

在 go-to首選產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#每日跟讀單元 K057】台積電掌世界半導體命脈 摘要: Taiwan is being courted for its capacity to make leading-edge computer chips. That is mostly down to Taiwan Semiconduct...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅徐薇老師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「我的家教是徐薇」第139集「包包配件篇」 👛手提包、水餃包、水桶包,正確英文說法? 「accessory、success、process」 這些單字都是相同 字根-cess- = to go, to yield行進,退讓 🔥最有效率學習英文#小薇老師直播學英文 ----------------...

go-to首選 在 平底鍋夫妻Pan Couple •世界食旅 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-11 20:49:42

(中/En) 📍🇹🇼美滋鍋Beauty in the pot, Taipei 台北, Taiwan 台灣   🍲Hotpot/ 火鍋  ❣️引領火鍋屆的時尚教主~美滋鍋❣️ 🇹🇼 平底鍋夫妻美食部落客Jack風塵僕僕來到了位於台北信義區Att4fun 7F的美滋鍋,美滋鍋是新加坡潮牌火...

go-to首選 在 Budget Eat Shop Travel Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-29 01:12:21

#北海道札幌 #札幌中央場外市場 #海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭 #2020情人節 #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #北海道観光 如果北海道二條市場是札幌廚房 If Hokkaido Nijo Market is Sapporo Kitchen 那麼札幌的中央場外市場就是札幌的美食天堂 Then ...

  • go-to首選 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-23 06:30:47
    有 10 人按讚

    【#每日跟讀單元 K057】台積電掌世界半導體命脈

    Taiwan is being courted for its capacity to make leading-edge computer chips. That is mostly down to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), the world’s largest foundry and go-to producer of chips for Apple Inc smartphones, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

    -Apple Podcast 2020年十大熱門節目
    -KKBox 2020年十大Podcast風雲榜 (唯一語言學習Podcast)
    -Himalaya 人氣票選播客總冠軍


    ⭐️想收到節目Email 通知?在通勤學英語官網用email訂閱!
    官網: www.15mins.today

    🎧Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK

    #15minstoday #英文
    #英語即戰力 #學英文
    #學英語 #podcast

  • go-to首選 在 Ann's English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-08 18:01:02
    有 3 人按讚




    來自Netflix的Talk show: Netflix is a joke
    介紹到 #亞洲人有多愛錢 的故事😂
    雖然很不政治正確(畢竟黑色幽默talk show嘛)

    Ronny Chieng Explains Why Chinese People Love Money

    最後當然要 #跟著安加碼學

    👉解釋:not the most important; on the edge/side 次要的、周邊/表層的(在此指表面的)
    ▫️🔸Peripheral vision:”餘”光
    ▫️🔸Peripheral Nerve System:”周邊”神經系統

    👉解釋:your first choice 首選、最愛的
    ▫️🔸This cafe is my go-to place for reading.
    ▫️🔸He is my go-to when I have relationship problems.


    #AnnsFOREAL #學英文 #英文學習
    #安的美語 #職場英文 #商業英文 #日常英文 #生活英文
    #英文口說 #線上英文 #英文家教 #雅思 #Duolingo

  • go-to首選 在 家樂福Carrefour Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-24 11:00:00
    有 228 人按讚

    Did you know that a British person drinks an average of 876 cups of tea a year?! 🇬🇧
    The UK is the 3rd largest consumer of tea in the world, while Taiwan is the 29th. 🇹🇼

    Here is one of the most popular British teas:
    TWININGS English Breakfast! 💯

    A black tea that combines full-bodied Assam, high-grown Ceylon and Kenyan teas 🌿

    Here I brewed it for about three minutes and then I added a splash of milk 🥛
    I think it has a very rich flavor, strong but not overpowering 😋
    It is very fragrant and super energizing for breakfast 💨
    This is definitely my go-to tea to start my morning! 😍

    Keep tuned to discover my next product next week! 🤗

    / 阿福翻譯年糕 /




    答案:是 876杯茶
    🇬🇧 英國是世界第3大茶葉消費國
    🇹🇼 台灣則是第29大消費國。
    (福:哇這是多驚人的數字!! 算下英國人平均每天喝2.4杯)

    TWININGS 康寧英倫早餐茶! 💯


    變成英式奶茶,茶的香氣適中不會太濃 😋
    這絕對是我早上開始的首選紅茶! 😍


    #TWININGS #康寧英倫早餐茶 #早餐茶
    #伊麗莎白開箱趣 #ElisabethInCarrefour
    #家樂福 #家樂福線上購物

  • go-to首選 在 徐薇老師 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-24 09:12:58

    這些單字都是相同 字根-cess- = to go, to yield行進,退讓

    英語力Up Up的首選網路書店

  • go-to首選 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-12 01:40:37

    #北海道札幌 #札幌中央場外市場 #海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭 #2020情人節 #北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #北海道観光


    如果北海道二條市場是札幌廚房 If Hokkaido Nijo Market is Sapporo Kitchen

    那麼札幌的中央場外市場就是札幌的美食天堂 Then the central wholesale seafood market of Sapporo is the food paradise of Sapporo

    好食不用說,物超所值先才是這個地方的賣點 Needless to say, high CP value is the selling point of this place

    之前我說的二條市場是狸小路鬧市旁邊 The Nijo Market I said before is next to Tanukikoji downtown

    完全是因為它的地點超級方便, 好多人去北海道都未必逗留好長時間在札幌 It's all because its location is so convenient that many people may not stay in Hokkaido for a long time in Sapporo

    好多人去到札幌機場, 就直接自駕遊或者喺札幌機場直接搭巴士火車去其他地方 Many people go to Sapporo Airport, take a self-driving tour or take a bus or train directly from Sapporo Airport to other places

    所以我一定要首先推介交通超級便利的二條市場 So I must first introduce the Nijo market with super convenient transportation.

