

在 hence開頭產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《命運的源頭》THE ORIGIN OF DESTINY (English version below) 坦白說,身爲玄學家及修行居士的吾,並無思維著「命運」這兩個字。至於命運的源頭,那更不會在吾的思維修中,留下明顯的痕跡。現今雖已是科技昌盛時代,可人們對於探討自身的命運,似乎不減反增。怎會如此?...

hence開頭 在 美食家的自學之路 Self-taught Gourmet Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-01-11 09:53:10

#食況轉播 #Gubami快閃晶華  Chef Lanshu Chen has a craving for beef noodles, and hence “Gubami”—the Taiwanese term for beef noodles, as well as her one-and-o...

hence開頭 在 Sherlock Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-09-21 14:33:03

. 《英文作文準備方法 下篇》  今天要分享的是 一篇英文作文的「結論句」 以及分享一些我覺得滿重要的 英文作文細節提醒  還沒看過前幾篇的英文作文主題文可以先去看看喔 #sherlock英文作文   ————————  🍀結論句 Linking sentence/con...

  • hence開頭 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-10-05 08:23:36
    有 146 人按讚

    (English version below)






    Frankly speaking, as both a Chinese Metaphysicist and spiritual cultivator, I do not give much thought to the term “Destiny”. Needless to say, the origin of it does not leave any visible trace in my thinking too. In this age of technological prosperity, people's exploration about one’s destiny seems to be increasing rather than going down. Why is this so? This phenomenon points to the feeling of unease as well as a sense of curiosity in them. Therefore, fortune telling, both online and on the streets, has flourished in a riot of colours, contending with one another in beauty. How lively. Ha...

    Every person has different levels of thought patterns and comprehension. Likewise for one’s affinity and opportunities in life. Knowing this, you will not be moody all day long when a person that you all along wish to groom, be it an adult or a child, does not live up to your expectation.

    Another important point is to understand the person’s life magnetic orientation, also known as Bazi, before cultivating him/her. It is not too late to act on your intention after getting a better understanding of him/her.

    Previously, I mentioned that everyone has a different level of spiritual awareness, thus there are obstinate people, people who misunderstand religion, and misers etc, and the numbers are sizeable. Such people are miserable because their mindsets are not all-encompassing, and as a result, implicate the people around them to suffer as well.

    I wrote this article to bring salvation and benefit the sentient beings plunged in ignorance and sufferings. The main reason one person is misled by another is the lack of the Right Knowledge and Right View, which can only be gained via practising the Dharma. This is why I have always been advocating, that you must learn the Dharma, you must practise spiritual meditation to realise the Truth. The place that you are living in now is called the human realm. To resolve and improve things, all the obstacles you face in this human world will definitely require solutions available in this realm. And in this mortal world, Chinese Metaphysics is a very amazing solution to help us turn the tide.

    Our destinies have been evolving since numerous lifetimes ago. In many lives ago, most of us had sought guidance from accomplished masters. Many lives later, the same us are still looking for such accomplished masters to resolve our troubles. These affinities transcend many lifetimes.

    However, have you ever wondered:

    1. Why are you still here in this human realm?
    2. Why do you have so much worries and troubles?

    The reason is because our negative karma of the body, speech and mind has yet to be eradicated. Hence, we do not have the wisdom to realise that the origin of our destiny is our own habitual patterns accumulated over countless lifetimes.

    Only when we eliminate such negative habitual patterns, then will we be thoroughly liberated.

  • hence開頭 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-04-28 07:12:25
    有 133 人按讚

    Walking The Roads Of Eight Directions
    (English version below)

    相信大家都有聽過: 條條道路通羅馬,這句話吧!我們暫且不追究,這句話的真實性,不過這句話是真有其勉勵性的實力,因此也算好話一 句。文章的開頭,特以這一句好話,增強大家的士氣,繼續力爭上游,向善向上,做個真真正正有用的人。當然,真真正正有用的人,不會幫了別 人,而餓死自己的啦!

