

在 guru上師產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,097的網紅Ken's Yoga Life 阿肯師的瑜伽隨記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Guru 我指的老師,梵文也稱為 guru (上師)。gu- 是黑暗,而-ru是照亮。也就是說一位好的上師或老師,最多也只是從黑暗帶著我們醒覺。 這樣子解釋,其實一體是最好的 guru,而 guru 從來沒有離開我們內心。所以,我過去才會說最好的 guru 是內在的老師 (inner gu...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,480的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【真佛密法的實證】(English version below) 1999年農曆八月十五早上七點,我皈依了聖尊蓮生活佛。今天是我的二十歲生日。 回顧這些自己在,時光的洪流中,隨着業力掙扎蛻變的照片,由衷的感恩,吾之根本傳承上師,聖尊蓮生活佛,大慈大悲的救渡,讓吾在這一世,還能聽聞甚深的佛法,且還...

guru上師 在 Jun Lee Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 18:19:28

#瑜珈是什麼? 這是我師資培訓裡,給學生的第一課。 教了瑜珈這8年,不管是從瑜珈練習者的角度,或是從瑜珈教學的角度來探討這個問題,到現在我都覺得很有趣。 以肢體鍛煉的角度來看,從古典瑜珈到現代瑜珈,瑜珈體式已經融合了很多不同的原素。從技巧上,到解剖學上,體式變化都顯得越來越複雜,輔具越來越花俏...

guru上師 在 許瞳 Hitomi Xu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 18:24:23

- 「本月書單:Being」 打開帳號發現已經一個月沒有更新貼文了,四月忙碌各種未來規劃,話說的少了、寫給自己的多了,忙歸忙,這個月讀的幾本書卻分外深刻。 其中紀伯倫的《先知》這本書(因出借不在照片中)深深穩定了我在春日的步伐。一位即將遠行的高人透過先知之口,分享了他對世間自由、愛、生命、智...

guru上師 在 Hao Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:52:37

因為寫下來是一種出口 我跟「寫」存在很不健康的關係 越惡化越依賴 一旦幸福難免就想疏遠它 「沒有問題的話不要叫我吃藥」 寫有多種用途 對我的出發它剛好是 深刻的雙面刃 瑜珈也是 我跟人事物虐戀, 被我歸類到「一般」或「普及」的事 就竭盡降低其上的專注 以便在極端珍視的那面傾注我的全部 有時被問...

  • guru上師 在 Ken's Yoga Life 阿肯師的瑜伽隨記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-20 12:56:04
    有 6 人按讚


    我指的老師,梵文也稱為 guru (上師)。gu- 是黑暗,而-ru是照亮。也就是說一位好的上師或老師,最多也只是從黑暗帶著我們醒覺。

    這樣子解釋,其實一體是最好的 guru,而 guru 從來沒有離開我們內心。所以,我過去才會說最好的 guru 是內在的老師 (inner guru)──「心」,本身就是我們的老師。


    《落在地球》 http://bit.ly/2xXu9sW

  • guru上師 在 楊定一博士.全部生命系列 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-10-10 08:00:00
    有 1,279 人按讚

    我指的老師,梵文也稱為 guru (上師)。gu- 是黑暗,而-ru是照亮。也就是說一位好的上師或老師,最多也只是從黑暗帶著我們醒覺。

    這樣子解釋,其實一體是最好的 guru,而 guru 從來沒有離開我們內心。所以,我過去才會說最好的 guru 是內在的老師 (inner guru)──「心」,本身就是我們的老師。


    《落在地球》 http://bit.ly/2xXu9sW

  • guru上師 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-09-13 07:59:35

    【真佛密法的實證】(English version below)






    On the 15th day of the 8th Lunar Month, at 7am, I took refuge in His Holiness Living Buddha. Today is my 20th birthday.

    As I reminisced over these photographs, and witnessed my karmic metamorphosis over the passage of time, I am deeply grateful to my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, for His greatly compassionate salvation, such that in this lifetime of mine, I can hear the profound Dharma and study and practice a complete tantric Dharma practice. This is truly great grace from the Buddha!

    He also enlightens me on the inconceivables in the Buddhist sutras. In His Dharma propagation, He had taught me what is compassion, courage and diligence and what it means to cultivate Bodhicitta for long. He also showed me how to walk the Path of Transformation from a mortal to a sage. He imparts Dharma wisdom on how to end the continuous deluge of mortal desires, and advance on the path to Enlightenment in sequence, gain autonomy in birth and death and returning to Source.

    In order to repay the Buddha’s Grace, I am most willing to disclose my ugly self of the past and be the living proof that the True Buddha Tantric Practices thoroughly transformed me, from turbidity to purity, giving me salvation from the suffering Sea of Life and Death. A thorough liberation, a return to Source.

  • guru上師 在 五哥頻道 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-02 11:39:23

    ? 五哥上左Youtuber GO好後悔?! https://youtu.be/YgVinPvvnTY

    ?陰謀系列 - http://bit.ly/2RW8oVd



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  • guru上師 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2015-06-25 07:38:46


    除了感動以外,還萬分讚嘆根本上師的功力已經到了爐火純青的地步。吾辛苦地出國去求法,就是為了能夠好。不只是要自己好,還希望有更大的能力幫助有緣衆生和吾一樣地好。 妳你的命再好,也只不過是一刹那的好而已,沒有學佛沒有用,因爲妳你還有業障還沒消。要永恒地好,必須要學佛。


    祝 蓮生活佛 佛体安康。

    The first 2 weekends this month saw me jetting off to Taiwan and participating in two puja ceremonies. It was extremely moving to be able to make these two pilgrimage trips as I got to witness the august power of my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, that drew thousands of followers from all over the world. He transmitted numerous Tantric Dharma, leading to its propagation on an unprecedented scale. Only a true Buddha will have such a wide wielding appeal to sentient beings.

    Being deeply touched aside, I am truly in awe and praise of my Root Guru for having such esteemed Dharma prowess at its peak. I made so much effort to go abroad to pursue the Dharma so that I can have eternal blessings. Not just for myself but to have greater ability to help all sentient beings I have affinity with. Regardless of how blessed your current lives might be, they are but only fleeting moments. It is futile if you do not follow the Dharma as your negative karma has not been cleansed and is just waiting to happen. To be eternally blessed, you need to practice the Dharma.

    Learning the Dharma means learning the wisdom of the Buddha and to use this Wisdom to differentiate the right from the wrong and thus walk on the correct path in life. Learning the Dharma is not going to transform you into a cold heartless person. In fact, once you have a good understanding of it, you must express your gratitude and bring salvation to your family, for they are sentient beings too.



    Master Dai Hu is a Buddhist practitioner and a geomancer with 15 years of experience.

    WEBSITE: http://www.masterdaihu.com
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/masterdaihu
    INSTAGRAM : http://www.instagram.com/masterdaihu