    但是如果講到識食, 一定要推介這個札幌中央場外市場 But when it comes to eating, be sure to recommend this Sapporo Central Wholesale market

    無論乾貨、食肆,都是超級北海道旅遊首選 Regardless of dry goods and restaurants, it is the first choice for super Hokkaido tourism

    價錢還要比二條市場更加平、更新鮮好味、貨品更多選擇 The price is even cheaper, fresher and more delicious than Nijo market, and there is more choice of goods

    你看養殖海產的水非常清澈, 比起二條市場更加乾淨衛生 You see, the water for farming seafood is very clear, and it ’s cleaner than Nijo Market.

    這裏還有二條市場沒有的東西, 就是乾淨衛生的試食 Here are 1 other thing that the market does not have, which are food tasting

    試食完才買, 中伏的機會就會大大減低 Buy after you try, the chances of disappointment will be greatly reduced

    我會在這條影片推介必吃餐廳、乾貨手信 I will recommend must-eat restaurants and dry goods in this video

    參加阿Tsar旅遊團,是費用全免, 只懇求你們看完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Participation in the Tsar tour is FOC. I only urge you to leave an emoji after watching the video to show support

    這裏不單止是遊客區, 重點是當地人、餐廳都會在這裏入貨 This is not just a tourist area, but the focus is on locals and restaurants

    識食識享受,價錢平,當然是這裏札幌二十四軒站中央魚市場啦, are you ready? Smart travel of course, here is the Central Fish Market at Sapporo Nijuyonken Station, are you ready?

    響頭炮一定要介紹這裏的海鮮食堂, 就是連古天樂、姜濤、任達華都會在這裹開餐打卡的 Must go restaurant is this celebrities loves one restaurant here

    「海鮮食堂北のグルメ亭」已經有70年歷史, 外頭看起來不似一間餐廳, This restaurant has a history of 70 years.

    因為擺了好多海產貝類乾貨食品, Because there are a lot of dry seafood products outside

    舖頭入面才是別有洞天, 找到這間餐廳。 Finally found this restaurant

    大家可以試食完先決定買不買 Everyone can food tasting before decide whether to buy it or not

    店舖裏面的海鮮,其實是可以即叫即煮的 The seafood in the shop can actually be Cooked to order

    明碼實價, 每公斤的食物是1000 yen烹煮費 Clearly priced that 1000 yen per kg of food

    我上一條片講過, 北海道的三大名蟹, 要食肉質結實彈牙,又夠大啖大啖的帝王蟹 As I mentioned in the previous video, the 3 famous crabs in Hokkaido. king crabs for meaty

    幾個朋友可以share就最適合了; 如果要食鮮甜蟹味就要試松葉蟹 Best suit for few friends to share. Fresh sweet crab flavor, try Matsuba crab

    鍾意食蟹膏的朋友, 就建議點毛蟹 For those who like crab roe, they recommend hair crabs

    我自己一個人就吃得到一隻蟹啦, I can't eat a crab by myself,

    當日早上十點幾, 所以不算好多人 Not many people at that morning

    如果你中午來的話, 一定會排長龍 U will be in a long queue if u come at noon time

    這裏另外有間餐廳叫做菊水,都係好抵食好值得推薦㗎 There is another restaurant which is good for food and worth recommending.

    如果你們來海鮮食堂, 太多人排隊, 你可以有菊水另一個選擇啦 If you come to this restaurant, too many people line up, you can have another option

    我知道男觀眾比較喜歡看我講餐廳食肆的推介 I know that male audiences prefer to watch my video for restaurant recommendations

    因為如果一對couple去旅行, 多數都係男嘅畀錢呀 Because if a couple is traveling, most of the time are men paying

    而且男人出主意去那一間餐廳會比較man啲 And it ’s more manly for a man to recommend for a restaurant.

    而我的頻道女觀眾, 就喜歡看我買東西多些, 我不會偏心的 And my female audiences like to watch me shopping. I will not be biased

    講完這間餐廳有幾抵食, 之後我就會講shopping吧 I will talk about shopping after that after this restaurant

    這條街總共有15間餐廳、60間店舖, 看完我的推介可以節省好多時間 There are a total of 15 restaurants and 60 shops in this street.U can save a lot of time after watching my referrals.

    這裏一個套餐2720yen(193HKD)有海膽鮭魚卵飯加了一碗麵豉湯 Here is a set of 2720yen (193HKD) with sea urchin salmon roe rice and a miso soup

    成碗飯的海膽和鮭魚卵, 食物非常有光澤, 顯出它的新鮮度非常之高 Sea urchin and salmon roes are very shiny, showing that its freshness

    食海膽最重要是海水味,海膽的體積大小、顏色深淺與品種有關, The most important thing to eat sea urchin is the taste of sea water. The size and color of sea urchin are not related to the freshness but species

    記得睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持呀,我哋下條片再見,拜拜! Remember to leave an emoji after the video to show your support, I will see you next time, bye!


