

在 frontiers評價產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過18萬的網紅Dota Hero,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 開放世界宇宙探索遊戲《No Man's Sky》(無人之境/無人深空)邁入五周年,在昨(10)日釋出了五周年紀念影片,穿插了從初次在 E3 發表到開發遊戲的相關紀錄畫面。同時也預告第 17 次的改版更新即將來臨。 《No Man's Sky》由 Hello Games 開發,於 2016 年 8 月...

  • frontiers評價 在 Dota Hero Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 16:25:17
    有 0 人按讚

    開放世界宇宙探索遊戲《No Man's Sky》(無人之境/無人深空)邁入五周年,在昨(10)日釋出了五周年紀念影片,穿插了從初次在 E3 發表到開發遊戲的相關紀錄畫面。同時也預告第 17 次的改版更新即將來臨。 《No Man's Sky》由 Hello Games 開發,於 2016 年 8 月上市,遊戲特點是可探索數以萬計的隨機生成行星,上面有各自獨特的地景風貌與植被生物。但剛推出時,因與宣傳的落差太大,內容空洞貧乏且不符玩家期待,導致負評如潮,初版甚至沒有玩家預期的多人模式。 不過經過長期的更新,評價已經逐漸回升,也新增了多人模式。現版本已來到 3.53,並即將推出第17次改版「Frontiers」,不過官方沒有透露詳細更新內容。 遊戲製作人 Sean Murray 在官方部落格寫道,團隊為《No Man's Sky》能夠走到今天的發展感到自豪,從多人模式、VR、跨平台、寵物、次世代加強更新等內容,每一個更新背後都是團隊的心血結晶。一路走來雖不容易,但在玩家社群的支持下推動著一切。隨著每次更新,社群也更加壯大,也感謝每位玩家的支持跟回饋。 順帶一提,如果你有興趣的話,五週年預告使用背景音樂是知名英國後搖團靜止 65 天(65daysofstatic)的名曲〈Retreat! Retreat!〉,該樂團同時也替《No Man's Sky》的製作音樂,也曾發表過遊戲原聲帶。 「Frontiers」上線日期未定,有待官方未來公布。


  • frontiers評價 在 蔡明劼醫師 健康。瘦身 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-14 11:27:50
    有 205 人按讚


    Frontiers的首席執行編輯Frederick Fenter博士在2021-3-2發表一份"為何拒絕該論文"的聲明:「在我們對該文的客觀性進一步審查後,發現該文做出了一系列嚴重、未經證實的主張,有時並沒有使用對照組。此外,作者宣傳了他們自己特定的基於伊維菌素的治療方法,這不適合評論文章,也違反了我們的編輯政策。在我們看來,這篇論文沒有為評估伊維菌素作為新冠肺炎的潛在治療方法提供客觀或平衡的科學貢獻。...(略)」

    Evidence-Based Medicine期刊在2021-4-22發表"伊維菌素治療新冠肺炎的誤導性臨床證據和系統評價"。它的最後一段是:「結論是,與伊維菌素相關的研究存在嚴重的方法學局限性,導致證據的確定性非常低。伊維菌素的使用,以及其他用於新冠肺炎預防或治療的重新利用藥物,應該基於可靠的證據進行,沒有利益衝突,並在患者同意、倫理批准的隨機臨床試驗中證明安全性和有效性。」


  • frontiers評價 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-08 22:01:13
    有 3 人按讚

    【我與可惡麥克風的故事】(English writing below)

    我的 Blue Yeti 麥克風只用來錄一年的有聲書就掛了,而且是死在錄音要開始時。

    我先生到百勝樓的Swee Lee詢問時,也既是我們買那麥克風的店,店員說類似這樣的話:「哦,你用了差不多兩年了,也是時候了。」



    於是,我花了很多個晚上來讀網路評價和觀看Youtube影片。坦白說,做後製時,我是聽得出Blue Yeti 錄音很多不足的地方。唯有搭配Voicemeeter Banana這音響軟件一起錄音,音質才會好很多。但這軟件只能使用在Windows. 我也花了很多個夜晚才搜索到這方法。



    長話短說,後來我向 Sennheiser 買了個Neumann TLM102 的麥克風。今天,我購買了一台 Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo Core。這些器材其實應該在四月時就買,但當時太忙而且舉棋不定,而最近器材的價錢都掉了幾百塊。


