

  • gta5解封epic 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-29 17:02:54

    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/jonstyle ▬▬▬▬
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    ✦ GTA5 各種汽車 https://goo.gl/6ocWXd
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    ✦ GTA5 各種模組: https://goo.gl/mD1vHj
    ✦ GTA5 殭屍模組 https://goo.gl/gef2km
    ✦ GTA5 陰屍路 https://goo.gl/HRcsdH
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    😺 想知道更多資訊,請至下方連結留言給我吧
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    === 歡迎分享影片與推廣,謝謝大家! ===

  • gta5解封epic 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-27 09:30:00

    Hello 我是將將,喜歡記錄實況,分享VLOG和遊戲直播。
    👍👍👍 快來追蹤我的粉絲團吧! https://www.facebook.com/ejonstyle/
    ✦ ✦ 歡迎後製我的影片,請註明出處唷。✦ ✦

    全聯封面出處是SkyBlueAoi https://goo.gl/uH2g28

    ✦ 常見問題Q&A:https://goo.gl/Ky7YH3
    ✦ FB專頁:https://goo.gl/ybe5i0

    ✦ PSN: jonstyle69 (PC玩家無法連線)
    ✦ 鬥陣PC版 chenhsichun66@gmail.com
    ✦ RC 27615464 下次辦活動可以一起來玩! (新會員請先注意看公告唷!)

    ►聊天規則 Chat Rules
    1.不要種族歧視 No racism
    2.請尊重每個人Respect everyone
    3.不要來拉人No Soliciting
    4.不要宣傳您的廣告 Do not advertise your stream

    ►More Videos 更多影片
    ✦ GTA5 歡樂時光: https://goo.gl/V0aFUl
    ✦ 神奇寶貝 TRETTA: https://goo.gl/8iwPaB

    ►background music :)!
    ✖ Vexento • https://goo.gl/ON3vRl
    ✖ NCS • https://goo.gl/j9CcyN
    ✖ Epidemic Sound • https://goo.gl/9G3DXa

  • gta5解封epic 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-07-14 10:22:31

    IMPOSSIBLE RACES WITH THE FASTEST CAR IN THE WORLD! In today's GTA 5 funny moments video we play some GTA 5 custom jobs! If you want to see more of us then make sure to subscribe!

    Hope you enjoyed this video!
    Thanks guys and have an awesome day, Check out more of my GTA 5 & GTA 5 Online videos! I do a variety of GTA V tips and tricks, as well as funny moments and information content all revolving around the world of Grand Theft Auto 5: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc


    ✦ Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/bunbunjon
    ✦ Donate贊助: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/j...
    ✦ Website網站: http://www.jonstyle.com/
    ✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonstyle68
    ✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69

    More Videos 更多影片:
    ❤ Uncharted 4 : https://goo.gl/FHsHlw
    ❤ Uncharted 4 Treasures: https://goo.gl/kI5VaR
    ❤ DQB: https://goo.gl/ip4weW
    ❤ 火影忍者疾風傳 終極風暴4: https://goo.gl/SIFUV1
    ❤ The Division | 全境封鎖: https://goo.gl/se0x3z
    ❤ COC | 部落衝突: https://goo.gl/F5NGfC
    ❤ GTA5 Funny moments: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc

    如果你喜歡我的影片 ❤請訂閱❤ 是支持我最大動力!

