

在 heard發音產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過827的網紅Ann's English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours? 翻譯是👇 「我可以睡在你家嗎?」 而不是我可以砸爛你家嗎😂 Crash這個字有好~多意思👀 但在介紹這個字之前 我更想大推這首歌‼️🤩😍 🎧🎧🎧 這首crashing大概是我最愛的歌之一了🥴 優美高級的詞彙跟隨性又自然的字句穿插...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,嘖嘖萬聖節活動,明天截止!https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual 10/31 晚上 12 點前,加入賓狗的嘖嘖訂閱計畫 就可以獲得發音教學影片喔 帶你從嘴形跟共鳴,唸出漂亮的母音~ 讓別人聽懂你是在說 feet 雙腳,還是 fit 健壯喔 ...

heard發音 在 Ann’s English ᵕ̈ 安的美語 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:19:38

#AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours? 翻譯是👇 「我可以睡在你家嗎?」 而不是我可以砸爛你家嗎😂 Crash這個字有好~多意思👀 但在介紹這個字之前 我更想大推這首歌‼️🤩😍 🎧🎧🎧 這首crashing大概是我最愛的歌之一了🥴 優美高級的詞彙跟隨性又自然的字句穿插...

  • heard發音 在 Ann's English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-15 00:28:26
    有 2 人按讚

    #AnnsINUSE Can I crash at yours?







    But it’s not ah~~


    根據Cambridge Dictionary

    🔸 動詞 (V.) 🔸

    1️⃣ 撞毀、撞車、墜毀、捏碎
    If a vehicle crashes or someone crashes it, it is involved in an accident, usually a serious one in which the vehicle is damaged and someone is hurt.

    ✏️ The plane crashed into the river.

    2️⃣ 因撞擊發出巨大聲響或破壞
    to hit something, often making a loud noise or causing damage

    ✏️ I can hear the waves crashing on the shore.
    ✏️ A dog came crashing through the bushes.

    If something such as a business crashes, it suddenly fails or becomes unsuccessful.

    ✏️ The crypto market crashed because of a meme posted by Elon Musk.

    If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating.

    ✏️ The whole system just crashed.

    to sleep at someone else's house for the night, especially when you have not planned it

    ✏️ They crashed on my floor after the party.

    6️⃣ 未經邀請擅自闖入派對
    to go to a party or other event without an invitation
    (未買票闖入其他場合:crash the gate)

    ✏️ We’re gonna crash the gate at the soccer game.

    🔸形容詞 (adj.)🔸

    7️⃣ 快速、短期、高強度的
    (Of a class) teaching you a lot of basic facts in a very short time with high intensity
    (短期衝刺訓練班:crash course)

    ✏️ You’ll learn a lot in this crash course.

    🔸名詞 (n.)🔸

    8️⃣ 車禍、事故、撞擊產生的聲響、破產、當機
    ✏️ a car crash
    ✏️ I heard a crash.
    ✏️ They lost a fortune in the crash.
    ✏️ a computer crash


    請不要吝嗇 #分享 給你的朋友喲 💛
    還要 #收藏 起來複習哦💛

    快到Instagram追蹤 @anns.english
    照著自己的步調 👣
    也一定要跟你的親朋好友分享喲 🤗
    🚪 IG傳送門 👉 https://www.instagram.com/anns.english/

    #安的美語 #線上英文 #英文家教 #學英文
    #英文學習 #英文片語 #英文俚語 #英文口說
    #英文教學 #英文會話 #英文筆記 #英文發音 #輕電音 #ILLENIUM

  • heard發音 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-02 20:31:24
    有 26 人按讚

    #吉娜單字教室 更新課程【explanation n. 解釋;說明】,非常實用的單字,雖然長了一點,但發音還不算困難,如果不熟練,要重複朗讀幾十遍,這樣發音才會順口。某個人要求給一個解釋,動詞搭配的是 demand (demand an explanation)

    n. 解釋;說明

    1. There's no explanation for the noises she heard. She thinks it was a ghost.

    2. When my parents caught me sneaking out of the house, they demanded an explanation. I didn't tell them the truth.

    3. What's going on with these numbers? They don't add up. I need an explanation.

    4. I didn't understand the math problem until I heard the teacher's explanation. Then it clicked for me.

  • heard發音 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-13 20:15:42
    有 22 人按讚


    01. 說重點。你說瑪莉已經失去聯絡一個星期了嗎?
    Get to the point! No one has heard from Mary in a week?

    02. 這雙新鞋子有點太緊。我的腳跟開始起水泡了
    These new shoes are a little too tight. I'm starting to get blisters on my heels.

    03. 我兒子撞壞了他朋友的車。他朋友要求我們賠償他。
    My son crashed his friend's car. The friend asked us to compensate him.





