fringe 翻譯:邊緣, (地區或群體的)邊緣,周邊;(活動的)次要部分, 裝飾, (衣服等邊緣的)穗子,緣飾,流蘇, 頭髮, 瀏海,額前短垂髮。了解更多。
#2fringe - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
fringe · n.[C]. 穗,緣飾,流蘇;蓬邊;穗狀物;(頭髮的)劉海 · vt. 加穗於,在……上裝以緣飾[(+with)];是……的邊緣 · adj. 邊緣的,外部的;【美】從屬的;附加的 ...
#3fringed-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"fringed". 形容词/ 分词. 流苏. 摇曳. 睫毛. 冠径.
#4fringed 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
fringed · adj. 已加緣飾; 已加絛穗; 已加流蘇 · n. 緣飾; 加緣飾; 絛穗; 流蘇 ...
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大量翻译例句关于"cost fringe benefits" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
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fringed中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 具流蘇的,具的(等於fringy);加穗的;帶邊飾的。英漢詞典提供【fringed】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
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#11fringed的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
Lines of trees fringed the river. 河的兩旁種著樹. speaker. The ancient city was fringed with wall.
JP¥ Japanese Yen; US$ US Dollar; NT 新台幣. 繁體中文 語言. 繁體中文; English. 04-23014757; 會員中心 ... LESS - S/S FRINGED PULLOVER TEE.
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#15File:Commander-in-Chief Flag of the Republic of ... - 维基百科
File:Commander-in-Chief Flag of the Republic of China (fringed).svg ... 中文(中国大陆):中华民国统帥旗(原名:中华民国总统旗). English: Commander-in-Chief ...
#16fringe - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. fringe n, UK (bangs: hair cut at front) (头发), SCSimplified Chinese 刘海liú hǎi. Kate was tired of her hair always getting in her ...
#17Instagram 上的@chanelofficial:「 An iridescent fringed top ...
10.7 萬個讚,456 則留言- Instagram 上的@chanelofficial:「 An iridescent fringed top from the current #CHANELSpringSummer collection catches and reflects…
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科中文名, 鳚科, 經濟性 ... 最大體長, 10 cm, 觀賞魚類, 否, 其他中文名, 狗鰷 ... 英文俗名, Red-tipped fringe blenny; Red-speckled blenny; Banded fringe blenny.
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英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... fringed-fibril structure, 穗狀原纖維結構. fringed-fibril theory, 穗狀原纖維理論. fringed-micelle model, 穗狀微束模型.
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#25fringed中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
fringed中文 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。KK[frɪndʒd]; DJ[frindʒd]. 美式. adj. 加穗的,帶邊飾的;fringe的動詞過去式、過去分詞... 牛津中文字典. fringe.
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fringed 中文 意思是什麼 ... On one of them, which was a fringed scarf for a dress of ceremony,Isaw the armorial ... The estate was fringed with stately elms.
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PALM-FRINGED”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“PALM-FRINGED” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#28Fringed Outlaw - Google Play 應用程式
特征: - 浏览我们所有最新到货和促销活动 - 使用信用卡或借记卡轻松订购和结账 - 候补物品并在有货时购买 - 订单履行和运输的电子邮件通知. 更新日期.
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fringed -micelle model · [繁體中文]: · [简体中文]:缨状微束模型.
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... long sleeves, all-over contrasting panels, all-over graphic pattern, slip pockets at sides, fringed hem Dry clean Made in ... 台湾/ 新台币$ | 简体中文 ...
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Tulipa 'Fringed Elegance'. Tulipa 'Fringed Elegance'在春季綻放的花朵大而艷麗,且沒有香味,從發芽到開花需要數年的時間。其花卉具有高經濟和文化價值, ...
#32fringed单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
fringed. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ frindʒd ]. 解释, 具流苏的,具…的(等于fringy); 加穗的; 带边饰的; 毛边. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif.
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編號, 中文名, 拉丁名, 英文名, 類別, 縮圖 ... Qinpi, Fraxini Cortex, Ash Bark, 皮類. 19, 瞿麥. Qumai, Dianthi Herba, Fringed Pink Herb, 全草類.
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fringed 的解释是:具流苏的, 具的… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:fringed的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
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lg. without fringe 10 1/8 in. Footnotes. Provenance: The Dean Taylor collection, Denver, Colorado. 其他資訊 ...
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... with two compartments and a snap closure, this sleek piece is highlighted by cable chain fringes through metal rings on the front for a striking finish.
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#39Fringed | Phillip Jeffries
Fringed. Very fine multi-tonal vertical strings are laminated onto matte or metallic grounds for a simply chic and textured wallcovering.
