

在 forsake意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《米桶發財法》(English version below) STRIKING RICH WITH THE RICE BIN 年少時,吾突然意思到,吾的身段似乎「過於苗條」了,是時候讓它「蓬勃發展」。一來,能保護身邊的人,二來,在整體上,較爲健康,較爲好看些。於是,吾在食量上加倍,向同班同學借來一...

  • forsake意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-11-19 21:49:42
    有 145 人按讚

    《米桶發財法》(English version below)








    When I was still a youth, one day, I suddenly realized that I was perhaps too thin and it was time to beef up my physique. Firstly, I would be able to protect the people around me, and also look better and healthier on the whole. Thus, I increased my food intake, borrowed a pair of 9kg dumbbells from my classmate, diligently did push-ups and sit-ups, as well as used other exercising equipment. These were my indoor exercises. As for my outdoor activities, I mostly and frequently did swimming. My favorite strokes in the pool then were breast-stroke and the butterfly stroke. After every lap, I liked to get onto dry land and do sit-ups and push-ups. I dare not say how great my body was, however I did received praises from other men and women. At the very least, I did not have excess fat hanging off me.

    Besides those indoor and outdoor body-building activities, I also had a special training method: carry rice sacks. Yes, you heard it correct. My father was an intelligent but strict disciplinarian, and I was often afraid yet in awe of him. One day, I summoned my courage and told him that I would like to help buy rice for the household. He agreed with a slight smile. Ever since my birth into this Samsara world, this was my first time experiencing the weight of lifting 10kg rice, with my left and right hands carrying 5kg respectively. Coupled with the journey to and fro, a famous Chinese poem seemed to sing from my heart:

    Neath the midday sun he hoes his crops
    His sweat moistens the soil between the stalks
    Of food on the table who recalls
    Each grain is produced through bitter toil

    This experience was indeed something! As I got home, my dad still greeted me with a slight smile. Although my first experience of buying rice was refreshing and tough, I did not have any thought of backing off. I considered it as a good opportunity to repay my parents, and to strengthen my physique at the same time.

    Master Dai Hu sincerely wish that everyone would gain wisdom and discern the true from the false, destroy evil speech and dishonest practices, not have fear and deranged delusions, have bliss and freedom and finally leave the realm of sufferings. There are many people who place a huge self-importance on their physical appearance. To have a graceful figure so as to reach the level of being one with their clothing, (laughs), they would burn their boats and forsake eating rice, all in the name of beauty. This is especially common among the ladies. The fact is that these ladies do not understand the benefits of eating rice for the human body.

    The rice grain is birthed from the dew of Heaven and the spiritual qi of earth. It is an important source of survival energy for humans. It can serve as an antidote to poison, for removal and transformation of vile energies, consecration, curing of illnesses, beauty care, skincare, etc. After losing weight successfully, many ladies get stricken with ailments. Although there are several reasons to this, it is not far from not consuming rice. The city of Chao Zhou is famed for producing beauties, renowned for their distinctive elegant and almond-shaped eyes and porcelain skins. Why is that so? Because rice porridge and steamed food are staple foods of the people in Chao Zhou. The rice minerals prevalent in rice are vital minerals that the human body needs.

    There are numerous types of rice, with the commonly seen grains like the pearl rice, Indian basmati rice, the Thai jasmine rice, brown rice, glutinous rice, etc. These various grains each have their own elemental types. If you are very clear about your favourable elements in your Bazi, you can purchase the suitable grain type, to gain prosperity everyday through your daily consumption. This is the first technique to striking great wealth. It is simple yet brings practical benefits. I pity the misbelieving men and women, who spent huge money only to act ignorantly, get drained of energy, and at the end, brought nothing but trouble to themselves and their families.

    Today, I, Master Dai Hu, impart this method out of compassion for the sentient beings, and hope that those who benefits pay it forward to accumulate more hidden merits. After purchasing the right type of grains, store it in a wooden rice bin, and paste a paper, with the Chinese character "滿" written on it, onto the bin exterior. This is the second technique to more riches.

    If you wish to place the rice bin on top of a cabinet, please place it away from the window, even better if it is at a spot that can accumulate Qi. This is the third step to greater wealth. This method of striking riches with your rice bin is applicable for everyone and every household. Get ready to welcome the days of great harvest and rice clothing!


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    《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2

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