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在 glutted產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 美國總統大選最終辯論會 Consider the risks and opportunities involved. 讓我們來思考背後的風險與機會。 Do you want low short-term risk with fewer opportunities or high...


  • glutted 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-24 10:38:19
    有 199 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國總統大選最終辯論會

    Consider the risks and opportunities involved.


    Do you want low short-term risk with fewer opportunities or high short-term risk with more opportunities? What about the long term?

    是選擇低短期風險但較少機會,還是高短期風險但較多機會? 倘若放眼長期又該如何?

    What risks and what opportunities?

    These are questions Taiwan must figure out.


    同時也來看看浩爾口筆譯 ft. 創譯兄弟的即時同步口譯: https://youtu.be/kgQCwcrT_Nk

    Go, go, Howard!


    Full Debate:

    LIVE 2020美國總統大選 最終局辯論(即時同步口譯)




    China loomed large in the debate, but largely as a caricatured place of shady deals and a deadly virus.

    For a few fleeting moments on Thursday night, it looked as though President Trump and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. might actually debate the nation’s greatest foreign policy challenge: its relationship with China.

    1. loom large 顯得突出;變得嚴重
    2. a few fleeting moments 幾個瞬間
    3. look as though 看起來好像

    週四晚上的幾個瞬間,川普總統和前副總統小約瑟夫·R.拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)看起來好像真的是要就這個國家最大的外交政策挑戰: 美國與中國的關係展開辯論。


    But Mr. Trump quickly pivoted the conversation to unsubstantiated allegations that Mr. Biden enriched himself through his son’s dealings with Chinese officials. Mr. Biden, seeking to assert his tough-on-China credentials, recalled a trip to Beijing in 2013 when he pushed back on China’s attempt to control a wide swath of airspace in the contested East China Sea by requiring foreign planes to identify themselves when they flew through it.

    4. pivot (v.) 轉動;扭曲
    5. unsubstantiated allegations 未經證實的指控
    6. enrich (v.) 使富有,使富裕
    7. dealings(尤指商業上的)活動,往來;交易
    8. a wide swath of 廣大的一片區域
    9. contested (adj.) 有爭議的



    The move ignited tensions with Japan, a key American ally, and Mr. Biden warned President Xi Jinping to show restraint. On Thursday, Mr. Biden referred to Mr. Xi as a thug and accused Mr. Trump of cozying up to him.

    10. ignite tensions 激起緊張關係
    11. show restraint 保持克制
    12. cosy up (to sb) (處於謀私的目的)與…交好



    That was as far as the candidates got in discussing what many analysts view as one of the world’s most dangerous flash points — a place where Chinese and American warships might someday fire on each other.

    13. flashpoint (暴力)即將爆發的地點(或階段)



    For the rest of the night, China became a watchword for allegations of shady business dealings, a deadly virus, and a carbon-glutted atmosphere, which Mr. Trump described as “filthy.”

    14. a watchword 口號;標語;格言
    15. shady business dealings 不正當的商業交易
    16. filthy骯髒的、汙穢的



    Their exchanges on trade captured the caricatured role that China has played in the campaign. Mr. Trump repeated his erroneous claim that China is paying the United States billions of dollars because of his tariffs. In fact, most of those costs are passed on to American consumers.

    17. caricatured role (諷刺)漫畫性/滑稽的角色*
    18. erroneous claim 錯誤的說法
    19. tariffs 關稅
    20. pass on to 轉嫁到


    *caricature: https://bit.ly/31CfVLo


    Mr. Biden claimed that the American trade deficit with China had gone up, not down, during the Trump presidency — not true, given the protectionist measures that Mr. Trump imposed.

    21. trade deficit 貿易逆差
    22. impose protectionist measures 實施保護主義措施



    The president said he pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord because it did not impose the same demands on China, and other major developing economies, as it did on the United States.

    23. pull out of 退出
    24. the Paris climate accord/ Paris Agreement巴黎氣候協議
    25. developing economies 發展中國家



    Mr. Biden said he would rejoin the accord specifically to hold China to the pledges it made under that agreement. “We need to be having the rest of our friends with us saying to China — these are the rules,” Mr. Biden said. “You play by them or you’re going to pay the price for not playing by them, economically.”

    26. rejoin the accord 重新加入該協議
    27. pledge 承諾、保證
    28. play by the rules 遵守規定
    29. pay the price 付出代價



    Though China loomed large over trade, climate, and geopolitics, Mr. Trump kept the focus on allegations that Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, had tried to cash in with the Chinese on his father’s name.

    30. loom large over 在…顯得突出 (此指顯得重要)
    31. geopolitics 地緣政治
    32. keep focus on聚焦在
    33. cash in on sth 藉由某事牟利



    Mr. Biden fired back, noting the report in The New York Times that Mr. Trump had an undisclosed bank account in China.

    34. fire back 反擊
    35. an undisclosed bank account 未經披露的銀行帳戶



    “I have many bank accounts and they’re all listed and they’re all over the place,” Mr. Trump replied. “I was a businessman doing business.”

    36. all over the place 到處都有


    紐約時報完整報導: https://nyti.ms/2J0vUN8

    圖片來源: https://bit.ly/34oCzbY


    選舉關鍵字彙 (167頁): https://bit.ly/3dA6CAu

    美國總統大選首場辯論: https://bit.ly/3j5lDvv

    川普拜登市民大會: https://bit.ly/37Ae7GT



    So, who should Taiwan support? Why?

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