

在 handcrafted月餅產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,333的網紅Dairy & Cream,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Interesting and pretty handcrafted pastries from Taichung-originated 陳允寶泉 which has been creating pastries since 1908. (Left) 小月餅 - encased within t...


handcrafted月餅 在 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 12:00:46

你又有多久没有和你想念的人见面了呢?😔 趁着中秋佳節的到来,不如把这一份思念换另一种方式送给他们吧!精美独特包装 + 100% 纯手工制作的大港茶楼月餅, 儀式感滿滿💖 Swipe ◀️ for more pictures and videos!! 📸       Grand Harbour moo...

  • handcrafted月餅 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-06 09:53:44
    有 3 人按讚

    Interesting and pretty handcrafted pastries from Taichung-originated 陳允寶泉 which has been creating pastries since 1908.

    (Left) 小月餅 - encased within this round buttery pastry is a crumbly milk scented filling. Loved this very much as it tastes like eating a milk tau sar piah

    (Right) 桃山香柚 - a Japanese inspired wagashi of yuzu infused bean paste. Perfect for pairing with tea.

    #singapore #taiwan #desserts #igersjp #yummy #love #sgfood #foodporn #igsg #ケーキ #instafood #gourmet #beautifulcuisines #onthetable #bonappetit #cafe #cake #f52grams #bake #sgcakes #スイーツ #cakes #feedfeed #pastry #sgcafe #cake #mooncakes #stayhomesg #月餅 #陳允寶泉

  • handcrafted月餅 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-15 11:02:41
    有 24 人按讚

    The MUST HAVE Mooncake every year! Love the totally environmental friendly BOMBSHELL Lotus Luna Bomb!! 😍🌕Show your love to the planet and make a wish to the moon this mid-autumn by gifting your loved ones the Lotus Luna Bomb - the perfect gourmet sustainably, elegantly & lavishly handcrafted into the shape of the luna. Unveil the hidden moon gems at the bottom of the magic box for 8 pcs of your all-time favorite Mini Egg Custard Mooncakes by Cuisine Cuisine to make this moon festival one to be remembered for you and your family!

    Conjure up the festive miracle handcrafted with an abundance of eco-friendly considerations at heart with an early bird offer of $980 (original price at $1,188) from now till August 31, 2020; special bonus offer at $888 for purchase of 10 boxes or above now:

    Terms and Conditions:
    - Redemption service is available upon presentation of the Lotus Luna Bomb (花好月圓)
    voucher from September 14 to October 1 at CoCo @ The Mira Hong Kong
    - Flor de Luna Bomb (花好月圓) is subject to first-come-first-served basis.
    - Enquiry hotline 6388 9758

    Lotus Luna Bomb (花好月圓)
    中秋佳節,愛地球,頌圓月! 為摯親傾心呈獻花好月圓(Lotus Luna Bomb)- 以造型優雅、細緻動人的全人手藝術美點送上佳節滋味!
    魔法寶盒以環保物料匠心巧製而成,並以國金軒奶皇月餅為您表達埋藏在心的親情!讓矜貴美味為您與摯親 引發全城傾心的節日驚喜!

    施展中秋魔法,珍惜地球資源!立即以早鳥優惠價$980(原價$1,188) 預訂花好月圓(Lotus Luna Bomb)!優惠價至2020年8月31日。選購十盒或以上,更可尊享甜蜜驚喜優惠價$888: http://bit.ly/OrderFestiveBomb

    - 憑禮券可於2020年9月14日至10月1日到COCO @ The Mira Hong Kong
    換領花好月圓(Lotus Luna Bomb)
    - 數量有限,售完即止
    - 查詢請電6388 9758

    @bombshell_hkg @themirahotel #bombshellhk #couturierconfectionary #onlineshop #3dcake #themirahk #bombshellcake #mooncake #foodporn #hkfoodstagram #foodie #foodiehk #hkfoodie #hkfoodporn #hkfood #foodhk #foodstagram #foodpic #foodlover #MUSTHAVE #cuisinecuisine #midautumn #moonfest #中秋節 #中秋節快樂 #midautumnfestival #moonfestival #happymidautumnfestival @ The Mira Hong Kong

  • handcrafted月餅 在 Foodsearchers Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-17 20:57:33
    有 4 人按讚

    🆕✨第二擊 の #月餅foodsearchers
    1⃣ @conradhkhotel X @papinee
    2⃣ 奇華餅家
    迷你姆明奶皇月餅禮盒 $165/盒
    十五年陳皮貢餅 $288/8個
    西瓜月餅 紅桑子芝士/奶黃 $168/4個
    水晶月底層有荔枝肉 ,口感似大菜糕/蒟蒻,水中有花嘅設計夠style,但稍嫌太貴💸
    4⃣Valarie Pastry
    迷你宇治抹茶月餅禮盒 $118/4件
    雙黃白蓮蓉 $191/4個
    奶皇月餅 $160/8個
    大家樂嘅月餅,可能大家會窒一窒😰味道比想像中好喎,奶黃嘅蛋黃味重d較重,首飾盒型嘅月餅盒都design得幾文青🐇🎋 @ Hong Kong

  • handcrafted月餅 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • handcrafted月餅 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • handcrafted月餅 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

