

在 goat英文產品中有73篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅泣花冥 Nahanamei,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✨原創公益寫真書🦁️🦁️獅子花來了🦁️🦁️ 如果你看得到這篇文章 請留言告訴我你喜歡的動物是….? 🐱🐶🐑🦁️🐐🐺🐂🦌🦊🐰 —— 如果有意願吸香香做公益 下方👇是集結12名Coser愛的資訊 歡迎把我們帶回家喔(搖尾巴) This is our first time to make charit...

 同時也有32部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,890的網紅Teri Timeout,也在其Youtube影片中提到,請不要消費奶奶!!!!!! 喜歡的話記得留言讓我知道,也別忘了訂閱我的頻道和開啟通知哦! Hey all! Make sure to leave a comment to show love, and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to m...

goat英文 在 仙弟的潮流英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:51:06

#仙弟生活英文⁣⁣ 📍【裝傻的英文怎麼說?】⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 在日常生活中,如果遇到某些人面對事情老是裝傻,看了真的會很一把火。今天就來分享「裝傻」的英文怎麼說?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 1️⃣Play possum/ come possum over sb.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 2️⃣Play dumb⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 3️⃣Pre...

goat英文 在 Ginny 居你 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-16 04:32:10

關於上篇提到的積木印章,我自己理所當然(?)留下的是G,對照的英文字是goat,又很巧以前上學的時候同學會叫我小羊。這顆印章對我來說是這麼獨特有專屬感,就是這種命中註定♡怦然心動♡  可愛又好用的圖案,沿著線條衍伸,可以畫成各式高矮胖瘦的外框或各種物件,也可以像之前日本的切手郵票印章那樣使用( ...

goat英文 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-10-16 10:23:22

You are the GOAT 不是說你像山羊?英文縮寫看不懂? - MVP = Most Valuable Player(最有價值球員) 幾乎在任何團隊運動的賽事裡都會選出MVP,而最常被搞混的詞是VIP,Very Important People 直翻是非常重要的人,也就是我們平常在說的貴賓。...

  • goat英文 在 泣花冥 Nahanamei Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-11 12:07:04
    有 129 人按讚



    This is our first time to make charity photobook together.
    Take us home with your love. (wagging tails)


    ❤️2021 公益寫真:Handsome and Beasts主人與我
    - 實體書/酷卡購買網址➡️ https://reurl.cc/9rmoAd





    1. 大套組 NT900:寫真書+酷卡組 👍👍👍👍

    2. 寫真書 NT650:40頁。包含:寵物獨照、不同屬性寵物小團照、與主人的合照、全體大合照
    3. 酷卡 NT300:6張正反印刷酷卡。包含每隻動物獨照以及與主人的大合照

    🐱【Coser介紹】 (按動物英文字母排序/ by animal English alphabet)

    🌟主人/master CN 小妖
    🌟鹿/deer CN 君君
    🌟狗/dog CN 玄夜
    🌟狐狸/fox CN 十殿枂君
    🌟山羊/goat CN 惡君
    🌟獅子/lion CN 泣花冥
    🌟山貓/lynx CN 獄/瓜瓜
    🌟乳牛/ox CN 梓官
    🌟兔/rabbit CN 紫玥桃
    🌟綿羊/sheep CN 小禕
    🌟狼/wolf CN Oni
    🌟豹/leopard CN Alma



    於公益販售期間:2021/8/10-31. 收入的80%扣除印刷成本及平台手續費,80%的收入將捐給台灣貓狗中途團體。





    ************English Version****************
    ❤️2021 charity photobook:Handsome and Beasts
    🐶Period: 2021/08/10~8/31.
    🐶Purchase link: https://reurl.cc/AkvnNd
    🐶51 pics JPEG cosplay photo set in maximum resolution size : 7952 × 5304 pixels.
    ❤️About Donation:
    During 10th-31th Aug, 2021. The 80% of the income deducts printing costs and platform fees, donated to animal protection group in Taiwan for helping them overcoming the difficulties during the period of Covid-19.
    The details and whole process of the donation will be made into a video, which will be published on youtube in mid-September.
    If you have any other query, please email: almayao2014@gmail.com
    #公益 #charity #cosplay #2021charity #yao_alma

  • goat英文 在 Akuna Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-10 18:34:10
    有 54 人按讚

    [商品情報] (抽獎方法收留言)

    This is our first time to make charity photobook together.
    Take us home with your love. (wagging tails)

