions where and when needed, based on the local situation. العربية · 中文 · Français.
#55喬凡尼·法托里- 40 件藝術品- 畫作 - Wikiart
Cowboys and herds in the Maremma 喬凡尼·法托里 • 1894. Mare at a cart - 喬凡尼·法托里. Mare at a cart 喬凡尼·法托里 • 1880-1890. Nun with donkey - 喬凡尼·法 ...
#56轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
語文別: 中文 ... 依據台灣乳牛群性能改良計畫(dairy herd improvement, DHI) 所建立之DHI資料庫,以SQL server之ODBC (open database connectivity ) 資料連線設定擷 ...
#57"flock" 和"herd" 的差別在哪裡?
Flock usually refers to a group of birds (or anything with wings I guess). Herd refers to sheep. · 英語(美國) · 法語(法國) 接近流利 · 中文(簡體) ...
#58Diplodocus Herd - Walking with Dinosaurs: Ballad of Big Al
Big Al's skills as a predator are put to the test when he and two other Allosauruses face a herd of Diplodocus. Broadcast in 1999, Walking ...
#59Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress ...
Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 55,127. The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that ...
#61flocks and herds 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Tumor has some of avoid certain food after patient art, if flesh of flocks and herds is of hair, still have the chicken, egg, seafood, fish that do not have ...
#62New African swine fever variants kill millions of pigs in China ...
China's aim to rebuild its pig herd by the middle of the year now seem impossible, according to analysts. The first reported outbreak of the ...
#63cow 中文
be cowed 被嚇退[嚇倒“a herd of cows”中文翻譯一群母牛. “cash cows”中文翻譯現金牛類; 搖錢樹產品. “cosmic cows”中文翻譯宇宙乳牛. “cuffs for cows”中文翻譯乳牛 ...
cattle for dual-purpose 乳肉兼用牛。. C- low. 牛叫。. kittle cattle難以應付的人[事]。. “a cattle yard” 中文翻譯: 放置牲畜的倉前空場, 車站旁的牲畜欄. “a herd of ...
#65In Benin, the line between conservation and ... - Mongabay
But across the border, Islamist militants were busy extending their own franchise. And that meant killing conservationists. A herd of buffaloes ...
#66Linlithgow Rose boss Gordon Herd's 'wake up' warning ... - MSN
Linlithgow Rose manager Gordon Herd has told his players to “wake up” or risk throwing away the East of Scotland Premier Division crown.
#67Karabakh cuisine-2 - AZERTAC - Azerbaijan State News Agency
An especially rich harvest is yielded by rice and millet (over 50 quarters for one quarter). In addition, he points to large herds of cattle and sheep and goats ...
#68Path of Titans Store - Alderon Games
Group and Guild systems that allow for pack hunting and herd migration, with servers supporting up to 200 concurrent players.
#69A Miracle Message for the Masses? - Enduring Word
I can say from the Bible, that there was an occasion when Jesus cast a group of demons into a herd of pigs, so there's at least some ...
#70Crack Up Boom, Inflationary Flattener | Gold News - BullionVault
... combination of Fed policy and the frightened, risk 'off' herds clustered in T-Bills and short-term Treasuries, relative to the long end.
#71Xinjiang 7 Days' images: Hardworking makes better life
Photo taken on March 21, 2022 shows herds of cattle and sheep forage leisurely on grassland, presenting a tranquil, bright and beautiful ...
#72Protecting Wildlife in Greece with a Shield of Sound - Huawei
... committed poachers, who typically hunt chamois when the herds descend from the steep cliffs to graze on the alpine meadows and within the beech forests.
#73Study suggests Canadian food prices to surpass inflation in ...
China has been buying up meat in markets around the world to replace their herd loss. The report also notes the changing climate playing a ...
#74HCMC to promote cooperation relations with Cuba, Australia
2 天前 — SGGP Online · SGGP Thể Thao · SGGP Đầu tư Tài chính · 中文版 · SGGP Epaper. SEARCH. SGGP English Edition.
#75饥荒1.36版本2022下载 - 迷你手机网
类型:角色扮演; 语言:中文; 版本:0.06; 时间:2022-03-26 09:35:33; 平台:苹果、安卓. 饥荒生存冒险闯关 ... seasonal herds:季节性放牧.
#76Geometry for mutualistic and selfish herds: the limited domain ...
We present a two-dimensional individual-based model of aggregation behaviour in animals by introducing the concept of a "limited domain of danger", ...
#77測量子午線(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
Shadows were passing, frightened herds were flying in all directions, along with great dark spectres, whose formidable roars betrayed their presence among ...
#78Dairy Herd Improvement - 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所
The Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) is one of the most important projects for dairy ... In 2000, There were 217 dairy herds, 13,989 milking cows enrolled.
#79Factors for improving reproductive performance of sows and ...
Herd -level risk groups include female pigs being fed in low efficiency breeding herds, late insemination timing, high within-herd variability in ...
#80Herbs and Supplements - MedlinePlus
Browse dietary supplements and herbal remedies to learn about their effectiveness, usual dosage, and drug interactions.
#81Veterinary Herd Health Consultancy and Antimicrobial Use in ...
The veterinary herd health collaboration between veterinarians and ... Over time, veterinary tasks in dairy herds have changed character.