在 hence同義產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【力量訓練的「訓練量」該如何設定?】 跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。 【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。 當時的馬來西亞處在一黨獨大,爛權腐敗,媒體被嚴格控管及消息封鎖的階段。因此這...
hence同義 在 Sherlock Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-09-21 14:33:03
. 《英文作文準備方法 下篇》 今天要分享的是 一篇英文作文的「結論句」 以及分享一些我覺得滿重要的 英文作文細節提醒 還沒看過前幾篇的英文作文主題文可以先去看看喔 #sherlock英文作文 ———————— 🍀結論句 Linking sentence/con...
hence同義 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-10-30 18:00:10【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。
【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。
‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.
‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.
During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.
I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…
‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.
‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.
I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.
We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.
I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.
See you in the cinemas on November 20!
【你是豬|BABI】購票連結 Ticketing Link: https://www.ezding.com.tw/movieInfo?movieid=1fb7e4b914af42a3b44c268aba72fa75
【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲【Happy Family】https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8
【你是豬|BABI】解釋 Penjelasan:https://bit.ly/3mog7ps
配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼
黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!
除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 ?
11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00
11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30
11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30
11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00
11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30
11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志 -
hence同義 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最讚貼文
2017-08-23 08:31:33(English version below)
Have you started your recitation yesterday?
I am referring to the Mantra of Repaying Parents' Kindness, as imparted by Shakyamuni Buddha.
As the name indicated, this mantra can repay our gratitude to our parents of this lifetime. But it does not stop at there. Its merits are great enough to bless our parents from our past 7 lives, with a rebirth to the Pureland.
Master Dai Hu has been reciting this mantra for at least 15 years, and still did it yesterday on the first day of the 7th Lunar Month.
With the merits from this mantra, our parents of this and past 7 lives, and our ancestors, can have their negative karma eradicated and gain an increase in their wisdom. One level by one level, one lifetime by one lifetime, one realm by one realm, it will upwards all the way, till they can break away from the Three Evil Realms, or the six realms of reincarnation. Gradually, they will gain rebirth in a better world.
It is the duty of all children to repay the debt of gratitude to their parents. They are the roots of our origin. As human beings, we must not forget where we came from. Without the egg and sperm from our parents, we will have no physical shell. Without this physical body, our consciousness will be drifting. We will be unable to cultivate to the next higher level, resigned to wandering in a gloomy and dark realm, where there is ghost bullying and going where karma takes us.
We will not be able to break away from suffering and attain bliss. Therefore, our parents have shown much kindness in giving us this physical body for us to cultivate. It is a great debt of gratitude. Hence, the saying: The kindness of our parents is as wide as the ocean, while the kindness of our teachers is as vast as the universe.
When a person does not repay his parents' kindness, he would have failed in upholding his status as a human. Under such conditions, when he has children, they would also be unfilial.
Please think over this wisely, everybody. You must cultivate your wisdom. By then, you would naturally understand the many truth in all that have happened to you before, and be able to attain eternal bliss, leaving the cycle of sufferings.
I wish diligence upon every one of you. Please recite this mantra 49 times daily, from Day 1 to Day 30 every 7th Lunar month. Dedicate the merits to your parents from this and past 7 lives. May they together be reborn in the Pureland of happiness, and attain eternal bliss with no suffering.
If you miss out one day of recitation, due to work, forgetfulness or illness, you can wake up earlier the next day to recite that 49 times. In other words, you would have to do 2 sets of 49 times that day. Don't stop the cycle, so that your merits for your parents will be complete.
Music: Atelier Amacha
hence同義 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會建議初跑者的月跑量最好不要超過100公里一樣,在做重訓時,有沒有一個區間可以讓大家參考呢?下面是《The System》的作者群建議:
從帳面上來看,750這個數字分配到一個月十二到十六次課表當中,看起來似乎很小,但我們這們所定的750這個數字比較像是「基本量」,而非下限,如果總反覆次數低於750下,就不會為運動員的成長帶來實質的影響。表 4.14 中的數值並不是意味著高水平或菁英運動員在四週內的總反覆次數永遠不會有低於1,000次情況發生,那只是維持成長的基本量。對運動員的恢復能力影響最大的是訓練量,因此這些範圍中比較需要注意的是上限的數值。若月總量超過上限值,恢復能力將快速到受到侵害,而且侵害的速度比任何其他因素都快。
The absolute floor of volume for a novice athlete is 750 total exercise repetitions per month, and the ceiling for the elite athlete is 1,600 total reps. During our time in the former Soviet Republics, we witnessed athletes performing even higher monthly training volumes. However, as we found later, that was often with the benefit of performance-enhancing substances that allowed for more rapid recovery.
In a single cycle, the total number of repetitions pertains to all exercises performed in the key movements. This means 750 total repetitions are spread between the different exercises among the range of training intensities we want to emphasize.
