
為什麼這篇halo歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在halo歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者bearhwa (文字暴露狂)看板Beyonce標題[歌詞] Halo中譯 時間Sat Nov ...

好像有點lag 不過還是想跟大家分享


Remember those walls I built 猶記我昔日所築心牆
Well, baby they're tumbling down 如今磚石皆傾頹一地
And they didn't even put up a fight 坍塌時不費吹灰之力
They didn't even make up a sound 更毫無任何抵抗異議

I found a way to let you in 直到我對你敞開心防
But I never really had a doubt 心中反倒異常的踏實
Standing in the light of your halo 沐浴在你的光暈之下
I got my angel now 發現了我的守護天使

It's like I've been awakened 如同內心深處的覺醒
Every rule I had you breakin' 所有戒律都為你解開
It's the risk that I'm takin' 即使這次是以身犯險
I ain't never gonna shut you out 也絕不將你拒於門外

Everywhere I'm looking now 如今我不再矇蔽雙眼
I'm surrounded by your embrace 為你的擁抱深深屈服
Baby I can see your halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈
You know you're my saving grace 你明白你是我的救贖

You're everything I need and more 你是我所渴求的一切
It's written all over your face 你的面容已道盡萬言
Baby I can feel your halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
Pray it won't fade away 但願它永遠不會湮滅

I can feel your halo halo halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
I can see your halo halo halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈
I can feel your halo halo halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
I can see your halo halo halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈

Hit me like a ray of sun 如同陽光般照耀著我
Burning through my darkest night 燃亮我最幽暗的角落
You're the only one that I want 你是我一生唯一所求
Think I'm addicted to your light 在你的光芒沈醉忘我

I swore I'd never fall again 我曾經立誓不再身陷
But this don't even feel like falling 這次卻絕非墮落體驗
Gravity can't forget 重力喚醒了我的迷戀
To pull me back to the ground again 將我再次拉回到地面

Feels like I've been awakened 如同內心深處的覺醒
Every rule I had you breakin' 所有戒律都為你解開
The risk that I'm takin' 即使這次是以身犯險
I'm never gonna shut you out 也絕不將你拒於門外

Everywhere I'm looking now 如今我不再矇蔽雙眼
I'm surrounded by your embrace 被你的擁抱深深屈服
Baby I can see your halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈
You know you're my saving grace 你明白你是我的救贖

You're everything I need and more 你是我所渴求的一切
It's written all over your face 你的面容已道盡萬言
Baby I can feel your halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
Pray it won't fade away 但願它永遠不會湮滅

I can feel your halo halo halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
I can see your halo halo halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈
I can feel your halo halo halo 我感到你溫煦的光暈
I can see your halo halo halo 我看見你閃耀的光暈

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
joyride:感謝~ 11/21 11:19
jj72283531:超強~ 字數都一樣 11/22 00:10

