

在 hate文法產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 梧:話說在下見到寰雨膠事錄 國際新聞 Gaus.ee 台 膠總話留得喺FB開page嘅都係做善事,因為for profit都去晒Patreon嗰啲platform咁話⋯⋯在下唔否認,keep住呢個page都係同開善堂差唔多,得閒幫下大家提供笑料吹下水only。發財埋便,好行唔送⋯⋯ 屌,唔係啦,在...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅熊仔,也在其Youtube影片中提到,88BARS BABY TAKE THEM WAY BACK TO THE BASICS 📢 數位收聽 : https://kumachan.lnk.to/88BARS 🔔 訂閱頻道 : https://sonymusic.pse.is/KumaChan ///Song Lyrics I’m ...

hate文法 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 17:26:56

#職場英文wu就棒 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉我喜歡 除了「I like it.」還可以這樣說! 全英文面試,除了表達個人魅力,讓主管留下好印象之外 更重要的是 ✅善用換句話說,讓你的表達力更多元 不再只用同一招「I like...」闖天下! 今天 WOW編為大家整理出✨喜歡的 5 種不同用...

hate文法 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 17:18:55

「正規教育讓你得以生活,自我教育讓你富足。」 中秋連假,我們團隊三人 @kennydrunk @acupofteaenglish 其實陪伴家人之餘還有許多重要工作,其中一項便是大量閱讀各類書報雜誌,幫新的 #里茲螞蟻雅思課程 找優質的、有重點的、有鼓勵批判性思考的、不發散的的 extra rea...

hate文法 在 HC張皓宇 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-03 14:44:27

昨天聽完太爽了 還沒有伴奏只好開原唱 練習 好玩 等 @poeteknology 開一個 #88barschallenge 詞/曲 熊信寬 編曲 RGRY 歌詞 I’m never the same 還是一直變 yeah I changed the game 華語嘻哈圈 Ever since 無...

  • hate文法 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-05 11:25:42
    有 92 人按讚

    梧:話說在下見到寰雨膠事錄 國際新聞 Gaus.ee 台 膠總話留得喺FB開page嘅都係做善事,因為for profit都去晒Patreon嗰啲platform咁話⋯⋯在下唔否認,keep住呢個page都係同開善堂差唔多,得閒幫下大家提供笑料吹下水only。發財埋便,好行唔送⋯⋯

    屌,唔係啦,在下想講嘅其實係——FB algo已經開始連你個post痴條outside link都可以照斬你reach,呢個動作代表咩?FB係企圖將content留喺FB嘅平台裡面,呢一刻係主要想對付大媒體呢類content provider,一係科水買廣告,一係將多啲content放低喺度。

    先同大家分享吓在下呢幾日嘅實驗結果——使用台式po文法,reach同engagement真係高返一截,即係so far嘅observation都係FB algo對created content仲係留一手的;甚至對IG 內容都順攤啲(參考游大東嘅相片post)。

    根據呢個logic嘅話,其實好難唔發現,當FB嘅platform有足夠嘅provider留夠genuine content之後,佢就會開始玩(integrated)subscription platform⋯⋯Patreon都變得獨角獸,以FB嘅財力,一係高價買一個platform返黎,再唔係就自己整返個出黎打。先勿論得唔得,但係個business strategy似係會咁行。

    反FB嘅人會繼續hate FB壟斷,但係FB嘅最大優勢,始終都係一個有完整生態嘅integrated platforn。

    甚至諗遠一啲,佢可以幫content provider整private VIP groups,開始monetize WhatsApp。

  • hate文法 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-25 19:05:33
    有 153 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂BBC報導

    🎁 第二波抽書活動:
    底下👍點讚 + 🔗分享 + ✏留言

    🎊 第一波中獎學員: 蔡馥如

    📰 Why self-promotion doesn't have to be taboo?

    🀄 為什麼自我推銷不必忌諱?

    Many of us instinctively hate the idea of blowing our own trumpets. Yet it's important to understand how best to highlight our skills – especially now.

    📌 第一段說明,我們許多人instinctively(本能地)討厭blowing our trumpets (自我吹捧)。然而,在這時代,要了解如何顯示我們的才能是很重要的。

    The mere idea of self-promotion makes many people wince. Trumpet-blowing is something a lot of us aren’t good at and that’s no surprise, given we’re taught as children that ‘boasting’ isn’t an attractive quality. “We get hung up on self-promotion coming across as arrogant,” explains Stefanie Sword-Williams, author of F*ck Being Humble: Why Self Promotion Isn’t a Dirty Word. “But if you’re not an arrogant person, you won’t deliver it in that way.”

