

在 fund動詞產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,438的網紅蔣志薇,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我的新北市 與市府 #秘書處 同仁每週共同推出的「#英語小教室」,大家有學起來嗎?當初會有這個發想是希望透過市政議題來學習實用的英文單字,再搭配輕鬆易學的日常生活例句。感謝同仁的努力,真的很棒、很實用👍分享給更多的人一起來學英文~ 現在因為疫情的關係,各行各業都受到很大的衝擊(impact),各國...

  • fund動詞 在 蔣志薇 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-19 11:36:21
    有 45 人按讚

    我的新北市 與市府 #秘書處 同仁每週共同推出的「#英語小教室」,大家有學起來嗎?當初會有這個發想是希望透過市政議題來學習實用的英文單字,再搭配輕鬆易學的日常生活例句。感謝同仁的努力,真的很棒、很實用👍分享給更多的人一起來學英文~


    💡 紓困方案:rescue plan 或是 bailout package。
    🗒 英文rescue和bailout這兩個字有拯救、協助脫離困境的意思,所以只要在後面加上plan或是package,就能用來表達紓困方案了。額外加碼~「紓困基金」就叫做bailout fund。

    為與市民共度經濟難關,#新北市 陸續推出協助措施,像是:
    📌 #新北市經發局 成立「企業安心辦」單一窗口,為產業的共通性議題提供諮詢(consultation)與協助。方案之一就是為中小企業提供免息(interest-free)的急救貸款。
    📌 #新北市稅捐稽徵處 則提出稅賦及租金的紓困方案,例如對遊覽車及小客車租賃業者給予牌照稅的補助(動詞是subsidize;名詞是subsidy);對停業、歇業或部分樓層停用之飯店、旅館業者給予地方稅的減免(動詞是deduct;名詞是deduction)等。


    📖 英語單字小教室
    ✔️【紓困方案】英文是rescue plan 或bailout package

    1⃣ To weather the impacts of the pandemic, governments all over the world unveil bailout plans in succession.
    2⃣ They are planning to offer subsidies, tax deductions and interest-free loans to assist the enterprises.

  • fund動詞 在 全職獵人FullTime Headhunter Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-07 09:03:12
    有 47 人按讚

    林作x全職獵人久保Cover Letter Carving範例

    以下範例可以作為各位寫Cover Letter的參考。

    Fillture Career Coaching的客戶裏面,有工作年資尚淺的,也有工作年資超過20年的。他們也是來自於各行各業。目前來說,沒有哪一行或哪一個輩份的最多。我們不認為有最好的格式 - 每個人都會根據年齡、資歷、行業以及個人特點而有所不同。共同點,就只是幾樣:最好的英文,最清晰的表達,最真摯的情感,以及最有自我和自信的一面。下面這個Cover Letter例子,屬於我們頗為正常的一份。裡面一切的個人資訊已經被編輯,但屬於一個真實案例,客戶是來自於金融業年資少於10年的年輕人,他希望能夠到一個更大的平台,從事他這幾年來專門負責的工作,於是找了我們幫忙:

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    With nearing X years of successful experience in the wealth management industry, I am firmly in the belief that the time is ripe for me to move on to what is considered one of the largest XXX in Hong Kong. I am confident that I possess the qualities necessary to thrive at such an outstanding company and in particular, become a valuable prospect as investment analyst in the Investment Department.

    My investment journey as an analyst at fund distribution platforms, hedged funds and wealth management companies have honed my Top-down and Bottom-up approach as well as having personal investment conviction. Indeed, I believe the latter strength is the key to my achievement thus far – I take pride in being independent-minded, which is becoming increasingly important in this ever-expanding complex financial market. The valuable experience at XXX helped me to develop my personal market belief through mutual funds training and provided me a hands-on training in Bloomberg Terminal ( BBG).

    From there, notwithstanding a tempting offer from XXX, my intention to move on to bigger and better things in mutual funds and hedge funds led me to secure a precious experience at XXX as XXX, which has provided me a perspective in practical option-trading strategies and the operational side of running a hedged fund. Throughout my time at the company, various stocks were identified and individuals’ fair value via Discount Cashflow model ( DCF ) were calculated. I provided constant economic updates to the Portfolio manager. My particularly proud achievement was to have successfully predicted that XXX would plummet significantly, a full week before it actually happened when no one in Hong Kong saw the same. This is due to my wide-than-usual horizon in terms of the information platforms I would survey. I am uniquely adept at looking into mainstream and niche mainland financial websites and other channels for the most updated information as well as gossips. This is the source of my being able to often come up with contrarian views. On the operation side of XXX, I was also responsible for calculating daily NAV to the portfolio manager.