    Sinamex員工的產品知識非常的好,人也很主動熱心。他示範了各品牌的音頻接口如 Apogee DUO, Audient and of course, Universal Audio。其實還沒踏進店裡時,我就已想買Universal Audio這品牌了。聽過店員的解說後,更慶幸沒有在網路上買Focusrite or Apogee。

    據員工說,這 Universal Audio Apollo Twin 也是新加坡音樂創作者們 Dick Lee、 林俊傑、Jonathan Koh 許偉強和 Sydney Tan (2019年國慶慶典的音樂總監)。#六度分隔理論 #又與俊傑拉近一度



    我有多次差一點又買回Blue Yeti,因為覺得這些科技太難懂,太麻煩了。但老娘怎麼說也是個新加坡人,怕輸怕死的血液在我身體流著,怎可能笨到同樣的錯誤犯兩次。😁




    My Blue Yeti died after one year of weekly usage for audiobook recording, and it died just when our recording session was about to begin.

    The Husband asked Swee Lee @ Bras Basah about it. That was where we bought the USB mic. The store staff said something like: “Oh you used for about two years. It’s about there already.”

    I was like “what the duck”...

    Sending the mic back to USA for repair doesn’t make financial sense. And I’m not sure I want to burn another $210 on a metal mic that is going to die before me.

    So I spent nights reading online reviews and watching YouTube videos. To be honest, I hear a lot of inadequacies in the Blue Yeti recording. It only sounds better when I use it with Voicemeeter Banana, an audio application software that can only be used for Windows. Even that took me nights of Googling to find this solution.

    It was exhausting. Thought I’m just a Feng Shui practitioner...why am I looking at mics and audio interfaces?

    But for the sake of my Grandmaster’s audiobooks, I threw myself head first into this whole alien world of audio tech. The Husband, with a MASTERS in Information Technology, was of ZERO help. #toughbeingawomannowadays

    Long story short, I bought a Neumann TLM102 from Sennheniser SG and today I purchased an Universal Audio Apollo Twin Duo Core. I was lucky because I should have bought all these in April, when my mic died but I was so busy with work and couldn’t decide what was most suitable. Then the prices went down by a couple of hundreds.

    There were many mics and audio interfaces I was considering. You know how it’s like when you start reading Amazon reviews and watching YouTube videos. Macham like walking into a candy store where one piece of chocolate can cost you one week of salary, and some, your entire month of blood supply.

    The Sinamex staff was very knowledgeable and helpful. He demonstrated the various audio interfaces like Apogee DUO, Audient and of course, Universal Audio. I had my eyes on UA even before I entered the store. After his explanation, I was glad I didn’t buy the Focusrite or Apogee.

    According to the gentleman, the Universal Audio Apollo Twin is also used by Dick Lee, Lin Junjie, Jonathan Koh and Sydney Tan (NDP 2019 music director). #sixdegreelaw #onedegreeclosertoJJLin

    I hope I can figure out how to operate this impressive machine back home. I still have to buy a Thunderbolt cable from Apple. This also works with Windows by the way.

    All credit goes to Shifu, for being the generous man that lays out the moolah for both the mic and audio interface. He lets me decides what to buy because in his words, a high-level Master doesn't bother himself with all these. Only a low-level one will. Okay, fine, that's me. 😀

    There were many times I almost went back to buy a Blue Yeti. It was too difficult and troublesome to figure out all these tech stuff. But hey, I’m a true blue Singaporean. The kiasu and kiasi blood run deep in my veins. How can I be so dumb to make the same mistake twice? 😁

    Change can be really painful and uncomfortable, especially when it involves money, time and effort and all these 3 resources are scarce. It’s easier and socially more acceptable to say we are afraid of change, instead of saying we are too proud or too lazy to change. Because the former will win you sympathy while the latter will make you a loser to your own Destiny.

    Singapore is where she is today not because of our resistance to change, but for our ready willingness to strive relentlessly, to fight, to endure the pains, etc.

    As we celebrate our 54th National Day, let us not forget this spirit of bravado and the quest for new frontiers.

    Happy birthday, Singapore! I am so proud to be a Singaporean and thank you for all that you have given me and my family!