    📌 本段說明,自我推銷的想法使許多人wince (畏縮)。Trumpet-blowing (自我吹捧) 是我們很多人都不擅長的事,其實不奇怪。因為我們從小就被教導說 boasting (吹牛) 並不是一種吸引人的特質。 《X你的謙虛》作者威廉史瓦特就說:「為什麼 self-promotion (自我推銷) 不是一個不好的詞? 但是,如果您不是一個 arrogant (自大的)人,您不會讓人有那樣的感覺。」

    In fact, taking pride in your professional accomplishments should be considered a normal part of life, not a taboo, experts say. Highlighting your skills well can feed into workplace success, and whether you’re changing jobs, want to move up at work or show your boss what you’ve been achieving, being able to self-promote effectively is an advantage.

    📌 本段說明,專家表示,實際上,以自己的專業 accomplishments (成就) 為榮,應該被視為生活的正常部分,而不是taboo (禁忌)。出色地展示自己的技能可以促進工作場所的成功,無論您是要換工作,想升職還是向老闆展示您所取得的成就,能夠effectively (有效)自我推銷都是一個優勢。

    Right now, the need to ‘self-sell’ has arguably never been greater, as pandemic-hit businesses weigh up what they do – and don’t – need going forward. It’s particularly true for some groups; women, who traditionally struggle to promote themselves, have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 recession, for example. Home workers could also benefit; research shows that they suffer from a lack of face-to-face time with managers, which negatively impacts career progression.

    📌 這段說到:目前,可以說“自售” 的需求從未如此強大,因為受到疫情打擊的企業weigh up (權衡)了他們要做的事情和不需要做的事情。對於某些群體來說尤其如此;例如,傳統上為提升自我而 struggle (奮鬥)的女性尤其受到 Covid-19 衰退的影響。家庭工人也可以受益;研究表明,他們缺乏與經理面對面的時間,這會對職業發展產生負面影響。

    “If we don’t invest the time in demonstrating our value, we run the risk of not being considered as ‘needed’,” explains Sword-Williams. “The content you put out about yourself is what you will be known for – so it’s essential that you control that narrative.”

    📌 Sword-Williams 解釋說:“如果我們不花時間 demonstrate(證明) 自己的價值,那麼我們就有被認為不是'需要'的 risk (風險)。” “發布給自己的內容就是您將廣為人知的內容—因此,控制該 narrative (敘述)至關重要。”

    Post-pandemic, how we promote ourselves could help determine whether we thrive in the workplace or linger, overlooked, on the side lines. That means overcoming squeamishness and learning how to explain our skillset properly. Fortunately, it’s something we can all master.

    📌 疫情發生之後,我們如何推銷自己可以幫助確定我們在工作場所 thrive (茁壯成長),或是在職場上 linger (徘徊)被忽視。這意味著要克服 squeamishness (神經質),學習如何正確地解釋我們的技能。幸運的是,這是我們所有人都能掌握的東西。

    In its simplest form, self-promotion is the act of drawing attention to your work and achievements. Whether it’s a post shared on your LinkedIn, an email check-in with your boss or a conversation with an important contact, self-promotion shines a spotlight on your successes with a view to developing a personal brand, furthering a career or asserting yourself in your field. It’s a skill that’s as important for someone trying to get on the employment ladder as it is for a CEO.

    📌 在最簡單的形式中,自我推銷是一種引起對您的工作和成就的關注的行為。無論是在LinkedIn上分享貼文,與老闆的電子郵件,還是與重要聯繫人對話,自我推銷都將 spotlight (聚焦) 於您的成功,以發展個人品牌,促進事業或在自己領域建立聲譽。對於想get on the employment (升職)的人來說,這項技能與對於首席執行官的一樣重要。

    全文: https://reurl.cc/OX61jv

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  • hate文法 在 嗯嗯。莉莉嗯 Touch and Life Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-20 22:49:53
    有 240 人按讚

    今天買了肉桂捲很開心,然後5/6飛機又被華航取消了❤️❤️ 那就來點英文閱讀測驗吧
    About being an influencer/blogger/KOL/whatever you call
    As someone who’s being writing for 6 years and making profit from her own website, during this special time ( asa. jobless ) I finally got time to answer and talk a bit about my career to those people who are interested.