  • heard發音 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-30 21:00:19


    10/31 晚上 12 點前,加入賓狗的嘖嘖訂閱計畫
    讓別人聽懂你是在說 feet 雙腳,還是 fit 健壯喔

    · Bingo news podcast(全英文緩速錄製)
    · 高效率線上課程(口說、發音、寫作,不定期驚喜提供)



    1【scare me to death 嚇死我了】
    Never sneak up on me like that again. You scared me to death!

    sneak up 偷偷摸摸靠近

    2【scare me stiff 嚇到動彈不得】
    Horror movies are the worst! They scare me stiff.

    Stiff 僵硬的;硬邦邦的

    3【scare the hell out of me 嚇壞我了】
    Your costume scares the hell out of me.

    costume 扮裝
    Halloween costume

    4【make my blood run cold 背脊一陣涼】
    She heard someone knocking in the middle of the night. It made her blood run cold.

    make something 原形動詞

    5【My heart misses a beat 心跳漏了一拍】
    When I saw the blast, my heart misses a beat.

    blast 爆炸
    注意 es

    1 scare me to death
    2 scare me stiff
    3 scare the hell out of me
    4 make my blood run cold
    5 My heart misses a beat

  • heard發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-11 07:00:02

    Describe a piece of art you like.

    You should say:
    - what the work of art is
    - when you first saw it
    - what you know about it
    - and explain why you like it.

    示範片段 transcript:

    Hi, today I’m going to tell you about my favourite piece of art, my favourite art piece. It is actually a painting called Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. Vincent van Gogh is actually a Dutch painter. He is from the Netherlands. And Starry Night is a magnificent art piece. It is colourful and has a profound, melancholic vibe to it. I actually first saw the painting from a movie. That movie is called Loving Vincent. It is a biographical film about the painter himself. And it came out last year. I saw the painting and in the movie, the painting was moving. Someone animated it. I think the production team animated it. As a matter of fact, I even heard about the painting way before I first saw it. I think I first heard about it in a song called Don Mclean’s Vincent. It is a song called Vincent. And it’ s sung by a singer called Don Mclean. It’s a classic golden oldie. It’s a classic song. And I like this piece of art because it’s very colourful and it’s very distinctive. It has the painter’s signature style in it. I can really see the colours popping out. And it’s very multi-dimensional. When you see it you, you will remember it instantly and you feel dazzled by the colours. And what I know about it is that the painter definitely put his blood and sweat and toil [in]to it. He took a lot of effort and he made a lot of effort to make it memorable. He used a lot of artistic techniques to make the colours pop in a way that you will remember it. I like it because it’s also a classic piece. I think I once saw it in Holland, in the Netherlands, in one of the museums. It’s definitely made an impression on me. Thank you.

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  • heard發音 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-11-23 21:02:29

    New Music: Namewee ft.DJ KOO @TRF【Boy Meets Girl 2020 Remix】八零後哈日電音神曲改編

    Cool Japan TV Website: http://bit.ly/2znvZ6b
    Business Inquiries : info@cooljapantv.biz

    Cool Japan TV Facebook Page : http://bit.ly/2Nun0Zz
    Cool Japan TV YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/2pwbqP3
    Cool Japan TV Instagram : http://bit.ly/2I3jDCR

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: http://bit.ly/2pwaRop
    YouTube Channel Link: http://bit.ly/2Nzur1T

    “Tokyo Bon 2020” is a co-production with the largest influencer marketing company in Japan - Cool Japan TV. The Bon Odori dance is choreographed by the award winner Japanese traditional dancer - Ukon Takafuji.

    The song combines Japan traditional music elements with Asia pop, giving the song dynamic energy that has never been heard before. The song also potrayes the unique and cute sound of Japanglish, the friendship beyond the border, and the love for Japanese cultures.

    Bon Odori is a traditional Japanese dance that performed all over Japan with people holding hands together and dancing in a circle. The song contains a wish for world peace where people from different backgrounds hold hands together, and an invitation to the largest festival of peace - “Tokyo Olympics 2020”.

    ※ Any collaborations, event, business inquiries with Tokyo Bon, please contact info@cooljapantv.biz.


    「東京盆踊り2020」是一支與日本最大網紅媒體公司 - Cool Japan TV 共同製作的作品。盆舞舞蹈由國際知名的日本傳統舞踊家 - 孝藤右近編排。



    ※ 任何作品,活動,商務合作,請聯繫 info@cooljapantv.biz


    「Tokyo Bon 2020」は、Nameweeと日本最大級のインフルエンサーマーケティング企業「Cool Japan TV」の共同プロデュース作品です。盆踊りの振り付けは、世界的に活躍する創作日本舞踊家の孝藤右近が手掛けています。



    ※ Tokyo Bonとのコラボレーション、日本に関するイベント開催、日本に関するビジネス相談などについてのお問い合わせは、info@cooljapantv.biz までお問い合わせください。


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    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #TokyoBon

