

在 fragrant評價產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,350的網紅吃貨回憶錄,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Bichot家族在勃根的歷史超過六個世紀,自1831年開始葡萄酒事業,皆是父子相傳,目前已經是第六代經營。因為一開始沒有以經營者命名行銷,長久以來不重視英語系國家的評論家,曾經有人在關於布根地的刊物上給予他過低的評價,自此之後Albert Bichot便刻意迴避媒體等等原因使得過去的他像沈睡的巨人般...

  • fragrant評價 在 吃貨回憶錄 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-10-19 21:59:14
    有 37 人按讚

    Bichot家族在勃根的歷史超過六個世紀,自1831年開始葡萄酒事業,皆是父子相傳,目前已經是第六代經營。因為一開始沒有以經營者命名行銷,長久以來不重視英語系國家的評論家,曾經有人在關於布根地的刊物上給予他過低的評價,自此之後Albert Bichot便刻意迴避媒體等等原因使得過去的他像沈睡的巨人般較不被大眾認識。後來改變經營方式,栽種設備,行銷手法,也漸漸展現他有能力釀造出精緻優質高階紅白酒。由Montrachet Grand Cru年年上漲的價格就可發現他們改變後的成效。當晚的Albert Bichot Montrachet Grand Cru果然表現不俗,不吝嗇地在杯中展現撲鼻的香氣,水梨、蘆筍、奶油誘人芬芳,入口後細緻的桶味、礦石風味和優雅的酸度達到舒服的平衡,雖說陳年後能展現更豐富多元的層次,天時地利人和把握時機享受Montrachet的青春可愛也未嘗不可!
    T̥ͦh̥ͦe̥ͦ Bichot family has made burgundy its home for over six centuries. In 1983, Bichot had its start in the wine business by founding a merchant house. The family heritage has been perpetuated from father to son since then, and it is currently managed by the sixth generation. The branding has historically showcased the names of the individual domains rather than the owners of the domains, but eventually they started using the Bichot name discreetly. They have overlooked many of the English language opinion makers, which explains why they are not as well known as they could be. The lack of focus on English opinion makers stems from the fact that there were some books written about burgundy which portrayed Bichot as an underachiever. For all these reasons, Albert Bichot was like a sleeping giant. Later on, they improved their vinification equipment, marketing strategy and business model to show they are also capable of making fine wine. You can tell the results by the increasing price of Montrachet Grand Cru. That night, it surely left a lasting impression on all of us. Abundant pear, asparagus, cream smell in nose. Alluring and fragrant! Fine minerality, woody, and elegant acidity reached to a perfect balance in mouth. We can expect more complexity after aging but at the right time and with the right company, it was very nice to enjoy the beauty and youth of Albert Bichot Montrachet GC 2011!

  • fragrant評價 在 釀酒師之路 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-08-26 23:39:26
    有 24 人按讚

    今天接待了一家五個人,他們來自烏拉圭。當他們跟我說他們在烏拉圭有酒莊,馬上讓下午有些疲憊的我精神一振,感覺太有趣了!那位媽媽很親切的回答我對他們的問題。他們由8公頃做到33公頃,葡萄品種有 Albariño, Chardonnay, Riesling, Merlot, Tempranillo 和 Tannat,這樣的配製當下讓我產生很大的好感和新鮮感。一方面都是我挺喜歡的葡萄品種,一方面對於Riesling的出現感到特別,媽媽跟我解釋因為有海洋的調節而讓他適合在他們酒莊生長。


    我跟他們提到今年九月準備到南法念釀酒,媽媽表示他的妹妹也在同一個城市學習釀造,說Montpellier是個很棒的城市。末了,他們給了我酒莊的名片,出於這場愉快的接觸,還有對南美葡萄酒的好奇,上網一查之下發現是個評價頗高的酒莊Bodega Bouza。看著介紹心思便飛到了南美,心想是否有機會去他們酒莊做實習呢?是不是要開始學西班牙語了呢?哈哈,總之,是一場有趣的邂逅。

    Julia Harding MW:
    「Bodega Bouza Albariño 2006 Las Violetas, Canelones 17 Drink 2007
    Bouza were the first to harvest this variety in Uruguay. The first vintage was 2004, when they produced 398 bottles. In 2006 the tally had gone up to 4256 bottles. Pale straw. Very pure peach and apricot and a touch floral and fragrant. Minerally and tight, still aromatic on the mid palate. Ultimate purity. Good length and intensity. Restrained oak (50% of the wine is barrel fermented) barely noticeable except in extra textural dimension. (JH) 」