

在 haunted中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅汗語字典,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 第三間裡面那個人有四條腿,很可怕… 來說說你們的鬼故事… ----- #女廁第三間 #鬧鬼 #haunted ----- 感謝以下汗粉投稿! @p_yi_0725 ----- #汗語字典 | #自創語錄 | #搞笑語錄 #負能量 | #繁體字 | #搞笑 #中文 | #字典 | #笑話 #厭...

 同時也有108部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過261萬的網紅Kouki,也在其Youtube影片中提到,最終一季ㄉ史萊姆終於來啦,今天我們要在遠遠星球上來玩你沒看過的史萊姆牧場 !! ❤ 偶而更新影片!! 從今天起開始訂閱吧 !! ❤ ➔ http://bit.ly/Kouki 🔥 來看看【阿神】在使用的【實況裝備】有哪些超酷的東西:http://elgato.com/kouki 🔥 【影片製作團隊...

haunted中文 在 Barrel Leaf 桶子葉 by Nora Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-01-12 07:17:07

#EDrecovery⁠ #飲食失調復原 (中文下方)⁠ ⁠ I'm still taking in 2021.⁠ ⁠ I mean, I still not in the time zone of 2021, mentally. But I know that every day, every ...

haunted中文 在 吳軍 GRAYN Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-04 00:25:20

影集解讀/《鬼入侵 Haunting》 The writing✍️ is about the American TV series “Haunting”made by Netflix. . 最近對於論文太多關照,有點久沒動腦🤯寫些其他文字。花了兩天追完這部Netflix影集🎞,好久沒看到剪接幾近完美...

  • haunted中文 在 汗語字典 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-12 22:31:47
    有 157 人按讚


    #汗語字典 | #自創語錄 | #搞笑語錄
    #負能量 | #繁體字 | #搞笑
    #中文 | #字典 | #笑話
    #厭世 | #惡搞 | #爆笑
    #拼音 | #生活 | #語錄
    #HanyuDict #chinese #dictionary
    #funnyposts #funnychinese
    #instacomedy #funny #lols

  • haunted中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-08-30 20:51:06
    有 88 人按讚

    【NEW 文章分享】你們知道澳洲有許多地方鬧鬼嗎?👀位於塔斯馬尼亞的亞瑟港,是澳洲第二主要鬧鬼的地方! 👻

    在十八世紀時這裡是英國與愛爾蘭重刑犯的關押所。而在1996年時更發生了一項槍殺35名遊客的大屠殺😱 因此到目前為止共記錄過兩千多件靈異事件發生,數字並持續上升中😲

    不過白天這裡是座美麗的世界遺產喔😆 擁有超過三十多棟歷史性的建築,還多次贏得澳洲旅遊局的大獎🏆 所以怕鬼的你可不要因為知道亞瑟港的黑暗面而不敢拜訪😉

    這篇主要是介紹亞瑟港夜晚的 Ghost Tour👻 喜歡奇特景點的你千萬不要錯過唷😝

    Ps. 這邊中國遊客超多!到處都有中文指標跟導遊,不用怕英文不好了😆

    #澳洲 #塔斯馬尼亞 #黑暗景點

    Port Arthur has always been one of my favourite Historical sites 😆 Not for its cultural significance, but bcz it's the second most haunted places in Australia 💀

    Over 2000 sightings in the last two decades have been reported🙀 Of course we have to do the GHOST tour with York👻 Where this beautiful site transform into something completely different🙊

    The guide was so cruel😂 After she knew he's scared of ghosts, she asked him to knock on the door where the house was most haunted 😅 We even entered a room where the prison doctor used to dissect people...☠️

    All that aside, this site has over 30 historical buildings with extensive ruins😊 So even if you don't like ghosts, during the day it's still worth a visit😁

    There were bus loads of tourists since I last visited 7 years ago🚌 So better visit before it gets too crowded 🤐

    #tasmania #portarthur #winnystravelnot

  • haunted中文 在 杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-23 07:21:14
    有 30 人按讚

    今天下午和畫廊老闆討論很久,決定將自己此次畫展的主題改為《Éveil de sens / Awakening the sense》並將展期延長至6月11日,回家之後又改寫簡介和重新設計海報,搞到剛剛才弄好,筋疲力盡!

    《Awakening the senses》
    (17, rue Mazarine 75006 Paris)

    It’s an art exhibition of oil paintings on canvas depicting a variety of shades of living and still life arts.
    Graduated in Philosophy and Aesthetics, Jessica YU is an artist by soul. For her, painting is a spontaneous necessity and pleasure of life, and the way to keep a pictorial record of whatever she sees, hears and thinks… After seeing the Wong Kar-Wai’s film “In the mood for Love”, she is constantly “haunted” by a woman’s image that she has been trying to catch and keep on the canvas.
    This lively quest for the sublime has inspired her to treat artistically every subject, lively or inanimate, with a certain regard and respect, in order to awaken the senses.

