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在 foolish產品中有881篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Celebration of the Father “Behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem. They talked...

 同時也有154部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅李錫錕 POWER,也在其Youtube影片中提到,POWER錕狂語錄》佛度有緣人,而卓越只找激情的人! 賈伯斯曾說 stay hungry stay foolish 做任何事都要有熱情才行 有人說佛度有緣人 而我認為卓越只找激情的人! #李錫錕 #錕P #POWER錕...

  • foolish 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 20:10:52
    有 137 人按讚

    Celebration of the Father

    “Behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem. They talked with each other about all of these things which had happened. While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. He said to them, “What are you talking about as you walk, and are sad?” One of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things which have happened there in these days?” He said to them, “Foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Didn’t the Christ have to suffer these things and to enter into his glory?” Beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. They said to one another, “Weren’t our hearts burning within us, while he spoke to us along the way, and while he opened the Scriptures to us?” They rose up that very hour, returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and those who were with them, saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!”” (Luke‬ ‭24:13-18, 25-27, 32-34‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Did you ever wonder why out of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, only one of them was named while the other remained anonymous?

    Therefore, I believe that the name “Cleopas” is crucial to understanding the significance of this passage.

    Cleopas is an abbreviated form of the name Cleopatros, made of the two Greek words “kleos” (to celebrate) and pater (father). Cleopas means “celebration of the father”.

    Let us see what Jesus did in the passage. He told the two discouraged disciples all about the things concerning Himself in the Old Testament Scriptures, and how He fulfilled them all at the cross.

    It was a celebration of the Father, praising Him for His glorious plan of salvation that was once hidden and is now revealed through the prophets, apostles, and the other writers of the Scriptures.

    When Jesus celebrated the Father with the two disciples, their hearts “burned”, likely with faith, hope, and love in response to the love and grace of God. They experienced an “Emmaus” (meaning: hot springs) in their hearts, washing away the unbelief and refreshing their spirits.

    They were no longer depressed and despondent. Instead, they were filled with hope, and energized in their bodies and souls. Having just walked a long way from Jerusalem to Emmaus, they immediately set off on a journey back to announce the good news they had seen and heard.

    This world needs “Cleopas”—a celebration of the Father. They need to hear about a Father God who is gracious and full of love, who freely offers salvation through Jesus Christ His Son. They need to hear that He wants to be a Father near to them and not a Judge far off; that He is reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus, welcoming them home.

    “But all things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation; namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation. We are therefore ambassadors on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:18-21‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Anytime you are feeling down, you can initiate a celebration of the Father. It will cleanse you from unbelief, refresh your spirit, fill your heart with hope, and energize your body and soul!

    If you are new to reading the four gospels for yourself, or you have some questions about difficult passages in there, I would like to recommend you read my four-ebook bundle called “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”.

    As you read it, many confusing pieces of Scripture will be unlocked to you, and things that used to scare you will be read in the right light. Order the bundle and you can download and read it right away:

  • foolish 在 踢娜芙的奇幻冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 15:58:55
    有 2 人按讚


    Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

    #我是寶藏姐姐 😄

  • foolish 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 09:10:27
    有 249 人按讚

    God’s Unquenchable Love

    “Many waters can’t quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man would give all the wealth of his house for love, he would be utterly scorned.” (Song of Solomon‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Your sins were like many waters, but it cannot quench God’s love for you.

    When the children of Israel were about to cross from the wilderness to the land of Canaan, they stood before the river Jordan. The ark of the covenant entered the river first, and the waters parted, gathering up as a heap far away over the city of Adam. This is a picture of Jesus removing our sins, even all the way back to Adam’s original sin, by taking God’s judgment for sin in His own body at the cross.

    Jesus stripped Himself of His divine glory, became a man, was humiliated like a criminal, suffered excruciatingly and died a bloody death.

    Jesus gave all the wealth of His house for love. He did that because He loves you.

    It does not make any sense. You might call such a love ‘foolish’. That is just how much God loves you.

    “A certain ruler asked him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus asked him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good, except one—God. You know the commandments: ‘Don’t commit adultery,’ ‘Don’t murder,’ ‘Don’t steal,’ ‘Don’t give false testimony,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” He said, “I have observed all these things from my youth up.” When Jesus heard these things, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor. You will have treasure in heaven. Come, follow me.” But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was very rich.” (Luke‬ ‭18:18-23‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    When Jesus tested the rich young ruler by asking him to sell all his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor, the man could not do it.

    Jesus is the true rich forever-young ruler from Heaven who has all the best treasures. At the cross, He sold everything and gave it all to you.

    He was made poor so that we might become rich. He was treated like the worst sinner so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him!

    Receive Jesus’ unquenchable love for you. See the great price He paid to redeem you. Know that you are very precious to God!

    It is so wonderful to see Jesus in action by reading the four gospels. When we see Jesus, we also get to know God the Father. Understand the four gospels through the lens of grace in this bundle: https://bit.ly/understandeveryparable