[爆卦]folly pronunciation是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇folly pronunciation鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在folly pronunciation這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 folly產品中有153篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過338的網紅Sharmaine Kwan - Artist,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 'Urban Folly – Electric this' shows two women in their Plexiglas bubble, lying in front of a cityscape in LED and neon light. The background of the w...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,520的網紅Josh the Intern,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In this hiking vlog I hike to hidden forts found in the beautiful hills of Dover! I started my hiking adventure by hiking along the beautiful coastli...

  • folly 在 Sharmaine Kwan - Artist Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-12 22:27:56
    有 7 人按讚

    'Urban Folly – Electric this' shows two women in their Plexiglas bubble, lying in front of a cityscape in LED and neon light.

    The background of the work is the acrylic neon sign Urban Folly neon with lights in various colours in an abstract array, representing buildings. In front of the buildings are two women lying down, mother and daughter, cut out from transparent Plexiglas. Over their heads is text (engraved in the Plexiglas), each speaks half a poem, discussing how to be modern with yet allusions to ancient Chinese habits and symbols. Behind the board are speakers left and right (actually, they are the beloved Hong Kong cell phones) that say the English text in Cantonese. The title of the poem (Electric this) is carved in a Plexiglas cloud and hangs over the buildings like a neon sign. The entire work is put in a black protruding frame as if they are inside a casing or exhibited in some kid’s shoebox diorama.

    The Urban Folly neon sign creates the virtual environment that influences the way this mom and her daughter live their lives, lying in front of the city as if on the HK beach. And the mom passes on her urban myth while the daughter comments on her mom as a ‘sheep’ that follows fashion and fads to feel unique, not aware of the transparent bubble she, the daughter, lives in herself. But inside is the ancient Chinese core, unbroken.

    Through the conceptual visualisation formed by the root-like winding of the neon light, the work hopes to trigger an underlying light and reflection that resonates with citizens in a certain and also manifold way on this modern and traditional soulful land. The continuity of life in progress and the shifts in the flickering and shimmering of neon lights show us something clearer. It is the way and the opening in the frame that one might have overlooked, the energy of life in all the old and fancy of the new from the past to the present...

  • folly 在 Sharmaine Kwan - Artist Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-10 22:22:21
    有 3 人按讚

    'Fast-forward flashback'

    While the minutes pass, we go back for hours...

    Fast-forward flashback consists of a black square acrylic board with the hour marks of a clock. However, the marks are tubes with electro-luminescent wires that follow the sizes of the famous 12 Chinese pitch pipes arranged together looking like a sun. On the board, it says ‘Kunlun' 崑崙,
    a calligraphy painted in white.

    The Chinese music system has twelve pitch pipes (shi’er lü 十二律). Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor 黃帝 had a minister, Ling Lun 伶倫, who listened to the song of the phoenix at Mount Kunlun 崑崙. Ling Lun then used the majestic bird’s sounds to conceive the Chinese 12-tone musical system.

    In Fast-forward flashback, phoenix tail feathers are the clock hands. They are made from blank aluminium, cut and sanded by hand by the artists. The minutes (tall feather) go clockwise but hours (small feather) go counter-clockwise. The artists designed a fourth gear to reverse the direction of the small feather and then had a clockmaker create it and put it inside a (tower) clockwork. When a feather passes a tube, the tube changes colour and sounds the related pitch.

    Although the Fast-forward flashback clock has a 12-hours dial, the two phoenix feathers run on 24-hours clock speed. How time flies and how we cramp two days into one. The hurries and the worries, what urban folly. By adding to the clockwork a ‘fourth gear,’ which makes the small feather run counter-clockwise, going twice as fast forward is going twice as fast backward. When we think about the past, we nevertheless move on, irreversibly widening the distance...

  • folly 在 Sharmaine Kwan - Artist Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-03 22:18:17
    有 4 人按讚

    'Urban Folly – Robot Stillness' takes place in a dark corner with a flat, square mat on the floor next to a black mannequin. From her head, while we go past cheek bones and neck, we see buildings growing down the mannequin as if they are electric wires following a fractal search path until they fade into the black at the bottom. Rather abstract, done in chromium paint, one wonders would it look like dripping wet hair or the roots of an electric tree under the city?

    On the head of the mannequin is a headband with a pico-projector mounted on it. It projects the painting Urban Folly, the counterpart of the neon sign with the same name. A robot drawn after the buildings fades in and out so that the buildings very slowly become the robot, which becomes the buildings, which become the robot, which… While playing, the pico-projector speaks a poem about the robot being still inside – a robot knows emotion nor thought – using mock computer commands. The voice is coarse and mechanical.

    Visitors are to sit on the mat and put the headband on. They project the image on the wall, aiming between four picture-frame corners, two of which are traditional dragons, the other phoenixes, handcrafted by local artisans. The poem takes six minutes with long pauses and the visitors’ challenge is to keep their heads still to have the projection stay within the frame, which is an exercise to become still inside. Only if the visitor is prepared to pay full attention will the slight differences in the pictures faded in and out be seen...

  • folly 在 Josh the Intern Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-12 00:45:00

    In this hiking vlog I hike to hidden forts found in the beautiful hills of Dover!

    I started my hiking adventure by hiking along the beautiful coastline at Botany Bay, Kent. Here I hiked to Kingsgate Bay Sea Arch and to the hidden gem folly called Neptune's Tower. After this I explored the impressive Reculver Towers and Roman Fort in Kent. Next I hiked around Dover Castle and Western Heights Of Dover. At Western Heights Of Dover I explored a bunch of secret forts and abandoned military buildings including; Drop Redoubt Fort, St Martin's Battery and Detached Bastion.

    I did this hike as part of my training for the Lejog. In June I will be walking the length of the UK for the mental health charity mind. During the build up to this hiking challenge I have been doing walks every other day in England to prepare. If you would like to support my fundraiser for the charity here is the link:

    Support the channel here:

    #hiking #england


    My other videos:



  • folly 在 DREAM清醒夢LUCID Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-28 08:00:00


    We must ban tiktok The greatest folly of the western world was assuming the rest of the world wasn't trying it's absolute best to undermine it at all times. Every deal and every interaction with China becomes something we second guess because its dressed up as "all about trump" . Many years from now the west will have become a third world slum in which China calls the shots from far away and our children scurry around tourist attractions trying to earn a few pennies of unsuspecting Chinese tourists brave enough to travel to the smouldering embers of the western world independently.. We will have no one to thank but ourselves. Drunk on social media, chocolates and video games. Ban tiktok . Send Tiktok packing, along with all other Chinese apps, products and reject Chinese investment.

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    (也可以到LINE貼圖商城的創作者欄位搜尋:清醒夢 或 dr34mlucid )

    #dr34mlucid #bantiktok #tiktok

  • folly 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-07 18:00:34

    If you’re trusting God to see a breakthrough in your situation today, would you believe that the first step is to hear the preaching of the Word of God? And more importantly, the preaching of the FINSHED work of Jesus Christ?

    Hit the play button to find out all about it.

    We know it sounds too good to be true but the Bible says that “God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame to wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty” (see 1 Cor. 1:27-29). What seems like “folly”—to listen to the preached word when your problem is still staring you right in the face—is in fact, God’s way of delivering His promise to you!

    And even as you wait, let His word give you the strength you need! ?


    Decibel.one: A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check us out at https://decibel.one/ for more grace-centered content.

    Stay Connected –
    Decibel Website: https://decibel.one/
    Decibel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcbl.one/
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    This clip is from Listen to the Preached Word and See Breakthroughs (24 Jan 2016)

    #decibelone #decibel #JosephPrince

