Rose Dumplings
① Mix flour, corn flour, paprika powder (for coloring), water, salt, knead it until it comes together, set rest for 30 min
② Comb...
Rose Dumplings
① Mix flour, corn flour, paprika powder (for coloring), water, salt, knead it until it comes together, set rest for 30 min
② Combine the chopped shrimp, ground pork, sake, salt, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sugar, mix thoroughly
③ Divide dough into roughly 20g pieces, use rolling pin to flatten it and make the wrapper. Arrange 4 wrapper that slightly overlaps, scoop filling into the middle, wet the edges and fold the wrapper, then gently roll to create a flower shape
④ Apply a litter oil on frying pan, add the dumplings and 180cc water, cover the lid, use medium-high heat to cook for 10 minutes, crack an egg and add boiling broccoli
⑤ Clam and Mushroom Soup: boil sliced mushroom, add clam and shredded ginger and carrot, ready to serve once clam open
Dumplings is popular and comforting food, but it tend to high fat and calories, I try to make a healthier edition, swipe to see the comparison with street bought edition (sorry I put on some Chinese 😅)
❤️ Thanks to @dietitianlili for supporting me the recipes design and nutriology knowledge
❤️ Thanks to @grace_shangri_la inspiring me making this dish, her post of Flower Dumplings on 2021/1/30 is so beautiful!! 🌹
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[生活新聞] 營養師曝水餃是「熱量炸彈」,20 顆 1200 大卡!
// 網哀嚎:難怪我是肥宅
① 麵粉、玉米粉以 3:2 比率混合,加甜紅椒粉配色,拌水、鹽,揉到光滑不黏手,讓麵團休息半小時
② 內餡用全瘦的豬後腿肉、蝦仁,適量調味 (一般會放鹽、醬油、酒、糖、大蒜、薑泥)
③ 麵團切分小塊,擀成小號的水餃皮 (約6cm),四片餃皮稍重疊,包餡後對折,捲起來
④ 鑄鐵鍋上一層薄薄的油,放玫瑰餃、一量米杯的水,蓋上鍋蓋以中大火煮到乾,打蛋、放青菜,淋醬油膏
⑤ 鮮菇蛤蜊湯:新鮮香菇切片,鴻禧菇撕開,一起在湯鍋煮,滾熟後放紅蘿蔔絲、蛤蜊、薑絲,蛤蜊開了就可以上桌
這次的原版是某數字頭連鎖店的招牌水餃跟酸辣湯。通常水餃的明顯問題是 (1)高脂肪絞肉的內餡 = 熱量地雷 (2)餃皮是精緻澱粉 = 只有熱量 (3)蔬菜攝取不足
改良版調整如下:(1) 使用全瘦絞肉混蝦仁,維持Q彈口感 (2) 餃皮混合麵粉、玉米粉,因為不用下水煮,餃皮不需要強壯有韌性,這樣混沒問題 (3) 青菜要吃夠就對了
改良前後熱量 561 vs 468 大卡 (含湯),對比並不明顯 (因為我本來就吃不多水餃,若份量加大會很明顯)。不過營養成分蛋白質 31g,脂質 20g,澱粉 52g,蛋白質從高脂變中脂,是低熱量的健康餐點
擀成小一點的水餃皮跟捲成玫瑰餃,是讓習慣吃幾顆水餃的人算不出這次吃了幾顆,再鋪上蛋液把縫隙填滿,反正就漂漂亮亮上桌,開開心心吃完,心裏不會有少吃的怨念 (aka 被騙的很開心 😆
本篇菜單設計及營養學知識感謝營養師莉莉 @dietitianlili 專業協助
感謝 @grace_shangri_la 2021/1/30 漂亮的 Flower Dumplings 激發這道菜的點子
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#HomeCooking #HomeMade #Taiwan #TaiwaneseFood #EasyRecipes #食譜 #簡易食譜 #簡單料理 #自己煮
#HealthyFood #EatRealFood #原型食物 #清淡飲食 #台灣食材
#水餃 #玫瑰餃 #抱蛋玫瑰餃
flower數字譜 在 飲食男女 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【劉嘉玲都幫襯!廚二代炒鋪賺八位數字開高級中菜館:我鍾意用靚食材】足本介紹: http://bit.ly/2P451tC
#飲食男女 #灣仔 #中菜館 鋒膳 Flower Drum
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