

在 found發現產品中有1730篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題! How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues? 🎬 https://youtu.be/NufI_fwYejM ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medi...

 同時也有181部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題! How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues? ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help: 😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and ...

found發現 在 Rosie Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 17:08:09

半夜睡不著覺來更新一下近況 可能是太興奮了,明天是我回到英國的第20天,終於找到房了 這次決定不住宿舍的原因,一是覺得宿舍貴得太誇張,二是因為已經有這邊生活的經驗,想體驗看看傳說中刺激的倫敦租房 其實我在第六區已經不算是競爭激烈的,原本以為一週內就可以找到房,結果真的到現場看才發現要考慮的事情...

  • found發現 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:03
    有 610 人按讚

    小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題!
    How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues?
    🎬 https://youtu.be/NufI_fwYejM

    ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help:
    😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and flu-like symptoms
    😷 消化問題 Digestion problems
    😷 女性健康問題 Women’s health issues
    😷 睡眠問題 Sleeping issues

    我來台灣之前認為中藥只是一種民俗療法,但是經過幾個月的研究和體驗我發現了中藥確實有神奇的療法!為了幫助各國人多瞭解中藥到底是什麼,我跟兩位中醫師討教:中國醫藥大學附設醫院的顏宏融醫師,以及美國中醫師 Greg,瞭解中藥運作的原理和如何正確使用!When I first came to Taiwan I thought Chinese Medicine was a superstition, but after months of studying it I have found out it really an effective way to help our bodies! In order to better help the world understand more about Chinese Medicine I met with two renowned Chinese Medical practitioners, Dr. Yan and Greg, and discussed what Chinese Medicine is and how to use them correctly.

    請記得追我其他社會媒體 Follow Me:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— https://www.youtube.cofm/channel/UCXpbSh6g1ZWHxk-UQv86VzA/join 【加入 Join Now】

    #ChineseMedicine #中藥 #小貝

  • found發現 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 07:33:29
    有 54 人按讚

    Labor shortage的問題最近常出現在新聞裡, 而labor cost也讓企業頭疼. 前幾天Morgan Stanley有出一篇報告, 主要是說Amazon(AMZN)因為人力支出, 獲利會受壓, 短期內股價可能因此會一直盤整下去:


    而剛好前兩天的新聞有提到, 透過電商購物的消費者增加, 而其實電商會比傳統的零售業, 需要更多的人力在物流中心, 來做商品的包裝, 運送等:

    "Demand for distribution workers has skyrocketed as more consumers shop online, in part because picking, packing and shipping e-commerce orders is more labor-intensive than traditional warehouse operations that distribute wholesale goods or replenish store inventory."

    Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/logistics-operators-raise-pay-enlist-robots-to-meet-holiday-demand-11632657600


    🌻如何逢低買進(buy the dip)?
    每個人buy the dip的方法不同. 這邊簡單說一下我要buy the dip的話, 會注意哪些事情.
    1. 個股所在的類股的表現
    2. 均線
    3. 大盤
    4. 財報發表了沒
    5. 股價還有沒有上行的空間(估值高低的問題)

    🌻有趣的美股小知識: Why You Should Pay Attention to the Way Management Talks

    Nomura(野村)的策略家發現, 當CEO在電話會議中, 用簡單易懂的方式來說明公司業務的話, 公司的股價會比使用複雜語言的CEO的公司股價還高.

    Mezrich found that simple really does matter. Using the Gunning Fog index, he ranked companies in the Russell 1000 into tenths, based on their earnings conference calls. Over the past three years, the companies with the simplest language have returned 19.2% annualized, beating the equal-weighted Russell 1000’s 15.7%. Those with the most complex language returned just 13.4%. The complex language portfolio was also more volatile than the simple language portfolio.

    “Since senior management delivers an earnings call, simple language may produce more confidence among investors in management’s ability to deliver on their vision,” Mezrich explains. “Hence, simpler language earnings calls can lead to subsequent stock outperformance.”


    Picture: 小鎮的秋景. 圖片來源: Facebook. 攝影者不明.

  • found發現 在 &dear Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 20:55:44
    有 61 人按讚

    Kakapo is a critically endangered species; there were only around 50 of them left living on Stewart Island of New Zealand in 1995, and now there are around 200 of them on the island. Scientists worry the population of kakapo is too small and inbreeding will cause more harmful mutations and lead to genetic diseases. However, a recent study found that there are actually fewer harmful mutation in their genes than scientists expected, some original harmful mutations have disappeared as well.

