在 goldfinch鳥產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,143的網紅陸秀慧 Desiree's Planet,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Goldfinch 金翅雀 (John Crowley, 2019) Country: USA Score:7/10 乃17世紀荷蘭畫家 Carel Fabritius的作品,他是巴洛克時期荷蘭畫派宗師Rembrandt最傑出的弟子。1654年,他32歲創作了「金翅雀」,但當年10月12日...
goldfinch鳥 在 陸秀慧 Desiree's Planet Facebook 的最佳解答
The Goldfinch 金翅雀 (John Crowley, 2019)
Country: USA
乃17世紀荷蘭畫家 Carel Fabritius的作品,他是巴洛克時期荷蘭畫派宗師Rembrandt最傑出的弟子。1654年,他32歲創作了「金翅雀」,但當年10月12日荷蘭代爾夫特的一處火藥庫爆炸,摧毀了這座城市不少建築,當時有一百多人喪生,數千人受傷,而 Fabritius不幸死於這場災難,畫作幾乎全毀,而「金翅雀」逃過此劫,也是他僅存至今的畫作之一。小說即是以畫作遭遇的事件借用,背景時間則拉到現代,主人Theo在13歲那年與母親到紐約大都會博物館參觀,結果遇到爆炸的恐怖襲擊,不少民眾喪生,母親也罹難,而他倖存下來,意外地帶走這幅在爆炸案中一樣倖存下來的畫作「金翅雀」。畫作中央一隻雀鳥單薄纖細的爪子被鐵鍊所拴住,羽毛的柔軟和骨骼的紋理細細刻畫,以腳鍊禁錮了一隻鳥,意味著雖非牢籠仍是掙不脫的束縛,這幅畫對於 Theo 而言不單只是年幼喪母與死亡陰影,同時更是連結著過去與未來、謊言與真實、人前的我與人後的我之關鍵。一如卡謬所言,荒謬帶來的不是自由,而是束縛?
goldfinch鳥 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的最佳解答
In the face of natural adversities and extreme weather, birds show admirable resilience.
(For the English translation please scroll down.)
在去年春天經歷的那塲暴風雨期間,我們非常擔心我們的小金翅雀父母。看著它們從花園裡最高的櫻花樹上來來去去,知道它們又回到我們園裡築巢了。狂風暴雨過後,發現它們努力築好的巢兒已被破壞,一半懸掛在樹枝上,當時實在為它們感到無比的痛心!金翅鳥媽媽分娩期肯定已非常接近,她是否有能力及時重建另一小巢呢? (金翅雀們習慣上是雌性小鳥築巢,雄性有時會將材料帶給她)。真希望能助它們一臂之力!
During the period of stormy weather we experienced last spring, we were really worried about our little goldfinch parents. We watched them coming and going from the tallest cherry blossom tree in our garden, having returned to nest there for another year. After the storms had passed, we discovered the nest that they worked so hard to build had been damaged and left half hanging from the branches, we were heartbroken for them! It must have been very close to the time when the mother was due to lay her eggs, would she have the energy to rebuild another nest in time? (The female goldfinch builds the nest, though the male may bring materials to her). If only we could give them a helping hand!
All throughout last summer, we continued to see the couple resting on the cables on top of our house or in our garden. We guessed that they must have had their chicks by then and hoped they had all hatched safely. We didn’t know where their nest was, but mummy and daddy seemed happy enough as they were always singing loudly and chirpily whenever we saw them.
Then winter arrived and the leaves fell; revealing a tiny, neatly built nest atop our smallest cherry blossom tree. We were so excited to discover that the goldfinch family had managed to build another safe nest in time for the arrival of their babies. How magnificent is the love, will-power and strength of parents when it comes to their children?!
This is now the third year in a row that the goldfinch family have returned to nest in our garden. Goldfinches are very sociable birds that live together in family groups, and sometimes flock with other finches. We saw them again recently near our tall cherry blossom tree - their favourite one. We dearly hope that the family have some mild and calm weather to help them with this year’s nesting and incubation period.
goldfinch鳥 在 Novel小說. Facebook 的最佳解答
【電影分享 The Goldfinch】
By Mr.V
1989 年的東京,神祕的露西弗萊(艾莉西亞維坎德 Alicia Vikander 飾)甫至日本,飽受過去痛苦回憶糾纏的她與同樣深受過去困擾的當地英俊攝影師松田禎司(小林直己 こばやし なおき 飾)陷入熱戀。
但當另一位本地人莉莉布里姬(芮莉克亞芙 Riley Keough 飾)開始與他們的生活糾纏不清,最後並失蹤且疑似死亡,露西似乎再也難以維持她一貫的沉著冷靜。