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#43Biscuit Fringed knit dress | Prada
Visit the PRADA official store, discover now Biscuit Fringed knit dress and buy online at the official PRADA e-store.
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中文 名稱:. 日本鳶尾 更多日本鳶尾. ‧英文名稱:, White Fringed Iris. ‧學名:. Iris japonica Thunb. ‧科名:, 鳶尾科(Iridaceae)鳶尾屬(Iris).
#46Washed Virgin Wool Fringed Throw - Shop Atrio
This elegant 100% wool throw is designed and ethically produced in Paris. Features an all-around delicate fringe edge. A perfect accent piece for a bed or ...
#47fringes翻译为:(头发的)刘海( f
fringes 的中文意思:(头发的)刘海( f,点击查看详细解释:fringes的中文翻译、fringes的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握fringes这个单词。
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部分商品資訊是由Google 自動翻譯,內容不完全精確。 翻譯成中文-繁體顯示原文(日文). 放入 ...
#49Plastic Injection Molding Simulation Software - Moldex3D
Visualize optical properties, including birefringence, retardation, fringed pattern, etc. Predict potential defects, such as short shot, flow imbalance, ...
#50File:Commander-in-Chief Flag of the Republic of China ...
File:Commander-in-Chief Flag of the Republic of China (fringed).svg ... 中文(臺灣):中華民國統帥旗 (原名:中華民國總統旗).
#51Water Fringe (Nymphoides peltata) - iNaturalist
Nymphoides peltata (syn. Villarsia nymphaeoides, Limnanthemum peltatum S.G. Gmel., Nymphoides nymphaeoides (L.) Britton, fringed water lily, yellow floating ...
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fringe hair中文在Youtube上受歡迎的影片介紹|,提供fringe hair中文,fringe中文,Hair fringe,fringe瀏海相關Youtube影片,找fringe hair中文就在網路 ...
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【中字】Fringed Iris 突击莉莉相关歌曲. 丹羽灯莉奥肥受. 【中文歌词付】突击莉莉相关歌曲. 查看更多. 常伴你身旁. 2021-04-17. App打开. 常伴你身旁. いつもそばで。
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#55palm-fringed - 英文翻译中文,怎么说?
palm-fringed. 5个回答. 棕榈 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 正在翻译,请等待... 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 棕榈装饰 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名.
"palm-fringed"?What is the meaning of it? http://www.ebigear.com/?module=resource&act=viewuploadtext&ResourceID=7777700038773&NodeID=1333 the first ...
CELINE FRINGED T-SHIRT IN COTTON JERSEY | Black / white-2X29C671Q.38AW.S. Buy the lastest Storefront GREATER CHINA Catalog on the official CELINE website.
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在线词典,支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、同义词、同根词、词语辨析等,是外语学习者必备的在线查词 ...
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在中文里面,我们如何解释fringing这个英文词呢? fringing这个英文词,中文意思如下:边缘。 Meaning of fringing for the defined word.
#60fringe - 英汉词典在线翻译
fringe 的中文翻译 · the front part of sb's hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead · a strip of hanging threads attached to the edge of sth to ...
#61About Publication 15-B, Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits
Publication 15-B is for employers who provide fringe benefits to employees, and is used to determine whether the benefits are taxable.
#62Fringe Digital Marketing Agency - LinkedIn
Fringe Digital Marketing Agency | 121 followers on LinkedIn. Fringe Digital Marketing Agency is a Vancouver WA based creative, SEO and internet marketing ...
#63Rainbow Fringed Tree Party Picks (Set of 12) - Big Blue Trunk
Looking for a little something extra for your party table? How about these fabulous festive Christmas tree picks? They are made from colourful fringed crepe ...
Light-blue power mesh pants with draped fringe overlay. It features front zip and button closure, five pockets design, zip detail on ankles and tight fit.
#65迷離的員工福利:甚麼是"Fringe Benefits"?
Fringe Benefits又可叫作"Perks",是指薪酬以外的附帶福利,取其邊緣的意思。基本的Fringe Benefits通常包括有薪年假(Annual Leave)、病假(Sick Leave ...
#66Hedda Textured Fringed Trim Tie Back Top - 2L Design Concept
Lining: Fully Lined Stretchability: None Pockets: None.
Soft plain scarf from Antony Morato. Styled in a cotton-blend fabric trimmed with tonal fringed hem detail. An all-rounder that's set to become the star of your ...
#68Pink fringed tulips — Royalty-free Stock Video - Depositphotos
Stock footage Pink fringed tulips, Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands 16225865 ✓ HD/4K ⬇ Download videos from Depositphotos ▷ Millions of royalty-free videos ...
