[爆卦]gta v invasion mod是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇gta v invasion mod鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在gta v invasion mod這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者korsg (酒禁解除)看板GTA標題Re: [情報] R星下重手禁所有GTA V模組拉時間Fr...


2015/5/7 官方論壇的眾多Q&A裡面的其中一項

“I’m having soo much fun with GTAV on the PC but I just have one question
about it, how come you are not allowing mods for it?” - @ClarkMatthew63
“Will I get banned from GTA Online for using a FoV Mod or Oculus Rift mod?”
- @Mattophobia



--------------------------------官 方 回 應----------------------------------

We have always appreciated the creative efforts of the PC modding community
and we still fondly remember the awesome zombie invasion mod and original GTA
map mod for GTAIV PC among many other classics. To be clear, the modding
policy in our license has not changed and is the same as for GTAIV. Recent
updates to GTAV PC had an unintended effect of making unplayable certain
single player modifications. This was not intentional, no one has been banned
for using single player modifications, and you should not worry about being
banned or being relegated to the cheater pool just for using single player PC
mods. Our primary focus is on protecting GTA Online against modifications
that could give players an unfair advantage, disrupt gameplay, or cause
griefing. It also bears mentioning that because game mods are by definition
unauthorized, they may be broken by technical updates, cause instability, or
affect your game in other unforeseen ways.





※ 引述《good2009 (..)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《korsg (酒禁解除)》之銘言:
: : Steam跟R星論壇現在大概是一片哀嚎
: : 根據最新的使用者協議,不管單機還線上使用mod都有機會被ban帳號
: : IGN報導(英文):http://bit.ly/1DREwFR
: : google一下 GTA V MOD BAN 可以看到一堆遊戲網站報導這件事情
: : 看來以後要複製一份起來不連官方伺服玩單機mod,另一份純淨的玩線上Orz
: 最新消息
: 根據鄉民說法是 從第四代開始就是這條約 但是沒鎖過
: 所以被有心?人刻意誤導 R星知道後乾脆5/8號改條款
: 也就是單機MOD 目前 是不會鎖囉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

如good大大所言,我們可以開心的享受單機模組帶來的樂趣啦 (灑花)

╭──────╮ ╭─────╮
│HA~ HA~ HA~ │ \囧/  ┤笑點! │
╰┬─────╯ █ │不要逃~~~~│
. ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ (ˇ ╰─────╯

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/GTA/M.1431036285.A.DD3.html
w3160828: 所以單機可以爽開修改器搂 05/08 06:38
kyokofans: 好耶 這兩天被電腦殺爆 今天我要全部討回來 05/08 07:09
aabbcc840526: 想要試試虛擬實境 05/08 14:50
yuan7890: 哇!!!是part-time板主耶!!!朝聖!!!推!!! 05/08 17:25
neohung: 等待熱咖啡!! 05/08 20:47
tench2: 推!發佈謠言的人真該死 05/31 09:09

