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在 fodder產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 一場懸而未解的詭異事故啟發了一個日本動畫導演? . 1994年2月19日,一名罹患子宮頸癌末期的葛洛莉雅.拉米雷茲(Gloria Ramirez)被送進加州一間醫院的急診室。 . 當拉米雷茲剛入院時,醫護人員發現她身體像是覆蓋了一層油一樣,然後也有人反映從她身上聞到一股類似水果和大蒜的怪味。大家...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Goresh,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For business inquiries please e-mail: [email protected] https://twitter.com/Goreshx Check out the Dokkan & Legends podcast with episodes available...

fodder 在 ???????? ????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-30 12:51:20

#Repost @aishaltaf ・・・ Juz 14: Reflections (Al-Nahl:66) SubhanAllah! The cow eats green fodder, which is digested, some of it turns into blood, some e...

fodder 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-07 04:47:04

【新北美食】【板橋站】 💁🏼‍♂️卡拉拉 ⠀ ⠀ 📍新北市 / New Taipei City 📌板橋區/Banqiao Dist. ⠀ ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 板橋第一間五星級餐廳,結合了西班牙Tapas的理念與Semi-buffet 結合 並以東方食材加以創新變化。 ⠀ 寬敞明亮的空間,超級氣派的...

  • fodder 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-04 21:01:01
    有 2,167 人按讚


    1994年2月19日,一名罹患子宮頸癌末期的葛洛莉雅.拉米雷茲(Gloria Ramirez)被送進加州一間醫院的急診室。


    拉米雷茲不久便因腎衰竭辭世,但隨著她的死,整間醫院共有23個與她接觸過的人病倒,其中五人必須住院治療。院方不得不疏散醫院工作人員,將所有人與死者進行隔離。最後經過當局調查,診斷結果出爐,判定這是一個集體歇斯底里(mass hysteria)。



    對於當事者來說,這件事恐怕沒這麼有趣。但對於遠在日本的大友克洋來說,這簡直是渾然天成的喜劇片題材。在事發隔年,由他製作的《回憶三部曲 Memories》之中的第二則故事《最臭兵器 Stink Bomb》(1995)的故事概念便是取自此案。


    這不過是《回憶三部曲》中的其中一章,擺在《她的回憶 Magnetic Rose》之後也有緩和之效。就現在角度來看《最臭兵器》都頗有趣致,除了看作畫之外,大友克洋刻意埋藏的日、美的兩國角力也值得一看。在日本經濟泡沫化之後,日本氣焰全失,只能乖乖被美國老大哥摸頭,在片中便能清楚看見這個氛圍。

    片名取名回憶,乍看只有今敏編劇的《她的回憶》是用明顯回憶橋段串起,但其實細細品嚐,便會發現原來三段都關乎回憶。首部曲的背景在21世紀尾聲(未來),二部曲是1990年代(現在),而三部曲《大砲之街 Cannon Fodder》看似架空了一個歐威爾式的世界,但其實不正是直指日本的軍國主義時代?



    光年映畫 Light Year Images #回憶三部曲 #大友克洋 #今敏

  • fodder 在 KORRAeiei Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-19 19:20:06
    有 188 人按讚

    ลือ R9 MM จะมาให้ทำเป็นSBC เตรียมFodderไว้คนละ8ล้าน ได้ใช้แน่ๆ 555

  • fodder 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-27 18:18:35
    有 5,168 人按讚

    【外交部 Dr. Wu 中興大學開課啦👨‍🏫】

    #外交部 吳部長3月26日應 國立中興大學法政學院邀請,參與10周年系列演講「法政論壇」,以 #台美關係與外交工作經驗談 為題,向校內師生演講。



    吳部長提到,台灣外交的挑戰,尤其是軍事威脅、外交空間的壓縮、國內穩定安全的考量,最大的挑戰還是來自對岸,因此外交工作最重要的目標,就是結交更多的好朋友,透過結合 #友邦 及 #理念相近 的國家,與 #美國🇺🇸 #日本🇯🇵 #歐盟🇪🇺 #澳洲🇦🇺 #紐西蘭🇳🇿,以及 #加拿大🇨🇦等國家,積極努力,開拓國家間信賴關係。




    台灣與美國近年來透過 #台美教育合作倡議 建立的華語教育的溝通平台,所以我們與哈佛大學簽約,並且邀請政界人士來台學習華語,另外透過 #台美經濟繁榮夥伴對話 深化經濟合作關係,以及 #全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)使得台灣成為國際間 #非傳統安全 重要的核心。


