

在 head職稱產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 #文末挑戰多益選擇題📝 蜜雪兒抨擊川普,美國總統他不配! 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 🔥Michelle Obama rips Trump as ‘wrong president for our country’ in DNC speec...

  • head職稱 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-02 06:00:02
    有 231 人按讚


    🔥Michelle Obama rips Trump as ‘wrong president for our country’ in DNC speech

    🤷‍Former first lady Michelle Obama blasted President Donald Trump in her speech to the Democratic National Convention on Monday, calling him unfit to run the country as she hailed Joe Biden’s character and readiness for the White House. Speaking via video, Obama called Trump “the wrong president for our country.” “He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head,” she said.
    前美國第一夫人蜜雪兒·歐巴馬(Michelle Obama)周一在民主黨全國代表大會(Democratic National Convention)發表演講時抨擊美國總統川普(Donald Trump),稱川普不適合治理這個國家,並對拜登(Joe Biden)的人品以及他為入主白宮做的準備大加稱讚。蜜雪兒·歐巴馬通過影片發表了演講,稱川普是「不適合我們國家的總統」。她說:「他已有足夠的時間來證明他能胜任這項工作,但顯然他並不合格。」
    - Former + (Job Title): 前任+(職稱)
    - Blasted: 大肆批評
    - Unfit: 不適任、不適合
    - Hailed: 稱讚
    - In over his head: 超出他的能力範圍

    📉 The former first lady was the evening’s keynote speaker, following an address by Sen. Bernie Sanders, who battled Biden in the Democratic primary. The convention was set against the backdrop of the coronavirus that has killed about 170,000 Americans and ravaged the U.S. economy, and came as the nation is struggling with a racial reckoning after the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in Minnesota earlier this year.
    蜜雪兒·歐巴馬是當晚的主旨演講人,此前與拜登在民主黨初選中角逐的參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)發表了演講。此次民主黨全國代表大會召開的背景不僅是新冠病毒大流行,同時美國還受到黑人喬治·佛洛伊德(George Floyd)之死引發的反對種族歧視抗議活動的困擾。新冠疫情已經在美國造成約17萬人死亡,並給美國經濟帶來了沈重打擊。今年早些時候,手無寸鐵的佛洛伊德在明尼蘇達州被毆打致死。
    - Address: 地址、此指演講
    - ...set against the backdrop of...: ...發生在...的時空背景下
    - Ravaged: 席捲、帶來沈重打擊
    - Reckoning: 覺醒

    😴 Trump earlier Monday slammed the former first lady, asking why she’d taped her speech to the convention. “You want to go to a snooze? You know, when you hear a speech is taped, it’s like there’s nothing very exciting about it, right?” he said in remarks to supporters in Minneapolis.
    - Slammed: 抨擊、狠批
    - Snooze: 打盹、犯睏


    Former first lady Michelle Obama _______ President Donald Trump in her speech to the Democratic National Convention on Monday, calling him_______ to run the country
    A. blamed/ perfect
    B. hailed/ unsure
    C. blasted/ unfit

    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
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  • head職稱 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-28 08:00:21
    有 246 人按讚

    矽谷電商公司徵才 迎擊Shopify

    大量客製化服飾電商公司Scalable Press (Shopify競爭對手)徵產品經理 工程師 設計師 行銷 人資 地點台灣&矽谷

    身在矽谷,每天都有很多獵頭來信,大部分是在矽谷的機會,但也有在紐約, 新加坡, 中國, 台灣等地的機會。各式各樣有趣的公司,但不見得都適合阿雅。以前我都直接略過,最近想說花點時間了解職缺,經過獵頭同意後,分享給大家,希望能幫助到比我更適合的你們!(所以我沒有在獵頭,可以請我幫忙看履歷,但不要再請我去career fair囉,哈哈)

    Scalable Press是家以印t-shirt起家的矽谷公司,創辦人當學生有天想印t-shirt,發現廠商們都又慢又爛又貴,決定開始設計科技,把印t-shirt這個領域透過科技大幅降低成本,不久就變成了產品的領頭羊,特別是在亞洲中小型賣家賣到美國市場的這塊,成為相當賺錢的新創,市佔率遠大於大名氣的競爭對手Teespring, Design by Human等。

    近年,他們擴張到電商領域,幫助中小型企業像Shopify一樣做電商,Shopify專注在美國中大型企業,Scalable Press則著重在東南雅台灣中小型企業,幫企業印製產品,也透過科技幫他們把產品賣到美國。招聘:

    Product Designer Taipei
    Software Engineer Taipei
    Sr. Product Manager Taipei (不在網站上,但有在招)
    Lead Product Manager Taipei (不在網站上,但有在招)
    Chief Operating Officer San Francisco
    Marketing and Support Manager San Francisco
    Head of Product San Francisco
    Technical Recruiter Taipei

    👉職缺說明 https://scalablepress.com/careers#open-positions
    👉有興趣可以直接寄英文履歷給公司人資(他不會看中文喔!)[email protected] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/attilioarmeni/)