    Lastly, in my current job, being part of the investment team, my duty is to oversee the company’s XXX and set up investment outlook to our XXX. Timely reports and Top-down analysis on various economies were produced to the investment team committee and sales. Last year, I was honoured to play a notable role in securing a XXX return for the portfolio, beating the Hang Seng Index by XXX, and was rewarded to speak as the company’s sole representative on behalf of the research team at XXX 2019, which I greatly enjoyed. Finally, I personally boosted the client base by XXX, a rate well above average in the space of X months.

    I look forward to having further discussions with you in an interview. Please contact me at xxx@gmail.com or at +852xxxxxxxx if you have any further enquiries about my academic background and work experience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Yours faithfully,

    這份 Cover Letter 的厲害之處在於幾個地方:

    1. 英語的掌握能力,明顯比一般只是文法沒錯(而我們收到的初稿絕大部份甚至不會能夠做到這點)要好很多,於是句子的組織、節奏感都更像是一個native speaker。而風格上並不是死板的官方英文,有在一些位置故意地更談話feel一點,務求不虛情假意,更真摯。
    2. 一些動詞和形容詞的選擇,也是讓這份看起來更加讓人印象深刻。即使內容不是很特別,給人的感受都變得更主動、更自信。
    3. 要分享工作經驗,但細節留給CV。這裏是炫耀自己有多少功績的地方,要故事性地展現一些獨有的成就,無論是多大多小,給人感覺你是有自己的位置的。
    4. 最後,要做一個有Edge的人。這封信有著強烈的個人定位,明顯有血有肉,知道自己的想法是什麼、態度是什麼。

    我們認為,一份好的Cover Letter可以令到HR更加快過濾你,讀完之後可以理解你是一個什麼樣的求職者。甚至在腦海入面已經勾劃出你的影像、你的故事、你的目的。一份好的Cover Letter能夠立體地勾劃你,可以令到HR更加容易去和Line Manager描述、推薦你。


  • fund動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-20 19:00:41
    有 25 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #Covid2019 #武漢肺炎

    A State of Emergency

    On Friday the 13th, U.S. President Donald Trump declared a state of national emergency in response to the growing coronavirus epidemic. “To unleash the full power of the federal government to this effort today, I am officially declaring a national emergency,” Trump said at a press conference held at the White House Rose Garden.

    Trump had been under pressure from lawmakers to invoke the Stafford Act, which would make up to $50 billion from the Disaster Relief Fund available to U.S. states. By declaring a national emergency, the government can give states more resources as they try to contain the outbreak as well as test and treat patients. During the press conference, Trump urged every U.S. state to set up emergency response centers to coordinate their containment efforts.

    Trump claimed the move would alleviate the testing shortages that health experts say hindered America’s ability to contain the virus when the first cases began appearing. The president also announced partnerships with private companies that he claimed would allow patients to learn if they need to be tested and locate a testing site, some of which will be drive-through facilities at big box stores across the country.

    In recent days, Trump’s health officials have warned Americans to expect the situation to worsen. In response, many of the country’s public spaces have been shut down. Professional sports have been suspended, concert halls are closed until further notice and many Americans have been asked to self-isolate.

    1. declare「宣布」
    2. national emergency「國家緊急狀態」:宣布進入緊急狀態,將賦予美國總統處理危機的臨時特別權力。以往多數緊急狀態都跟外交有關,如參戰或因應全球貿易威脅,少數情況下,美國總統才會運用緊急狀態推行國內政策目標。
    3. federal「聯邦政府的」:美國就是屬於聯邦政府。
    4. press conference「記者會」
    5. invoke「援引」
    6. relief「紓困」
    7. coordinate「整合」
    8. containment「抑制,控制,阻止」:動詞為contain,contain在這裡也是做「抑制,克制」的意思。
    9. alleviate「緩解,減輕」
    10. shortage「短缺,不足」
    11. hinder「阻礙」
    12. partnership「合夥」
    13. locate「建立,設置」
    14. drive-through「得來速」
    15. big box store「大型連鎖商店或超市」

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