    沒有一個國家有義務支持台灣,我們必須主動積極去說服國際社會,台灣是可以信任的好夥伴,以及台灣對國際社會是正面的貢獻。並且要讓國際社會瞭解台灣身處對抗 #威權主義 擴張的第一線,要是失去台灣,就是失去重要的民主堡壘。

    🔸Democratic success story 民主成功的故事
    🔸A reliable partner 一個可信賴的夥伴
    🔸A force for good in the world 世界良善的力量

    🔸A leading democracy 民主的領頭羊
    🔸A critical economic and security partner 關鍵經濟和安全夥伴



    MOFA’s Dr Joseph Wu was in session yesterday, giving a talk on his experiences of diplomatic efforts in the #Taiwan-#US relationship on invitation from National Chung Hsing University in a series of lectures held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the university’s College of Law and Politics. We’ve summarized some of the highlights for you below!

    🔹Diplomatic Strategies: Make a lot of friends.

    The biggest challenges for Taiwan in its diplomacy, according to Minister Wu, are those brought by the cross-strait issue, specifically the military threat to Taiwan, the attempt to shut down Taiwan’s opportunities for international diplomacy, and domestic security concerns. For this reason, one of the biggest objectives of Taiwan’s diplomatic strategy has been to make a broad range of good friends, building trust with diplomatic allies and like-minded countries and regions, such as the US, Japan, the EU, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

    🔹Building hard-won trust:

    After 4-5 years of effort, we’ve seen significant progress in our relationship with the US and European countries, but this foundation of trust was hard won, and because of this, our discussions with top-ranking foreign leaders should not be taken as media fodder so that real results can be derived from these discussions. That way, the public can be reassured that the ministry is doing its job well.

    🔹Ever-closer ties in Taiwan-US cooperation:

    Through the Taiwan-US Education Initiative we’ve established a communication mechanism for Mandarin education programs, signed an agreement with Harvard University, and invited many figures from the political world to study Mandarin in Taiwan. Through the Taiwan-US Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue, we’ve also strengthened our economic cooperation, and the Global Cooperation and Training Framework has transformed Taiwan into a hub for the management of non-traditional security issues.

    🔹Seeking understanding and gathering support:

    No country has a duty to help Taiwan, so we must be proactive in convincing the international community that Taiwan is a trustworthy partner and that it has a positive contribution to make within this international community.
    We must also get the international community to understand that Taiwan is on the front line in the fight against authoritarian expansionism, and that if Taiwan is lost, an important #BeaconOfDemocracy is lost with it.

    Before US President Joe Biden took office, the US referred to Taiwan as a “democratic success story”, “a reliable partner” and “a force for good in the world.”

    Since President Biden took office, the US has referred to Taiwan as “a leading democracy” and “a critical economic and security partner.”

    In closing, Minister Wu stated that the successes achieved are not solely a result of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ efforts, but also of a common belief held by society in Taiwan, and he encouraged the students at the talk to join the ministry’s ranks in the future.

    #RealFriends #RealProgress

  • fodder 在 Goresh Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-08-26 17:17:04

    For business inquiries please e-mail: Goresh127@gmail.com


    Check out the Dokkan & Legends podcast with episodes available on Spotify here: https://t.co/nQyIzqzaHD?amp=1

    Huge shoutout to Kuwa for creating the thumbnail for this video. His Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/mugenkuwa

    Huge thanks to Sora for creating the side art

    Sora's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoraSSB

  • fodder 在 Goresh Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-29 16:32:47

    For business inquiries please e-mail: Goresh127@gmail.com


    Check out the Dokkan & Legends podcast with episodes available on Spotify here: https://t.co/nQyIzqzaHD?amp=1

    Huge shoutout to Kamogawa for creating the thumbnail for this video. His Twitter can be found here: https://twitter.com/DeathBallZ2

    Huge thanks to Sora for creating the side art

    Sora's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoraSSB

  • fodder 在 有口福 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-11-26 18:30:00



    5 g 麵粉 
    2 g 牛奶 
    5 g 水

    11 g 麵粉 
    5 g 優格
    1 滴 橄欖油 
    1 g 水
    0,15 g 乾酵母 
    少許 芝麻
    1 片小的結球萵苣 
    1 小片 起司 
    1 小片 番茄 
    少許 牛絞肉 

    少許 義大利麵
    少許 牛絞肉 
    少許 青椒 
    少許 番茄醬 
    少許 油