  • found發現 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:09

    小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題!
    How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues?

    ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help:
    😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and flu-like symptoms
    😷 消化問題 Digestion problems
    😷 女性健康問題 Women’s health issues
    😷 睡眠問題 Sleeping issues

    我來台灣之前認為中藥只是一種民俗療法,但是經過幾個月的研究和體驗我發現了中藥確實有神奇的療法!為了幫助各國人多瞭解中藥到底是什麼,我跟兩位中醫師討教:中國醫藥大學附設醫院的顏宏融醫師,以及美國中醫師 Greg,瞭解中藥運作的原理和如何正確使用!When I first came to Taiwan I thought Chinese Medicine was a superstition, but after months of studying it I have found out it really an effective way to help our bodies! In order to better help the world understand more about Chinese Medicine I met with two renowned Chinese Medical practitioners, Dr. Yan and Greg, and discussed what Chinese Medicine is and how to use them correctly.

    請記得追我其他社會媒體 Follow Me:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— https://www.youtube.cofm/channel/UCXpbSh6g1ZWHxk-UQv86VzA/join 【加入 Join Now】

    #ChineseMedicine #中藥 #小貝

  • found發現 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-10 07:00:12







    Welcome to Sunlight!
    My friend, single for 27 years, is always yelling that he wants to get married. Why he never gets a girlfriend although he wants to get married? Finally I ask him to share how he keeps himself, prepares himself and knows himself these years~(Wish him meets the actual age)
    What do you think about singledom? Are you a little afraid of or anxious? Sometimes you feel free but sometimes feel worthless? Being single doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, instead, meaning that it’s not quite ready yet. No matter you’re single or not, you’re always worthy of love! Get your to-do list down ASAP when you’re single, and “debug” your life! Hope you guys become mature first and then take off the single, bless others and found families.
    Lastly, I’m sorry! Because we’re so familiar that we talk trash too much. I’m trying hard to delete so there are only 30 minutes left in the episode. 😂😂😂
    Note: If you’re Christians, you may find that Ethan is wrong for saying “Sarah bore Isaac when she was 99 years old.” Isaac was born when Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 years old. It’s a slip of the tongue. Hope his group members, friends, fans(?) and the wife in the future believe his professionalism(Well, I’m forced to add it.)
    Genesis 17:19 King James Bible
    And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • found發現 在 A力地方媽媽 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-20 22:30:12

    #椅子運動菜單 #office workouts
    邊被 @Chandler Juliet 的歌聲療癒,
    第一首:要嘛接受!要嘛離開!Take it or Leave it
    第二首:要說老!還早哪!Way Too Young to Feel This Old
    第二首:燃燒吧!火鳥(神聖的)burning sage


    1️⃣河邊春夢來踢水 撐椅抬腿
    2️⃣池畔試水溫 撐椅臂屈伸
    3️⃣田溝水蛙步 坐姿抬單腿
    4️⃣翻肚屁頂天 肩貼椅臀推
    5️⃣野餐三明治 坐地腿屈伸
    6️⃣悲憤腿內側 就地剪刀腳
    “腿間的殺氣 平時要練練”
    7️⃣卡認真走路 掌撐登椅步(或撐椅)
    8️⃣走心硬心腸 掌撐地拍肩(或撐椅)
    9️⃣失憶臀滿血 單腳踩椅抬
    🔟失憶臀復活 蛙腿臀舉


    粉專:地方媽媽 健身筆記 Ellie

    攝影- 周琨瑾 火野攝影
    剪輯- 彭佳琳 A力地方媽媽
    要嘛接受!要嘛離開!Take it or Leave it
    Music by Chandler Juliet - Take it or Leave it - https://thmatc.co/?l=389AB364
    要說老!還早哪!Way Too Young to Feel This Old
    Music by Chandler Juliet - Way Too Young to Feel This Old - https://thmatc.co/?l=F4C3647E
    燃燒吧!火鳥(神聖的)burning sage
    Music by Chandler Juliet - burning sage - https://thmatc.co/?l=D5EDE3D5
    Carl Storm - Found in the dark (ft. yeaow) https://soundcloud.com/carlstorm​
    Music promoted by 프리뮤직 Vlog Copyright Free Music
    Link : https://youtu.be/vbHqxU_zXOc​