    ❤️2021 公益寫真:Handsome and Beasts主人與我
    - 實體書/酷卡購買網址➡️ https://reurl.cc/9rmoAd
    1. 大套組 NT900:寫真書+酷卡組 👍👍👍👍
    2. 寫真書 NT650:40頁。包含:寵物獨照、不同屬性寵物小團照、與主人的合照、全體大合照
    3. 酷卡 NT300 (6張正反印刷酷卡。包含每隻動物獨照以及與主人的大合照)
    🐱【Coser介紹】 (按動物英文字母排序/ by animal English alphabet)
    🌟主人/master CN 小妖
    🌟鹿/deer CN 君君
    🌟狗/dog CN 玄夜
    🌟狐狸/fox CN 十殿枂君
    🌟山羊/goat CN Akuna
    🌟獅子/lion CN 泣花冥
    🌟山貓/lynx CN 獄/瓜瓜
    🌟乳牛/ox CN 梓官
    🌟兔/rabbit CN 紫玥桃
    🌟綿羊/sheep CN 禕
    🌟狼/wolf CN Oni
    🌟豹/leopard CN Alma
    於公益販售期間:2021/8/10-31. 收入的80%扣除印刷成本及平台手續費,80%的收入將捐給台灣貓狗中途團體。
    售價:USD 25
    ***************************English Version*****************************************
    ❤️2021 charity photobook:Handsome and Beasts
    🐶Period: 2021/08/10~8/31.
    🐶Purchase link: https://reurl.cc/AkvnNd
    🐶51 pics JPEG cosplay photo set in maximum resolution size : 7952 × 5304 pixels.
    ❤️About Donation:
    During 10th-31th Aug, 2021. The 80% of the income deducts printing costs and platform fees, donated to animal protection group in Taiwan for helping them overcoming the difficulties during the period of Covid-19.
    The details and whole process of the donation will be made into a video, which will be published on youtube in mid-September.
    If you have any other query, please email: almayao2014@gmail.com
    #公益 #charity #2021charity #animecosplay #cosplayphotoshoot #cos #cosplay #cosplayer
    #コスプレ #コスプレイヤー #コスプレイ #Maid

  • goat英文 在 Yao&Alma TW Cosplayer Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-10 18:00:27
    有 2,345 人按讚

    趕快把我們帶回家喔(搖尾巴) 🐱🐶🐑🦁️🐐🐺🐂🦌🦊🐰
    This is our first time to make charity photobook together.
    Take us home with your love. (wagging tails)
    ❤️2021 公益寫真:Handsome and Beasts主人與我
    - 實體書/酷卡購買網址➡️ https://reurl.cc/9rmoAd
    1. 大套組 NT900:寫真書+酷卡組 👍👍👍👍
    2. 寫真書 NT650:40頁。包含:寵物獨照、不同屬性寵物小團照、與主人的合照、全體大合照
    3. 酷卡 NT300:6張正反印刷酷卡。包含每隻動物獨照以及與主人的大合照
    🐱【Coser介紹】 (按動物英文字母排序/ by animal English alphabet)
    🌟主人/master CN 小妖 🌟鹿/deer CN 君君 🌟狗/dog CN 玄夜 🌟狐狸/fox CN 十殿枂君 🌟山羊/goat CN 惡君 🌟獅子/lion CN 泣花冥 🌟山貓/lynx CN 獄/瓜瓜 🌟乳牛/ox CN 梓官 🌟兔/rabbit CN 紫玥桃 🌟綿羊/sheep CN 小禕 🌟狼/wolf CN Oni 🌟豹/leopard CN Alma
    於公益販售期間:2021/8/10-31. 收入的80%扣除印刷成本及平台手續費,80%的收入將捐給台灣貓狗中途團體。

    因為本次寫真參與人數眾多,因此不含coser簽名以及不開放署名喔!但歡迎日後在cwt或者ff找大家簽名. 😃
    ***************************English Version*****************************************

    Owing to Shopee can only support delivery in Taiwan. So the physical book can only sell in Taiwan. To whom want to support this event, you can choose to pucahse the photos on Gumroad.
    ❤️2021 charity photobook (photos on Gumraod): Handsome and Beasts
    🐶Period: 2021/08/10~8/31.
    🐶Purchase link: https://reurl.cc/AkvnNd

    🐶51 pics JPEG cosplay photo set in maximum resolution size : 7952 × 5304 pixels.
    ❤️About Donation:
    During 10th-31th Aug, 2021. The 80% of the income deducts printing costs and platform fees, donated to animal protection group in Taiwan for helping them overcoming the difficulties during the period of Covid-19.
    The details and whole process of the donation will be made into a video, which will be published on youtube in mid-September.
    If you have any other query, please email: almayao2014@gmail.com
    #公益 #charity #cosplay #2021charity #yao_alma