    “How can you be a blogger ?” “What makes you want to be a blogger ?” “Why people likes to read your articles instead of other bloggers?”

    So, 2014 is the year I started to write, I met 冰蹦拉 :: 美食旅行 in Microsoft as an intern. We were like Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in the movie, just I left her first and she brought me into this blogger’s world.

    At first, as a young creature who just graduated from uni. , who studied sociology(all you got is passion trust me lol super fucking innocent). I started my blog for the goal to “change the world”, “let the minority got seen by the majority”. “help people” I kept writing articles about NGOs, Exhibitions, Museums, Homeless, Social Issues and believing as long as I put efforts on them people will love my blog.

    After a few months, I realized one thing.
    People really don’t give a shit about these issues. hahahahaha.
    (You have to know Taiwan has changed a lot in the past 6 years. And I’m happy that is getting better and better.)

    So, I had to write about things people want to read to build up the basic page views and followers and so on. I had to write a lot about foods ( which I hated so much to take pictures between or before eating them) and I started to put pictures that have my face and body in my articles too. ( which I also hated a lot. ) I had to learn how to be a proper blogger and influencer and in the same time don’t lost my own personality during the time I’m “blooming”. I have sent so many emails to websites, medias that I like and want to cooperate with them. I have got rejected too. Finally, I made it. I started to receive emails instead of sending them. I started to be the one who can decide how much do I want to get from taking the cases.

    After you become a “proper blogger” I personally think this is the most important time.

    Because this is the time you really got the chance to “influence” people, to show people what do you think is right. To let people see what you initially want them to see, to affect their idea of traveling, living , reading. thinking.

    And this is the time I start to have my own personality back.
    And this is the time I start again to promoting things I care, things I think people should care.

    From one of the first blogger who’s writing a lot about “solo-traveling” to statistically speaking Taiwan has much more solo travelers in the past 2 years. I imagine I did make some change. From hundreds people who has sent me emails, messages and thank me that without my articles they were unable to have the courage to travel by themselves. I believe that even I’m just a nobody I still and am doing some changes and making influences.

    And this is the time I know I can’t not lost my own personality.
    Every single article I create represents ME.
    And this is the time I know I have to make choices.
    Every single opportunity I grab represents WHO I AM.

    In the past 2 years, social media has changed a lot. People got less patient about reading, people stop using Facebook. Instead, they fall in love with Instagram , Youtube, Live stream. and clients too. So I have rejected so many cases just because “I want to do the things I like and prefer. ” I don’t know how should I do videos since I don’t even watch them, I hate instagram so much due to its super superficial so I prob. just promote it once a year on my Fans page. No need to mention live stream. Have you seen me smile hahaha

    But yea, is challenging. When the whole world is changing, when everyone got e-books you can’t be the only one who’s still going to the libraries. ( True story btw, I’m damn old LOL )

    But yea, I have never wanted to be a part of “normal” group. I have never wanted to give up what I think is right to write instead of what I got more money from. I have never wanted to change my personality because people want me to do so.

    So I’m still fighting.
    So I’m still struggling.
    So I can still keep the job I love so much.
    So I can say I’m really happy to do it for living.

    6years has passed, hopefully I will have 6 years more.

  • hate文法 在 熊仔 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-26 20:00:04


    📢 數位收聽 : https://kumachan.lnk.to/88BARS
    🔔 訂閱頻道 : https://sonymusic.pse.is/KumaChan

    ///Song Lyrics
    I’m never the same
    yeah I changed the game 華語嘻哈圈 Ever since 無限
    小雨來的不是時候 還是多愁善感 bout下雨天
    但我爺爺小時候就教我 大頭大頭下雨不愁 now I just make it rain
    Flowing like 安卓三千 來自下個千禧年
    ATLien 先馳得點的先知
    I see the future like Mary with my 千里眼
    外加上顏值 到底老天是否太明顯的偏心
    one in a billion

    意思是either u love me or hate me when I drop them BARS
    你逼不得已 gotta listen (facts!)
    what's poppin I’m hopping on pop charts
    把餅畫大 圈粉帶回嘻哈圈
    剛唱完小巨蛋同一晚find me at 公館水管音樂moshing
    Bitch why u sobbing
    在那邊抱怨 說我太主流了 好了啦
    我隨便一個主流跨刀 都能讓你主打歌命喪我刀下
    說我太商業 不夠underground
    cus I’m on top man
    天天過年 每場當做在唱跨年 (早跟你說過了!)

