[爆卦]gamble rumble中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇gamble rumble中文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在gamble rumble中文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者nak (Buen Camino)看板lyrics標題Re: move - Gamble Rum...

Bring it back hey,rock'en roll!!!

Life goes on 滿足於少少的希望
只要願意等 總會有人為我決定未來

(Just get you back and bring it back on)

自己為何如此的渺小 bust it up! (here we go,1,2)
move it up and break it!

(Bring back yo it's the right time,hey boy,rock'en roll)

Gamble, you gatta chance to make a Rumble!
遊走邊緣的舞台 (oh yeah!)
Gamble, you gatta dive in to a scramble!
不曾迷惘一分一釐 (cheak it out come on!)
值得守護的事物 其實並不太多 (give it up yo!, give it up yo!)
何妨稍稍逞強一些 賭上一切 play the game!

(RAP)let's gamble hey jumbo now shake your bum and do the rumble
(RAP)三條銳利的線條 high到最高點
(RAP)move三人組登場 在各位的安眠中
(RAP)i like to move it move it i'll make you move into it
(RAP)開著國產車嗆人的噪音 現著俗亮亮的欲望
(RAP)to your next stage

Boy can't you see? 一路上磨損著自我走了過來
所得到的報償 是老舊的道德觀

(just get you back and bring it back on)

打這懦弱的群體中 bust it up! (here we go,back to)
move it up and break it!

(bring back yo it's the right time,hey boy,rock'en roll)

Gamble, you gatta chance to make a Rumble!
經過千錘百鍊 (oh yeah!)
Gamble, you gatta dive in to a scramble!
信任自己的直覺 (cheak it out come on!)
除了真命天子的你的愛我通通不稀罕 (give it up yo!,give it up yo!)
把所有的迷惘 一股腦拋開 it's gonna feel so fine!

(come on hey do the rumble)
(come on hey do the rumble)

(RAP)152! beat挑撥得教人心癢難耐
(RAP)Motsu mc 超e世代 人類最快的rap藝人
(RAP)歡迎來到speakeasy 莊家耍著大鈔
(RAP)要不乾脆全部下注一次輸光? gamble rumble

Gamble, you gatta chance to make a Rumble!
Gamble, you gatta dive in to a scramble!
即將爆發的last game (cheak it out come on!)
Gamble, you gatta chance to make a Rumble!
遊走邊緣的舞台 (oh yeah!)
Gamble, you gatta dive in to a scramble!
不曾迷惘一分一釐 (cheak it out come on!)
就算瞬間的選擇會讓我失去一切 (give it up yo!,give it up yo!)
我不會讓你看見後悔 我要輸得堂堂正正再去大哭一場

Bring back hey,one more time!
Bring back yo it's the right time
Bring back yo it's the right time,hey boy,rock'en roll

※ 引述《Derix (PalaPala)》之銘言:
: ㄟ,可能標題太不明顯了><"
: 有分享日文歌詞和羅馬拼音了...
: 不知道有沒有人能幫忙找到中文翻譯>"<
: (如果有那整張精選翻譯更好^^")

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Derix:多謝N大的幫忙...非常感謝...>"< 02/06 11:02

