

在 ftz意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎! South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winnin...

  • ftz意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-10 23:40:49
    有 406 人按讚

    [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!

    South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.

    1. black comedy 黑色幽默
    2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
    3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
    4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言

    Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)



    Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!


    Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.

    5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束

    6. be done for 完蛋了

    7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了



    Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.

    8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...

    9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*



    Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.

    10. be nominated for 被提名
    11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎



    When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.

    12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
    13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
    14. short list 短名單



    And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.

    15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
    16 split into 分成
    17. share it with all 與大家分享
    18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
    19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院

    還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。

    *未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛


    奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs

    落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

    電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd

    攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D



    Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/

  • ftz意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-10 23:40:49
    有 406 人按讚

    [時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!

    South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.

    1. black comedy 黑色幽默
    2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
    3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
    4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言

    Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)



    Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!


    Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.

    5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束

    6. be done for 完蛋了

    7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了



    Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.

    8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...

    9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*



    Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.

    10. be nominated for 被提名
    11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎



    When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.

    12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
    13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
    14. short list 短名單



    And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.

    15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
    16 split into 分成
    17. share it with all 與大家分享
    18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
    19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院

    還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。

    *未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛


    奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs

    落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL


    時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8

    電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd

    攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D



    Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/

  • ftz意思 在 Furch Lab 攝影實驗室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-08-23 11:42:12
    有 29 人按讚

    Nikon 新機發表會即時文字直播
    11:57 倒數三分鐘,直播開始了!!
    12:00 現在依然還在放影片....
    12:02 KAZUO USHIDA 上台
    12:03 現在不意外地開始講從 1917 年開始的 Nikon 歷史
    12:06 再度開始放影片,秀出了一個Z,然後很突然的 KAZUO USHIDA 就拿著 Nikon Z 登場了XD
    12:08 Nikon 表示,之所以用「Z」這個字母是因為「讓人聯想到通往未來的橋樑」(?)
    12:10 影像事業部部長登台,介紹Z卡口,他說Z卡口的大口徑提高了鏡頭設計的自由度,因此從畫面中心到邊角都可實現絕佳的解析度,並且可設計最大光圈達F0.95的鏡頭。
    12:12 過往 Nikon 產品都可以在 Nikon Z 上面使用,不用擔心被放生(?
    12:14 接下來講了一堆屁話,再度開始放影片
    12:15 關於新的「Z」和舊有的「D」系列,Nikon 表示將來會讓兩者並駕齊驅,分佔不同角色但會齊頭並進(就是不會放生任何一方的意思)
    12:18 再度開始放影片,但這影片帥多了XD
    12:20 影像事業部開發總部長 池上博敬 上台
    12:21 Z接環卡口內徑 55mm,法蘭距 16mm
    12:25 Z7、Z6登場,分別是4,575萬、2,450萬畫素
    12:26 五軸「五級」防震,並且可以和鏡頭協同防震
    12:27 錄影功能:4K 30fps,N-Log、10Bit HDMI Out,鏡頭特別為了減輕呼吸效應所設計,並且減低對焦聲音、8K縮時攝影
    12:31 接下來官方提到 Z 卡口的三大特點:1.豐富的鏡頭 2.高解析力 3.錄影功能強化
    12:32 這部分講到三顆鏡頭:24-70 F4、35 F1.8 以及 50 F1.8
    12:35 發表「Noct」鏡頭 58mm F0.95,從圖片看來將會有電子螢幕對焦尺(圖片在下面留言處)
    12:36 Nikon Z 鏡頭「Roadmap」發表,請見留言圖XD
    12:37 竟然還順便發表了 F 接環的 500mm F5.6
    12:40 售價來了!
    Z7 售價 44 萬日幣左右(約台幣12.1萬),Z6 預計 11 月上市,27 萬日幣左右(約台幣7.42萬)
    24-70mm F4,九月下旬開賣,售價136,500日圓(約台幣37,500)
    35mm F1.8,九月下旬開賣,售價114,000日圓(約台幣31,300)
    50mm F1.8,十月下旬開賣,售價83,500日圓(約台幣22,900)
    FTZ轉接環 ,九月下旬開賣,售價36,000日圓(約台幣9,900)
    12:44 結束囉!大家可以回家啦!

