

在 formal格式產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 編輯:收到之鋒單獨隔離囚禁期間寫下的來信。他現已結束隔離囚禁,狀態尚好。之鋒在鐵窗之內最為掛心12港人已經送中超過100天,並希望香港人繼續聲援所有失去自由的手足。 《監獄中的監獄》(Please scroll for English version) 在11月23日不幸遭法官在未作判刑前,便宣...

formal格式 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-29 07:57:25

/ Paper 3 Final Reminders Part 2 [請立即 share 俾 friends] . ✅大熱格式而家即刻溫: (Reg 06、Intensive、Summer、操卷班) Defensive letter Email(Request / Invitation / Enqui...

formal格式 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-29 07:57:25

/ Paper 3 Final Reminders Part 1 [請立即 share 俾 friends] . 大家應該休息完一陣喇,要準備佔分最重 Paper 3,要打大佬!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 . ✅ 請先睇 Regular 07及08 Paper 3嘅筆記俾咗好多 Final Tips 大家,包...

formal格式 在 英文奪星捷徑,前I-Banker 打造 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-03 12:32:29

🚨作文卷練嚟練去都係咁,想令成篇文突圍而出? ⁣ ⁣ 操開卷既你都知,Writing 主要考你對文體格式熟悉程度,所以就算寫啱哂文法、詞彙同語調都未提以奪星...⁣ ⁣ ⚠️陷阱:同學唔識用唔同既句型表達⁣ ⁣ 好多考生都係用textbook 教嘅句子應考,當大部份人用同一樣既時候,分數自然唔高,而...

  • formal格式 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-01 10:21:53
    有 11,179 人按讚


    《監獄中的監獄》(Please scroll for English version)


    還柙首天,我被送到去年六月才步出的荔枝角收押所,然後進行不陌生的入冊程序 —— 見長官、換囚衣和領取個人用品等。本來我已對這些程序諷刺地感到熟悉,但到了下午四時左右,當我跟林朗彥相繼完成初到荔枝角收柙所的各項程序並呆坐於指模房一角等侯指示時,保安組職員突然將我帶往收押所醫院。我本來以為在獄中見醫生是基於程序需要,結果卻被帶到收押所醫院走廊盡頭的單人囚室,那刻我才深知不妙,也成了惡夢真正的開端。








    The prison inside prison

    After my immediate remand on November 23, I had intended to send letters from the prison to update you my latest situation in jail after my remand on November 23. But owing to the sudden solitary confinement that night, it turned out that I was unable to do so. Although I have been in prison three times, being held in the prison isolation unit is far beyond my expectation. It took me a lot of time and energy to calm myself down and reorganise my thoughts.

    On the first day of remand in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, I went through the registration procedures—meeting with officers, changing into prison clothes and obtaining daily necessities. The procedures are very familiar as I was released from here in June. At about 4 pm, Ivan Lam and I completed all procedures and waiting for further instructions in the fingerprinting room, officers from the security team suddenly took me to the hospital in the Centre. While I thought it was a normal procedure to see doctor, I was taken to a single cell at the end of the hospital corridor. At that moment, I knew it was the beginning of the nightmare.

    After arriving the single cell, the correctional officer told me that I needed to wait for a senior officer to explain the situation and said, "You should be here for a while." During waiting for the senior officer, I felt very disturbed and kept wondering why they moved me to solitary confinement. In the end, the senior provided a highly unexpected reason—there were "foreign objects" in my stomach, the officer said, they could be drugs, rings or gold and silver objects. Therefore, I needed to be in solitary confinement for several days until they found out what the "foreign objects" were.

    I have taken X-rays for a few times, but nothing happened before, I was completely confused about the X-rays result. I have never had anything to do with drugs, and all food I had before remand were normal food. Moreover, under the current policy, the prison administration does not allow inmates to see their X-rays, so there is no way to verify the results.

    As the officers suspected I possess drugs in my body, the treatment was even worse than normal solitary confinement. Generally speaking, persons in remand can spend their time in the activity room with three to forty other inmates in the daytime and return to their five-personal cell at night. However, what happened to me was, apart from visiting by my friends and relatives and taking a shower, I basically could not leave the single cell. I was even not allowed to have one hour of outdoor activity. Since the isolation was based on the presumption of possession of drugs, correctional officers would check my blood pressure and oxygen saturation every four hours even at midnight. The light in the cell was also kept turning on 24 hours a day, so I needed to use my face mask as the blindfold to barely put myself to sleep.

    The most difficult thing was that since the original intent of the entire confinement was to let persons excrete drugs from their body, so I could not use the toilet in the cell, and the tap did not have water to prevent people from flushing drugs away. Instead, officers would provide a plastic plate. But because of the lack of replacement of the toilet plate, I could only use the washbasin to urinate. After the I excreted in the plate, I needed to inform the officer to come to the cell and check the excrement for any foreign objects such as pills or drugs. When the process was completed, the officers would ask me to sign an "isolated observation" form. I still remembered the uncomfortable feeling when I saw the form clearly stated "suspected possession of drugs in the inmate's body" every time I signed the paper.

    To my understanding, such solitary confinement generally lasts three to five days, and today is the second day of formal solitary confinement. I hope that when this letter is sent and published, the isolation is ended. Before I could adapt the fact that I was already in prison, I was sent to solitary confinement and all activities and communication were cut off. It was indeed difficult to endure, and I am sorry that I have not yet provided any analysis of the politics and social environment. But I know that there are still many other Hong Kong protesters who are facing lawsuits or are in jail like me. I hope you can continue to do as much as you can to let them know they are not alone. Monday (November 30) is the day when 12 Hongkongers were arrested and sent to Mainland China for 100 days, I urge everyone to continue to pay attention to them.

