

在 fun心騎保險產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅我是夏美,我愛騎單車,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 喜歡騎車到處旅遊的夏美,更喜歡跟好朋友或家人們4+2到處去旅行🚙🚴‍♀️!什麼是4+2呢?那就是汽車四輪加上單車兩輪(笑)😘 大家知道嗎~夏美其實滿18歲就考上汽車駕照,那時候生日禮物🎁還是一台迷你小MARCH,大學時期每天開著汽車上下課的時候最怕自己變成馬路三寶😅😅😅 🥇線上投保:http...

fun心騎保險 在 夏美 許 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-25 04:45:06

喜歡騎車到處旅遊的夏美,更喜歡跟好朋友或家人們4+2到處去旅行🚙🚴‍♀️!什麼是4+2呢?那就是汽車四輪加上單車兩輪(笑)😘 大家知道嗎~夏美其實滿18歲就考上汽車駕照,那時候生日禮物🎁還是一台迷你小MARCH,大學時期每天開著汽車上下課的時候最怕自己變成馬路三寶😅😅😅 🥇線上投保:https:...

fun心騎保險 在 Gina環球旅行生活 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 18:23:49

🛵機車環島最後一天休息的飯店♨️ GOMAJI兆品酒店礁溪住宿卷來了!! 這家飯店真的是無敵大推 這幾天有看我限時動態的朋友就會知道 白天飯店的外觀 以及我傍晚時間抵達的照片 不得不說服務人員真的相當貼心 當晚我機車環島從花蓮一路騎來 其實已經身心疲憊不堪 停在外面的車 在入住時被告知 服務人員...

  • fun心騎保險 在 我是夏美,我愛騎單車 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-02 08:00:29
    有 1,333 人按讚





    現在上 華南產險 網站就可投保,「FUN暑假‧宅夏拼」線上投保現省更多👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻,保障內容網頁寫得非常清楚,不用擔心被推銷,可以無壓力仔細的了解汽車險相關權益😜,且9月底前投保汽機車強制險就可抽momo紅利金五萬元,同時加保任意險再抽momo紅利金一萬五千元/PS5,汽機車老客戶續保加碼抽Foodpanda優惠券500元⛱👍🏽


    #華南汽車險 #華南第三人責任險 #華南產險 #ecover #網路投保 #華南eCover

  • fun心騎保險 在 moto-one.com.hk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-10 18:42:06
    有 17 人按讚

    〔頭盔王招聘Digital Marketer/店務助理/文書助理〕

    〔Digital Marketer〕

    Work location: Sheung Wan/ Yau Ma Tei
    Salary: 22K +, negotiable based on experience
    5 Days work

    Key Responsibilities:

    -Responsible for increasing online sales through connecting with the right audiences, design and execute creative campaigns and continuously improving UI and UX.
    -Handle weekly advertising (Digital Marketing) and Commercial strategies
    -Lead and plans in brand strategy and providing strategic solutions in fast-paced environment
    -Review business priorities, practical solution to business problems proactively
    -Work closely with the creative and production team of 50 people.
    -Analyse, design, implement lead generation systems on website
    -Design and implement Loyalty Program and reduce Abandon Carts
    -Conduct user research, user testing, AB testing to optimize customer experience
    -Analyze user journey to understand motivation, expose pain points, issues and improvement opportunities
    -Responsible for planning, budgeting, executing, monitoring promotion plans to boost business growth.
    50% work on general marketing, 50% work on UI/UX

    To be successful in this role you will exemplify our CORE values and:

    -Degree in Marketing, Journalism, Communications is preferred
    5+ years marketing experience at agencies or in-house is preferred
    -Experience in Shopify is a bonus
    -Strong market business sense and well knowing of the market
    -Experience in marketing plans and brand building activities including social media, search engine, digital and media planning
    -Strong analytic with good presentation and communication skills, and able to work under pressure
    -Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Be proactive approach, with extreme confidence in taking ownership of your work and the results it drives
    -Attention to detail, consistency and accuracy
    -Last but not least, you should be a motorcycle enthusiast and able to share the joy of riding to your audience!

    Interested candidate please send your CV to info@helmetking.com


    店員(12K - 18K,另有花紅,視乎經驗)













    如果你自問對人唔生外,鐘意同一班同樣熱愛電單車好玩的同事相處,歡迎聯絡我們!請將簡單的CV email到info@helmetking.com期待你的加入!

    〔Administrative Officer/ Administrative Assistant〕

    Job Description
    -Prepare invoicing
    -Execution and monitoring of all regular purchasing duties
    -Review payments and receipt transactions
    -Prepare company secretarial documents
    -Provide clerical and administrative support to the office team
    -Assist in ad-hoc job assignments, Pick up and deliver documents.
    -Coordinate with team and suppliers in the purchasing scope of work
    -Maintain complete and updated purchasing records/data and pricing in the system
    -Book Keeping and Data Entry

    -Higher Diploma, Associate Degree or above in Business
    -Administration or other related disciplines
    -1-3 years’ experience in administrative field
    -Responsible, good team player, detailed-oriented and organised
    -Proficiency in MS Office applications and Chinese Word Processing
    -Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
    -Candidates with more experience and qualifications will be considered as Administration Officer
    -Holder of a valid HK driving license (Class 3, 22) is preferred
    -Fresh graduates will be considered

    We offer competitive remuneration package and comprehensive fringe benefits including:
    -5-day work per week
    -Discretionary Performance Bonus
    -Marriage Leave
    -Annual Company Trip
    -Staff Shopping Discount
    -9 Days Annual Leave
    -To embrace the idea of work-life balance, we also endeavor to create a fun and enjoyable environment for our team members.
    Interested candidates please apply with FULL RESUME with SALARY EXPECTATION and AVAILABILITY. Please send your CV to info@helmetking.com

  • fun心騎保險 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-07-22 17:00:00
    有 310 人按讚

    單車時代 CYCLINGTIME.com 的報導出來了!! 看的出來我有多麼努力擺POSE了吧 XD

    這幾天一陣手忙腳亂後, 我現在也正在前往機場的路上. 提早幾天飛到比利時, 希望能把身體的狀態先調整到最好.

    在採訪時, 單車時代的總編P大說我看起來好像不緊張. 我很懷疑是不是因為最近曬的比較黑, 所以看不出來我慘淡無色的臉. 到目前為止, 我的待辦事項清單還有一堆沒有被劃掉, 顥然它們得留在我的筆記本, 當日後我在路上遇到麻煩時可以咆哮的對象了.... :P

    我想現在可能有些人會因為我要上飛機而感到很開心, 醬子他們可以大喊: 太好了!! 那個麻煩鬼終於出去了!!!!

    對, 最近我真的快要把朋友和贊助商搞的天翻地覆. 這回包包款款終於出門了, 相對他們的耳根應該也可以清靜一點. 但我最後還不忘記要把大家再煩一輪的機會... 謝謝

    Frontier Sportswear
    Bryton 台灣
    放心騎 自行車保險

    還有我的阿姐, 男朋友, 老婆, Eva戶外運動館, 台灣大叔們, 外國大叔們.... 謝謝你們, 請好好繼續幫我加持一下...... :D :D :D

    #TOPEAK #BTWIN #Frontier #Bryton #iVideo #FUN心騎