    ❗️注意:產品經理product manager跟專案經理project manager不一樣!product manager管what; project manager管when。對,我知道台灣的產品經理都要兼著兩個做,但在美國中大型公司找工作,這是兩個完全不同的職位。說兩個都會又沒有很多年工作經驗,聽起來就是兩個都不太會。

    ✅ 產品經理的履歷關鍵字
    👍🏻職稱:Product Director, Product Manager, Product Owner, Product Specialist, Business Analyst
    👍🏻工作內容和流程:product vision, product strategy, persona, research, user journey, people problem, problem selection criteria, design thinking, design sprint, concept testing, product life cycle, product roadmap, feature development, solutions for people problem, solution selection criteria, feature prioritization, business case, hypothesis, minimum viable product (MVP), working with cross-functional teams including engineers/ UX and UI designers/analysts, agile, scrum, product development sprint, product requirements, jira, user story, acceptance criteria, goal, metrics, counter metrics, product analytics, a/b testing, growth hacking, go to market, product market fit
    ✅阿雅履歷範本借你用 https://bit.ly/2HYi9e5

    ❤️加入臉書「慌世代拓荒時代」,我會貼更多美國工作和免費講座訊息 https://www.facebook.com/groups/165581641033912/
    ❤️追蹤阿雅IG @AnyaCheng0908
    ❤️Linkeind上可以加阿雅 www.linkedin.com/in/anyacheng/
    ❤️履歷需要有人幫你看看 可以粉專私訊傳你的Linkedin連結給阿雅

  • head職稱 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-28 08:00:21
    有 246 人按讚

    矽谷電商公司徵才 迎擊Shopify

    大量客製化服飾電商公司Scalable Press (Shopify競爭對手)徵產品經理 工程師 設計師 行銷 人資 地點台灣&矽谷

    身在矽谷,每天都有很多獵頭來信,大部分是在矽谷的機會,但也有在紐約, 新加坡, 中國, 台灣等地的機會。各式各樣有趣的公司,但不見得都適合阿雅。以前我都直接略過,最近想說花點時間了解職缺,經過獵頭同意後,分享給大家,希望能幫助到比我更適合的你們!(所以我沒有在獵頭,可以請我幫忙看履歷,但不要再請我去career fair囉,哈哈)

    Scalable Press是家以印t-shirt起家的矽谷公司,創辦人當學生有天想印t-shirt,發現廠商們都又慢又爛又貴,決定開始設計科技,把印t-shirt這個領域透過科技大幅降低成本,不久就變成了產品的領頭羊,特別是在亞洲中小型賣家賣到美國市場的這塊,成為相當賺錢的新創,市佔率遠大於大名氣的競爭對手Teespring, Design by Human等。

    近年,他們擴張到電商領域,幫助中小型企業像Shopify一樣做電商,Shopify專注在美國中大型企業,Scalable Press則著重在東南雅台灣中小型企業,幫企業印製產品,也透過科技幫他們把產品賣到美國。招聘:

    Product Designer Taipei
    Software Engineer Taipei
    Sr. Product Manager Taipei (不在網站上,但有在招)
    Lead Product Manager Taipei (不在網站上,但有在招)
    Chief Operating Officer San Francisco
    Marketing and Support Manager San Francisco
    Head of Product San Francisco
    Technical Recruiter Taipei

    👉職缺說明 https://scalablepress.com/careers#open-positions
    👉有興趣可以直接寄英文履歷給公司人資(他不會看中文喔!)[email protected] (https://www.linkedin.com/in/attilioarmeni/)

    ❗️注意:產品經理product manager跟專案經理project manager不一樣!product manager管what; project manager管when。對,我知道台灣的產品經理都要兼著兩個做,但在美國中大型公司找工作,這是兩個完全不同的職位。說兩個都會又沒有很多年工作經驗,聽起來就是兩個都不太會。

    ✅ 產品經理的履歷關鍵字
    👍🏻職稱:Product Director, Product Manager, Product Owner, Product Specialist, Business Analyst
    👍🏻工作內容和流程:product vision, product strategy, persona, research, user journey, people problem, problem selection criteria, design thinking, design sprint, concept testing, product life cycle, product roadmap, feature development, solutions for people problem, solution selection criteria, feature prioritization, business case, hypothesis, minimum viable product (MVP), working with cross-functional teams including engineers/ UX and UI designers/analysts, agile, scrum, product development sprint, product requirements, jira, user story, acceptance criteria, goal, metrics, counter metrics, product analytics, a/b testing, growth hacking, go to market, product market fit
    ✅阿雅履歷範本借你用 https://bit.ly/2HYi9e5

    ❤️加入臉書「慌世代拓荒時代」,我會貼更多美國工作和免費講座訊息 https://www.facebook.com/groups/165581641033912/
    ❤️追蹤阿雅IG @AnyaCheng0908
    ❤️Linkeind上可以加阿雅 www.linkedin.com/in/anyacheng/
    ❤️履歷需要有人幫你看看 可以粉專私訊傳你的Linkedin連結給阿雅