    佛菩薩的佛慧,是圓融而無礙的。很多人信奉這個,就否定那個。很多人離開最初的師父了,偶在某場合遇見其師父,竟然像盜賊遇到警 察,視若無睹,一閃而過。這些眾生為何如此?祇因她他們根本從未開始學習其信仰,當然就會「醜態百出」,「人仰馬翻」了。吾可憐這些眾 生,始終有礙,有礙就容易絆倒自己,六道輪迴無絕期,真是可憐啊!可憐。

    其實這些有礙的眾生,可能未曾聽過;條條道路通羅馬,這句話,也更加不懂走八方之路。八方就是東、南、西、北、東南、東北、西南及 西北。也是八卦的八個方位,乾、坤、震、巽、坎、離、艮、兌。這八卦內含宇宙的自然現象,千變萬化。周而復始,通則變,變則通。從先天到 後天,再由後天返回先天。天、地、雷、風、火、山、澤、水,謂之宇宙自然現象。五行金、水、木、火、土,也分配於當中。一個「平平凡凡」 的人,再怎麼大,也是無法大過宇宙啊!所以吾才說這些眾生真可憐啊!可憐什麼呢?可憐因「小」而失「大」。

    八個方位有其所分配的五行。若妳你一意孤行,執著於一個方向,執著妳你一貫的想法及做法,而這些並不是妳你命卦中,的喜用神的話, 就會一失足成千古恨哦!想活得快樂,想活得「無後顧之憂」,想活得瀟灑自在,就必須要懂得,走八方的路,不懂可以問人,尤其是問玳瑚師 父,不要不懂裝懂,永遠飯桶哦!就這樣,吾喜歡走八方的路。


    I believe all of you have heard of the phrase "All roads lead to Rome"! Let us, for now, not investigate if this statement is true literally, but there is no denying that this quote is truly motivational and hence, well-said. I deliberately began my article with this great quote, to boost the morale of everybody so that you will strive to fight on, for kindness and betterment, and to be a truly useful person to this world. Of course, a truly useful person will not die of hunger just because he is always helping others!

    The Wisdom of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is complete and unobstructed. Many people take a one-sided view of things. They believe in one thing, and write off another. Many people left their first master, and when they bump into the master again at some occasion, they behave like a thief who runs into the police, turning a blind eye to the master and flit past in a flash. Why do these sentient beings behave in this manner? The reason is because they have never began their journey and faith in the Dharma, therefore it is only natural that they show all sorts of ugly behaviour, landing themselves in a pitiful state. I take pity on these sentient beings who are obstructed in their wisdom, and often tripping over themselves. The never-ending cycle in the Six Realms of Existence awaits them. How pitiful!

    In fact, these obstructed sentient beings may not have heard of the quote "All roads lead to Rome", and remain ignorant about walking the roads of eight directions. These eight directions are East, South, West, North, South-East, North-East, South-West and North-West. These also represented by the eight trigrams: Chien, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui, which encompass the ever-changing in the natural phenomena of the entire Universe. Since the beginning of time, change will always happen when the limit has been reached. From the Primordial to the Manifested, and back to the start of the cycle. The Trigrams of Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Fire, Mountain, Lake, Water, symbolize the Universe in its natural state. The Five Elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth are also present in it. An ordinary person, however powerful, would never be able to surpass the Universe! Hence I said these sentient beings are pitiful. Why so? They gave up the Universe for the insignificant.

    These eight directions come with their own elemental alignment. If you are adamant and obstinate in your own ways and thinking, and these ways and thinking are not your favorable element based on your birth chart, you are heading for a lifetime of regrets! If you wish to lead a life of happiness, a worry-less life, and a carefree life with no restraint, you ought to know your way on the eight directional roads. If you are lost for directions, ask somebody, especially a person like Master Dai Hu. Do not act like you know it all when you are actually clueless, making you a good-for-nothing! With all said, now you know why I like to walk the eight directional roads.