    Finally, I want to be frank that, in the face of uncertainties, I just feel uneasy and anxious. However, as I said when I stepped into the dock in the courtroom, "Hang in everyone, I know the situation that the people outside face will be more difficult. Keep fighting." I will also learn to turn the pains and sufferings I encountered in prison into the power that drives my growth. I know it will never be easy, but I will try my best.









  • formal格式 在 PChan English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-04-13 21:39:23
    有 32 人按讚

    Final tips for Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills
    Part A
    善用Preparation time. 透過context包括instructions , headings, bullet points 估計可能的 answers. 一定要留意以下的grammatical constraints:
    1) article(a/an/ the)
    2)quantifiers( many / much /few / little...)
    3)that clause ( the fact that svo/ the myth that svo) ( 2015 task 4)
    從上述各項可決定答案應是a singular noun phrase or noun phrase or a clause. Grammar 錯了,忘記pluralize the answers 必定失分. Eg Our parents/ subjects(2012). 相反,a browser 不可加's'(2012)
    Sentence completion 題一定要留意parts of speech. 很多時要轉詞性. 留意句字context.有時甚至須要轉字。eg they decided they needed a singer= they made a decision to find a singer. (2015 task 3). 填need 一定冇分!
    如果answers 涉及深字。下句或下兩句必定用淺字解䆁,take 淺字便可. Speaker's attitude字眼通常不㑹直接出現於原文.
    善用tidy-up time. 要整句來看,確保所填answers make sense 及grammatically correct.
    Part B
    重㸃温習Tips class P Chan's mock paper( Overseas studies/ letter of adjustment/ businesslike email)( Kelly Ching of B-town)
    Part B 很有機會出Feature Article,defensive letter, Editorial ,Proposal 及,businesslike email。
    細閲這上述的5** samples.

    Note-taking skills留意各項signals:
    1) words for elaboration
    2) words for clarification
    3)words for confirmation
    4) words asking for explanation
    5) words implying another point
    揾points 前一定要把MM和II一同看。確認所有instructions 才開始搵。毎個task會涉及3至4頁data file. 留意title 的synonyms.通常每個task content 部分可分三段寫。記住key words 要出現於topic sentence.要有恰當的introductionconclusion.一定要留register(行文風格)。留意the audience and genre( 體裁)便知要formal or less formal or informal style,或是否要用businesslike tone 等等。
    熟讀各種文體formats(P12至23)其中 Proposal ,Editorial, Feature article 最重要。Defensive letter 留意direct/indirect reply. Programme review 留意5種order. Business like email 留意格式及語氣。每個task 必須要25minutes 内完成。
    熟讀generalization skills P8( Last lesson ) 非常重要。重點留意quantity, frequency and probability. 細閲P Chan's mock paper 5** samples ( last lesson) 。表達時要留意3 Cs 技巧。加油!

    Seize the day , make your life extraordinary!

    P Chan

  • formal格式 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-25 20:00:00
    有 101 人按讚

    🚀觀眾不要聽你 summry 教科書,是要聽你怎麼上外太空!
    在這種大拜拜型會議的國際演講,台下坐的雖然未必都是高手,但至少是對你的演講內容有興趣的人。以我的演講 topic 為例:Intervention for refractory cancer pain 是教科書上寫過多次的陳年老題目,聽眾不是來聽你 summary 教科書或 recent paper 內容的,他們更想要知道,大會找來這傢伙,是有做得比我好嗎?是有甚麼特殊之處嗎?他憑甚麼站在講台上呢?
    因此,我建議遇到這種不容易發揮的老題目時,換個角度想,更是一個好機會 show 出自己的長處!所有的 image,尤其是 procedure detail 的照片要美,格式要一致,更重要的是要完全來自自己的 practice,這就真的有賴平時的累積了,然後再三強調自己做法的優點,同時如果能佐以自己的 publication 當例證就更好了!
    我的 topic 雖然比較屬於 technique 的分享,也就是大家會拼命用照相機拍你的 slide 的狀態,但在 QA 時就比較不會有人問問題!Why?因為提問的人會擔心自己是不是技術不夠,程度太差而問錯問題。
    相對另一個講者,講 policy and EBM,就會有一堆人提問 procedure 如何charge?哪一個 procedure 保險怎樣才該給付?A 手術跟 B 手術究竟哪個比較好?然而,formal QA 時間一結束,我就立刻被包圍了,因為很多人想過來問真正的 technical pearls,也要了名片走,是要邀請我去嗎?嘿嘿!
    實際上,大拜拜的會議,speaker 來自世界各國,原本也不見得互相認識,要在短短的開會期間熟識,是有相當難度的!
    我採取的 approach 是先 target section chair,畢竟他是整個 group 的中心,也是因為他認識我、邀請我,我才有露臉的機會。在他當 moderator 的場子一定要去聽演講,問切中核心的問題,那個時段的演講結束,speaker and moderator 下演講台,再湊到前面去很禮貌的跟他問好,能帶個容易攜帶的小伴手更好。
    還有 faculty dinner 一定要去,這是認識各個 faculty 最好的機會,然後依緣分來交交朋友就好。同時不要忘記再賣賣自己的強項,看看有沒有人要來參訪交流一番。
    11/5(日) 醫學演講與生涯工作坊:

