

在 guard用法產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅翻譯這檔事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這種逗號不如餵給熊貓吃掉吧! 范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,640的網紅Roller Katherine,也在其Youtube影片中提到,雖然係花式滾軸溜冰嘅代表,但同樣係花式滑冰教練嘅我今次影片同大家分享一下 1.我溜冰嘅器材之外,重有~ 2.解答大家對冰刀鋒利度嘅迷思! 3.重會講解溜冰基本物理原理 4.同埋教大家刀套嘅用法 5.最後重有講要點樣用刀套去保養溜冰鞋! 希望我嘅分享可以幫助到大家啦! Though I am an A...

guard用法 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:44:29

⠀ 本題考搭配詞用法,依前後文意,答案選(A)。⠀ ⠀ (A)⠀ at fault⠀ 有過錯;有責任⠀ be at fault⠀ be in the wrong⠀ be to blame⠀ ⠀ -find fault with sb./sth.⠀ 找...的錯處;挑...的毛病⠀ e.g.⠀ He...

guard用法 在 Toh Karen Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-21 13:37:13

#我爱我精油生活 很多人都以为精油是一个🧪化学调味芳香剂 🙅🏼‍♀️其实你错❌了 #你是否以为精油只是一个芳香物质 #你是否知道精油其实是一种西方草药🌿 #你是否知道精油可以帮助你调理身体 东方人利用🌿草药和药膳去达到养生功能并把草药🌿主治、配方、用法、禁忌等内容记载到“本草纲目” 西方人也...

  • guard用法 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-31 14:58:15
    有 336 人按讚


    范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:臉書)提供批改范瑋琪英文的範例,造成大轟動,雖然轟動的背後難免有政治立場煽風點火,但就學習語言來說,仍也是極佳的學習範例。祝這個抓緊時事脈動的英文改寫和翻譯服務事業蒸蒸日上。不過,有一個英文寫作規則必須指出。最後一句的改寫:

    She who talks much, errs much.



    一、Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (1989) 262頁

    Comma between subject and predicate.

    It is no longer cricket 〔按:n. 正人君子之舉;合度的行為〕 to separate the subject and predicate with punctuation. “How,” asks Simon 1980 rhetorically, “can one possibly separate the subject... from the predicate ... by a comma?” The comma between subject and predicate is an old convention that has fallen into disuse and disfavor. It was common in the 18th century:

    What Methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe —Jonathan Swift, “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue,” 1712

    The words for all that, seem too low —Murray 1795

    The first thing to be studied here, is grammatical propriety —Murray 1795

    This comma is now universally frowned on and tends to be found only as a vice of comic-strip writers, advertisers, and others who are not on their guard. You should avoid the practice.

    二、The Sense of Styles, Steven Pinker (有中譯本《寫作風格的意識》)

    Still, a few common errors are so uncontroversial—the run-on sentence, the comma splice, the grocer's apostrophe, the comma between subject and predicate, the possessive it's—that they have become tantamount to the confession “I am illiterate,” and no writer should be caught making them. As I mentioned, the problem with these errors is not that they betray an absence of logical thinking but that they betray a history of inattention to the printed page. In the hope that an ability to distinguish the logical and illogical features of punctuation may help a reader master both, I'll say a few words about the design of the system, highlighting the major bugs that have been locked into it.

    可是,有幾個常見錯誤不那麼具爭議性,像連寫句(兩個主句間沒有連接詞或誤用標點)、用逗號連接兩個完整句子、複數名詞誤加撇號、主詞和述語之間誤加逗號,以及屬格誤加撇號(例如it’s〔它的〕),假如連這些都用錯了,恐怕就稱不上是個讀書識字的人,任何作者不容許在這裡犯錯。像我曾說的,犯上這種錯誤,問題不在於欠缺邏輯思考,而是對書面文字的歷史漠不關心。我期望能把標點的邏輯與非邏輯元素分開,讓讀者兩者都能掌握;我會談一下標點系統的設計,指出隱藏在系統中的一些缺失。 (江先聲譯)

  • guard用法 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-31 14:58:15
    有 335 人按讚


    范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:臉書)提供批改范瑋琪英文的範例,造成大轟動,雖然轟動的背後難免有政治立場煽風點火,但就學習語言來說,仍也是極佳的學習範例。祝這個抓緊時事脈動的英文改寫和翻譯服務事業蒸蒸日上。不過,有一個英文寫作規則必須指出。最後一句的改寫:

    She who talks much, errs much.



    一、Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (1989) 262頁

    Comma between subject and predicate.

    It is no longer cricket 〔按:n. 正人君子之舉;合度的行為〕 to separate the subject and predicate with punctuation. “How,” asks Simon 1980 rhetorically, “can one possibly separate the subject... from the predicate ... by a comma?” The comma between subject and predicate is an old convention that has fallen into disuse and disfavor. It was common in the 18th century:

    What Methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe —Jonathan Swift, “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue,” 1712

    The words for all that, seem too low —Murray 1795

    The first thing to be studied here, is grammatical propriety —Murray 1795

    This comma is now universally frowned on and tends to be found only as a vice of comic-strip writers, advertisers, and others who are not on their guard. You should avoid the practice.

    二、The Sense of Styles, Steven Pinker (有中譯本《寫作風格的意識》)

    Still, a few common errors are so uncontroversial—the run-on sentence, the comma splice, the grocer's apostrophe, the comma between subject and predicate, the possessive it's—that they have become tantamount to the confession “I am illiterate,” and no writer should be caught making them. As I mentioned, the problem with these errors is not that they betray an absence of logical thinking but that they betray a history of inattention to the printed page. In the hope that an ability to distinguish the logical and illogical features of punctuation may help a reader master both, I'll say a few words about the design of the system, highlighting the major bugs that have been locked into it.