#70Remote America: Beautiful Places You Might Not Know Exist
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... Slide 3 of 32: Palm-fringed beaches and teal waters are pretty much a.
#71Roughly 中文 - Didziojikinija
電子發票會自動對獎嗎; 粗糙地;粗暴地;粗俗地;粗略地。 If you do something roughly you do it with too much force; 所以,这是我粗略的想法。
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Français · 日本語 · 中文 · 한국어 · login · wishlist · shopping bag (0) · (0). SALE ONLY. All categories · ACCESSORIES · BAGS · CLOTHING · SHOES ...
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EN 中文. HOME. ABOUT US. Vision Diversification Directorate Management Community. BESPOKE HOMES. Landed Homes For Sale Pollen Collection Nim Collection.
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ChicWish traces its beginnings back to the original idea: to cater the young generation with a distinct sense of style. We establish our shop to offer the ...
#75LUX * Resorts & Hotels
en. en · fr · 中文 · ru ... Reunion Island's only five-star set on the beach is a colonial gem fringed by filao trees and the calm L'Hermitage lagoon.
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MAX MARA SAmitie fringed wool coat. $1051.20 $2190.00. MAX MARA 'S Amitie fringed wool coat ... 切换到中文. Report Error. D'aniello Boutique.
#77Luxury Hotel & Beach Resort in Porto Heli, Greece - Amanzoe
Amanzoe. Scattered with Unesco-protected ruins, the beach-fringed Peloponnese has been at the heart of Greek culture for millennia. Resting on the east ...
#782022: The Year in Visual Stories and Graphics
Stevie Wonder wearing sunglasses and a printed fringed shirt throws his head back as he sings · 50 Years Ago, Stevie Wonder Heard the ...
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Novelty Fringe Jacket. Best Seller. quickview · Novelty Fringe Jacket ... Zenana Fringe Detail Cuffed Pocket Cropped Jeans. $61.60$88.00. 30% Off Sitewide.
#80但当我用android棉花糖或果冻豆应用程序崩溃时 以下是 Feb 17 ...
Fringed with new features for users and upgraded viewer Interpark eBook! ... 2 Jelly Bean活用教本,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789888191291,頁數:104,出版社: ...
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... 互联网收录并提供 首页 磁力链接怎么用 한국어 English 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文In this sense, ... Decorated with fringed-cut tissue paper and cutouts 2022.
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The Maldives is known for its pure white-sand beaches, thriving reef fish, clear lagoons, palm-fringed islands and opulent water villas.
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Fringed with new features for users and upgraded viewer Interpark eBook! ... 2 Jelly Bean活用教本,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789888191291,頁數:104,出版社: ...
#84Rocks D. Xebec | One Piece Wiki - Fandom
Rocks' main outfit appeared to have consisted of a high-collared sailor's coat with fringed epaulettes, plus a buttoned shoulder belt.
#86rothschild flag
The U. According to The American Legion, gold fringe has been used in ... 在英语-中文情境中翻译"NM Rothschild & Sons" Nov 29, 2022 · condition: like new.
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The Most Powerful NLP-Weapon Arsenal NLP民工的乐园: 几乎最全的中文NLP资源库. ... adjoined, bordered (on), butted (on or against), flanked, fringed, joined.
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“I come from the warm Carolinas,and the sandbanks fringed with pines;where the great owl-rays leap and flap,like giant bats,upon the tide。
#89飄(上部)(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
She raised her chin and her pale, black-fringed eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Ellen had never told her that desire and attainment were two different ...
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There were several bartenders in their shirt sleeves, hard at work mixing drinks for the loungers who fringed the broad, brass-trimmed counter.
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Here the cabman was directed to wait. A short walk brought us to a secluded road fringed with pleasant houses, each standing in its own grounds. In the.
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... and fringed at the edge like great combs, at which the teeth, six feet long, served to retain the thousands of animalculae, little fish, and molluscs, ...
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short, starched muslin dresses or very long wax tapers tied in the middle with a bow of silk fringed with gold, and with dents in the wax for the fingers.
#94格蘭特船長的兒女(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
It was a steeply-shelving shore, fringed with breakers; a practicable landing-place had to be discovered. Gradually the breeze grew fainter, and then ceased ...
#95Лифт - LiveJournal
A small square of linen, silk, or other fabric (which may be embroidered, fringed, etc.), carried in the hand or pocket ...
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Fringed with new features for users and upgraded viewer Interpark eBook! ... 2 Jelly Bean活用教本,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789888191291,頁數:104,出版社: ...