

在 google主題製作產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅毛城城 MoCity,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【毛孩拜年Sticker Pack】每逢佳節,祝賀說話必不可少,大家是否準備好你的賀年Sticker? 將於今年開幕的全港首個人寵共融商場 Petoyo,今個農曆新年以「寵物拜年」作為主題,製作了一系列帶有賀年訊息的Sticker,當中包括了狗狗及貓貓各十款。每款Sticker都盡顯毛孩各自的特色...


google主題製作 在 毛城城™ 一站式寵物資訊平台✨ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:32:20

【毛孩拜年Sticker Pack】每逢佳節,祝賀說話必不可少,大家是否準備好你的賀年Sticker? 將於今年開幕的全港首個人寵共融商場PETOYO,今個農曆新年以「寵物拜年」作為主題,製作了一系列帶有賀年訊息的Sticker,當中包括了狗狗及貓貓各十款。每款Sticker都盡顯毛孩各自的特色,...

google主題製作 在 jenjen 烘焙實驗室❤️ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-28 23:20:07

. ‼️ #8月捲蛋快閃團時間表 ‼️全部已滿🈵️ 抱歉遲左出比大家😭😭 最近香港都令人傷心失望 希望能為大家帶來生活一點甜🥺💓 每次排快閃都係選擇困難症 想照顧好多想試經典基本款既新客人 但又有好多每月都回購想試新口味既舊客朋友💓 愛文芒季節快完所以今次係肯定最後一團了😢 一向大熱草...

google主題製作 在 jenjen 烘焙實驗室❤️ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-28 15:53:35

. #5月6月原條捲蛋omakase快閃文 . 每日無論係店內定ig msg最多人問都係訂原條捲蛋 所以超忙時都為大家出快閃時間表‼️ 本來5月全部團滿 絞盡腦汁唧時間加團了‼️ 與6月上旬團一齊報名的🌟🌟🌟 聽到好多客人表示好難買/唔敢買....🥺 所以熱門捲蛋團都開雙倍位置比大家 有別過往 因為...

  • google主題製作 在 毛城城 MoCity Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-09 19:00:01
    有 18 人按讚

    【毛孩拜年Sticker Pack】每逢佳節,祝賀說話必不可少,大家是否準備好你的賀年Sticker?

    將於今年開幕的全港首個人寵共融商場 Petoyo,今個農曆新年以「寵物拜年」作為主題,製作了一系列帶有賀年訊息的Sticker,當中包括了狗狗及貓貓各十款。每款Sticker都盡顯毛孩各自的特色,無論你愛貓還是愛狗,都一定會揀選到心水款式。

    寵物又豈只貓狗?PETOYO特地為一眾特色寵物的寵主準備了特別版Sticker Pack,由來年主角牛牛帶領一眾特色寵物,為愛寵之人送上祝福。想知今次有哪幾款特色寵物登場,去佢哋新開嘅MeWe Page就可以Download!

    下載WhatsApp / Signal Sticker:
    1. PETOYO萬寵同賀.汪星人:http://bit.ly/StickerWoof
    2. PETOYO萬寵同賀.喵星人:http://bit.ly/StickerMeow
    3. PETOYO萬寵同賀.寵寵寵:https://mewe.com/p/petoyo

    Whatsapp Sticker安裝教學:
    1. 於Apps Store下載App「五色學倉頡Online」,此App用作導入Sticker至Whatsapp
    2. 下載及安裝後,可以打開sticker連結,然後按「Add to iPhone」

    1. 於Google Play下載App「WhatSticker」,此App作導入Sticker至Whatsapp
    2. 下載及安裝後,可以打開sticker連結,然後按「Add to Android」


    = = = = = = = = = =
    【⭐MEWE: MoCity 毛城城】
    【FB: https://www.facebook.com/MoCityHK】
    【Instagram: https://instagram.com/mocityhk】
    【YouTube Channel: 毛城城MoCity】
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    一站式 #寵物 資訊平台
    歡迎FB Inbox #毛城城 或者 IG DM❣

  • google主題製作 在 Cindy Yang Art Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-20 14:47:11
    有 36 人按讚

    Flash課堂作業以蘭嶼食物為主題,製作了Google首頁上的Google doodle。好想回去玩啊😢

    This is a small assignment from flash class – the theme is food, and I decided to do something from my own experience.

    Last summer I went on a holiday work trip in Taiwan for two months (working for hostels in exchange for food and accommodation). I spent one month in Lanyu (also known as Orchid Island) – an island besides Taiwan with aboriginal people called Tao living on it. The Tao people grows millet, taro, and sweet potato as their main food source. They also fish once in a while – during the Alibangbang (fish with wings) festival, usually from March till July. After the festival, they dry the fishes and bake, store them in the houses just built for making smoking the fishes. Black hair pigs are also their meat source – they are cute, but meant for eaten in special occasions.

    I want to make the food source here into a google doodle is because of Tao’s fading culture. There are six tribes on the island in total – although they all lived on the island together for a long time, they still have different tribe names and traditions cause the high mountains on the island separates them apart. Lanyu’s soil has a lot of volcano eruption fragments, which is the main reason why there are so many unique species of plants/animals only exist on this island. Because of all the nutrition came from the land, the ocean life in Lanyu is as beautiful as the land. I had the chance to dive underwater and see the corral reef while I worked there – and it’s just breathtaking. The Tao’s tradition of catching the fishes is still going on, but it’s been different since the concept of money came into the island. They always respect the nature, so they can only catch certain amount of fish during a period of time. But the tradition is fading away rapidly ever since convenience store comes in – they start drinking a lot, doing nothing all day cause they can just make money from tourists so easy these days (They also get compensations from having nuclear waste storage facility). The old generation is still trying to hold on to their tradition, but the young generation is starting to lose their own language. So I want to spread out the word of how unique this place is before the tradition dies out completely. If you’re interested,I strongly suggest you look up the information about the Island.

  • google主題製作 在 Rastves Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-03-17 22:05:51
    有 1 人按讚

    最近迷上google chrome的主題製作 喜歡的人不方看一下吧

  • google主題製作 在 呂聰賢 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-15 15:50:21


  • google主題製作 在 KKBOX Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2013-11-13 14:10:21

    Robin Thicke在【Blurred Lines】這張專輯做了許多大膽的嘗試,增添了趣味性,讓人們能夠藉此逃避困擾的課題。他對於這張專輯所獲致的商業成功感激不已,希望能持續作出這樣的音樂。繼冠軍單曲《Blurred Lines》之後,《Give It 2 U》找來了同一位MV導演Dianne Martel,以美式足球中場熱舞表演為主題,製作出另一支火辣的音樂錄影帶。不過談到舞蹈,Robin Thicke自認不在行,他寧願專注於歌唱,以求最佳表現,也不願為跳舞分心,反而弄巧成拙。


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