    火大了 sending shots like 喝乾啦
    Flow hotter than哪吒的
    Got a whole lotta gold locked up in my vault
    gotta go harder than my role model 羅大佑
    Roll another 大的 yo
    Jedi Knight Sky walker
    My god
    叫我嗆金曲評審 太瞎了
    Why bother
    U already know know I’m higher brother
    My 思維 is out of control
    Out of this world さようなら
    This that 奧林匹亞等級高速運作

    花式比劃 honey 哩跨隆沒
    大師級畫作 灑脫潑墨

    bro你反應真假 你所謂的真 假得真假

    不經一事 不長一智
    但不好意思 我還是不可一世
    不合時宜 什麼意思
    i’m too good的意思
    KTV只能開原唱 看我獨秀的意思

    我一枝獨秀 又一直突破
    一絲不苟 flow 一滴不漏
    氣勢如虹 got them bitches all shook
    No hook shit got them bitches all hooked

    No new friends me & rgry
    Going stupid aw silly me
    Flow too sick 絡繹不絕 需要隔離衣
    lil loser on that PTT talking bullshit 我芙蓉出水
    當眾處決 遇到true MC 嚇到補血 需要康乃馨
    na mean
    Bully的bully我 不理解為何有這麼多的
    pussy網路裡面 自以為自己有多了不起
    看著那些初級班的 菜雞在那互啄
    看了一個下午feelin like a 公園裡的阿伯
    Kind of funny how u 為了你的五斗米能
    太多饒舌歌手 連八個八都落的七零八落
    killem all
    扳機一口 殺了八十八個BAR u can call this殺雞儆猴
    (88BARS baby take them way back to the basics
    I’m back from my hiatus)

    ///Song Credit
    OP:Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch

    ///MV Staff
    Creative Direction:NXWV

    Executive Producer : Jizo, Howl
    Director: Ai Chen
    Line Producer : Cindy H
    D.O.P : BORU
    First Assistant Camera : Yi Chun Lin
    Second Assistant Camera : Jyun Yu Dai

    Gaffer Leo Chen
    Electrician Xin Yuan Huang / Joa Ming Jo
    Editor: Ai Chen
    Colorist / VFX : BORU
    VFX Supervisor : Well Liu
    Digital Compostion : Chen Chiung Yu

    Stylist : Howl
    Hair Stylist : Jun
    Special Thanks : Xiu Wei Lin
    Make Up Artist : Fi Lin

    ///Follow 熊仔
    熊仔 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/poeteknology/
    熊仔 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/poeproduction/
    熊仔 Weibo : https://www.weibo.com/u/3919089509

    Sony Music Taiwan CPOP - 華語粉絲團
    Sony Music Taiwan CPOP - Instagram

    #熊仔 #88BARS #大嘻哈時代

  • hate文法 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-10 21:00:25

    你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。


    Podcast 連結
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn

    *horror 恐怖
    --I like horror movies.
    *entertainment 娛樂
    *comparison 比較
    *start off 開始
    --Let me start off by saying how much I hate you.
    *brilliant 很厲害
    --Jack is a brilliant scientist.
    *confirm 確認
    --I need to confirm my schedule.
    *kind 種類
    --What kind of music do you like?
    *horrendous: terrible, very bad
    --He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals.
    *finals 期末考
    *intolerant 不寬容
    *tolerant 寬容
    *sexist 性別歧視
    *racist 種族歧視

    標題:Do you have a college roommate horror story?
    I would like to hear your stories about terrible college roommates, if not for entertainment, at least for comparison. I'll start off. I go to a school where the students are a bit weirder than the rest of the country, and my roommate is considered weird, so that should give you an idea. As best I can describe, he was like a child, in a child's body, but with the age of someone in college. Don't get me wrong, the kid is brilliant… but he was terrible at life. I'll start the description in the way that I got to know him. He scratched, a LOT, noisily and mainly his face. He talked to himself, and not the “confirming things I need to do” kind of talk to himself, the Gollum to Sméagol talk to himself. He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. He was incredibly intolerant, as well as sexist. So if you have some good stories, share them!

    *歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
    #英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

  • hate文法 在 コペル英会話 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-11-02 09:00:00