On the surface, these can seem like small numbers when we consider they may be spread out over 12 to 16 training sessions. That 750-rep total is really more like the basement rather than the floor of total volume—any less than 750 will not budge the needle on gains. That does not mean advanced or elite-level athletes will not have cycles that dip below 1,000 reps. These ranges should be more prescriptive of the ceiling of higher volumes to avoid exceeding. Pushing monthly volume beyond these ranges erodes recovery more rapidly than any other factor.
An elite-level athlete can use a month with a total volume of under 1,000 reps, as will often be the case when returning to training. However, a novice athlete can rarely exceed the 1,000-rep ceiling without risking an injury or a significant overtraining effect.
Many coaches worry their athletes will not do enough work to promote gains in strength and power. They do not want to “waste” a month by aiming too low on total volume and leaving some gains in the tank. That is a natural feeling when adopting this method, and each of us went through the same mental struggle.
Strength coaches in America are not hard-wired to accept less than maximum. However, trust us when we say that without fail, these ranges have proven to be the most effective in generating progress with almost no risk of overtraining.
Fine-tuning where your athletes fall in a volume range takes skill, experience, and consideration of their medical and training history, biological and training age, and gender.
The bloody trail of our mistakes can save you a lot of added stress: When in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of less volume than too much.
The total volume number does not include accessory work or exercises of “local effect.” Those exercises are more targeted muscle strengthening or exercises to support the main movements.
We are mainly concerned about the most physically taxing exercises that demand more of an athlete’s attention to technique—hence, the volume restrictions.
Although the accessory work is not included in the volume calculations, you still cannot go wild, adding as much as you want. Always remember this: efficiency first.
hence同義 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【讓你英文寫作程度飆升的3大關鍵 -- 科學研究這樣說】 要考 TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT 學生必看
寫作要進步的重要要素,可以簡化成 3 個重大關鍵。
【 大關鍵 1 】
這個關鍵我在課堂上很常提及。我們一定要要有適當的反饋 (corrective feedback),而要從反饋當中,找出 "systematic errors" (例如,有些人S-V agreement特別愛錯、有人特別容易用 Although....., however,...這種錯誤的句型)。從系統性的錯誤下手,去除文法錯誤是最快的。而面對容易錯誤的東西,下次用時必須要提高意識,並去思索這樣的錯誤背後的原因 (是粗心嗎?還是這個結構或單字原本的意思和用法搞錯了?)。
【 大關鍵 2 】
(例: 主詞動詞關係、句和句子間的邏輯關係、and 所承接的左方和右方文意是否可以用 and 承接)。
【 大關鍵 3 】
研究的 input processing 西方第二語言習得大師Dr. VanPatten 和 Dr. Pienemann 都做過相當多科學研究證實,寫作要進步,其實關鍵在「閱讀、文意理解」。為什麼產出(output) 的東西會有錯誤?
其中一大原因來自,對於 "input" 的理解不正確、不完整。
例如,如果同學把 hence 看成 as a consequence 的同義字、given that 想成 because of、albeit 想成 although, 那則會寫出很多奇怪的句子。因此,對於閱讀的理解 (和作者用怎樣的句子去表達文意) 深刻與否,對於寫作也會有很大的影響喔。
hence同義 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
<寫作重要表因果關係!「所以; 因此」整理>
consequently (adv.) 因此; 所以[as a result]
例: I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.
例: They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays.
accordingly (adv.) 照著; 相應地 [in a way that is suitable or right for the situation]
例子When we receive your instructions we shall act accordingly.我們接到你的指示就會遵命行事
例子She's an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.
inevitably (adv.) 不可避免地 [in a way that cannot be avoided]
例: Their arguments inevitably end in tears.他們的爭論不可避免地以眼淚告終
ergo (adv.) 因此; 所以[therefore]
例: Ergo, these facilities have been marked as the likely rail transfer points.
wherefore (adv.) [for the cause or reason]
例: He was angry, wherefore I was afraid to ask him.
necessarily (adv.) (用於否定句) 不可避免地、必然地
[used in negatives to mean ‘in every case’ or ‘therefore’]
例: The fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality.
例: You may love someone without necessarily wanting to marry them.
例: That’s not necessarily true.
hence (adv.) 因此; 所以 [FORMAL]
[that is the reason or explanation for; therefore]
例: His mother was Italian, hence his name – Luca.
他母親是義大利人,所以他的名字叫做- 盧卡
therefore (adv.) 因此,因而,所以
[for that reason]
例: We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
thus (adv.)
(1) 如此,這樣 [in this way]
例: Bend from the waist, thus.
(2) 因此,從而 [with this result]
例: They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.
(3) thus far 迄今 [as far as this or until now]
例: We haven’t had any problems thus far.
as a result/ as a consequence/ in consequence/ that being so/ on this account/ on that account/ for this reason/ for that reason
(以上字典取自- dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com | dictionary.com )