    可是,有幾個常見錯誤不那麼具爭議性,像連寫句(兩個主句間沒有連接詞或誤用標點)、用逗號連接兩個完整句子、複數名詞誤加撇號、主詞和述語之間誤加逗號,以及屬格誤加撇號(例如it’s〔它的〕),假如連這些都用錯了,恐怕就稱不上是個讀書識字的人,任何作者不容許在這裡犯錯。像我曾說的,犯上這種錯誤,問題不在於欠缺邏輯思考,而是對書面文字的歷史漠不關心。我期望能把標點的邏輯與非邏輯元素分開,讓讀者兩者都能掌握;我會談一下標點系統的設計,指出隱藏在系統中的一些缺失。 (江先聲譯)

  • guard用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-04-16 14:42:29
    有 58 人按讚

    motif 一字,讀 mo-teef ,跟 motive 動機的意思不完全一樣,多指衣服飾物設計中重複出現的圖案、標誌。市面上常常見到國際時裝品牌不就把自己的註冊 logo,用於產品之上,之謂 iconic motif 。
    兩套語文之間,常常會互相借用詞彙,香港人喜中英夾雜,會隨口說:這個 catalogue(目錄)要 update 一下。不說目錄而講 catalogue,確實也因為大多數人會選擇日常用這個英文字。而 update,要用中文道來就更麻煩了,有說可講「更新」,但又不完全等於 renew 呀。

    Update 主要是指時間上的更新,一個情況是:新的與舊的一套完全一樣,純粹 update 一下。




    Haute couture 讀 oh’t ku’tur ,解 high fashion,高級時裝。
    - He is a master designer of haute couture. 他是高檔時裝的一個大師級設計師。


    - Wine is in danger of suffering the same fate as haute couture : facing a fast-shrinking number of consumers. 酒業的前景,恐怕跟高檔時裝一樣:面對急速縮小的顧客人數。
    Couture 本身指 sewing 縫紉、dressmaking 做衣服。常常有人誤會 couture 即是英文的 culture 文化;也有人淨係把 couture 套用去其他貴價奢華物事,其實都是錯的。

    網上有這麼一句批評:Ignorant Americans mixed this up and now they use "couture" to refer to high end or luxury things. So next time you walk past a bakery offering "bagel couture", feel free to call them idiots, unless they actually sew their bagels. 有無知的美國人搞亂了意思。他們現在把 couture 用於代表高檔奢侈的產品。於是下一次你行經一間自稱賣「高級麵包圈」的餅店,你絕對可以叫他們做傻瓜 — 除非他們真的是用針線縫紉他們的麵包圈。

    往往跟時裝設計聯繫起來的另一個法文詞語,是avant-garde 前衞,讀 ah-von-guard。有說,avant-garde 源自本身也是法文的 vanguard,指在最前線的戰士。

    Avant-garde 指藝術音樂以及文學中的原創而帶實驗性質的意念。同義詞有 trendy 潮流的、innovative 創新的、pioneering 開荒的、revolutionary 革命性的、futuristic 未來的、ahead of the times 走在時代前頭。

    看到這許多同義詞,對 avant-garde 都有個大概的念頭了吧。用做形容詞:

    - When the designer introduced his avant-garde fashion line, he shocked quite a few old-school critics. 當設計師推出他的前衞時裝系列之際,令一些傳統的評論人老大嚇了一跳。

    - He was an enthusiast for the avant-garde. 他是前衛藝術的擁護者。

    也有 motif 一字,讀 mo-teef ,跟 motive 動機的意思不完全一樣,多指衣服飾物設計中重複出現的圖案、標誌。市面上常常見到國際時裝品牌不就把自己的註冊 logo,用於產品之上,之謂 iconic motif 。

    - She was wearing a black shirt with a colourful tulip motif. 她穿着一件黑色、有許多彩色鬱金香圖案的襯衫。

    Motif 自然也可以用於其他創作,包括文學:

    - The room is one of the recurring motifs in the playwright’s work. 房間是這個劇作家作品中的一個主題意境。

  • guard用法 在 Roller Katherine Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-04 13:47:18

    Though I am an Artistic Roller Skating Representative, but I am also a figure skating coach on ice. This time I am going to share with you:
    1. My skating equipments
    2. Explain the myth on the sharpness on skating blade
    3. Explaining the basic physic on skating with blade
    4. Teach the difference of using hard and soft guards
    5. At last, to share the way to maintenance the skates
    Hope my sharing can help you a bit!

  • guard用法 在 浣熊哥! Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-10-01 17:14:26

    (1)潛行狙擊手URx1(Snipe Hunter):第9小包。
    (2)太古的白石URx2(The White Stone of Ancients):第19小包。
    (3)栗子小球URx2(Sphere Kuriboh):第1大包
    (4)白靈龍SRx2(Dragon Spirit of White):海馬瀨人套牌。
    (5)曙光的騎士SRx1(Dawn Knight):第9小包。
    (6)傳說的白石SRx1(The White Stone of Legend):第15大包。
    (7)青之眼的守護人Rx3(Guard with Eyes of Blue):第15大包。
    (8)青眼白龍URx3(Blue-Eyes White Dragon):海馬瀨人掉卡。
    (9)巨龍振翅SRx3(A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon):海馬瀨人掉卡。
    (10)敵人控制器SRx2(Enemy Controller):海馬瀨人掉卡。
    (11)賓果機器GO!GO!Rx1(Bingo Machine GO! GO!):海馬瀨人套牌。
    (12)幻層的守護者阿爾瑪迪斯URx2(Armades, Keeper of Boundaries):第16小包。
    (13)蒼眼銀龍SRx2(Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon):第15大包。
    (15)青眼亞百龍URx1(Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon):技能


