

在 flattered包產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過20萬的網紅婷婷看世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【CNN難得一次客觀報道中國疫苗接種就被美國🇺🇸輿論批評“為中國宣傳”,這是什麽“雙標”?】 當地時間18日,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報道了中國疫苗接種量將破十億劑次,並驚嘆“中國速度”。這則報道觸動了一些美國媒體人和政客的敏感神經,他們指責“美國有線電視新聞網(Cable News Netw...

flattered包 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 13:05:01

. 【翻譯世界風濕病聯盟COVID-19問卷】 . 很久之前,在一個國外病友社團當中,認識了史丹佛大學的一位流行病學教授,暫且稱她為S吧。前陣子,S邀請我參加一個蠻大的計畫,叫做Global Rheumatology Alliance。當中有各國的醫師、學者、病友,一起研究COVID-19對於風濕病...

flattered包 在 Dr. Soo Wincci 蘇盈之 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-05 23:19:02

Never Stop ;) #Repost @teona.mei • • • • • • A Powerful "Go" 一个有力的"走" Dr. Soo Wincci has replied me on her FB post. Flattered and grateful. When e...

  • flattered包 在 婷婷看世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-23 10:07:25
    有 810 人按讚


    當地時間18日,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報道了中國疫苗接種量將破十億劑次,並驚嘆“中國速度”。這則報道觸動了一些美國媒體人和政客的敏感神經,他們指責“美國有線電視新聞網(Cable News Network)”成了“中國新聞網(China News Network)”,並指CNN為“中國共產黨做宣傳”。針對中國的一則客觀報道竟淪為於中國有利的“宣傳”,再次體現了美西方部分群體在針對中國問題上的雙重標準。




    CNN dubbed 'China News Network': what double-standard trick are some U.S. media playing?

    By John Lee

    (ECNS) -- U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) was surprised by China's coronavirus vaccination rates, calling it "a scale and speed unrivaled by any other country in the world" in its report "China is about to administer its billionth coronavirus shot" last Friday. Fox News cited a commentary by NewsBusters analyst Nicholas Fondacaro, who labeled CNN as "China News Network pumping out propaganda for the CCP." A fact report on China was interpreted as "pro-China propaganda", showing some people in the U.S. and other Western countries had played a double-standard trick on China once again.

    In fact, this is not the first time that they have practiced double standards on China issues. Previously, some U.S. media including CNN romanticized the rocket debris of SpaceX as "lighting up the sky with a spectacular rocket show", while coordinately stating China's rocket debris would "cause threats to objects on Earth". This time, CNN's report on China's vaccination speed was called "running Chinese propaganda for the CCP", with even Chinese statistics brought into doubt. It is nothing but their prejudice against China's development that sees lies flattered while facts are questioned and ridiculed.

    It is an established fact that China has administered more than one billion doses of the COVID vaccine. Some U.S media shout for press freedom, but can't stop satirizing and questioning objective China-related reports, which is no doubt "sour grapes psychology." Does their press freedom mean unlimited freedom in attacking and smearing China?

    China's achievements in fighting COVID-19 won't be effaced despite their slander. Statistics released by National Health Commission on Sunday shows more than one billion vaccines have been administered across China as of Saturday, which is definitely true and reliable. Therefore, U.S. media should give up their double-standard related to China, abide by news facts and professional ethics and report on China in a fair and objective way.

  • flattered包 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-09 11:05:15
    有 98 人按讚

    做不一樣的事情需要一些勇氣,很感謝 Echelon Magazine feature我的 #音頻治療 ! 是我至今分享最多關於我對自然療法的想法。大家在各大書店/711都可以找到! 很榮幸可以被包括在那麼多創新的朋友之中。 特別是我一直很欣賞的 David (Green Monday) !感謝 Vivien 和Cherry的訪問🤍

    It’s always scary to do something new, so I’m really flattered that my Sound Healing Therapy is featured in Echelon Magazine’s “Movers and Shakers” issue along with so many other amazing innovative influencers. It’s the most in depth sharing I’ve ever done about Sound Healing and @atlantis.soundhealing . Get your copy at any 711/bookstore and read about my thoughts on holistic healing!

    outfit: @emmawallacedesign

  • flattered包 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-05 00:27:37
    有 83 人按讚

    Never Stop ;)

    #Repost @teona.mei
    • • • • • •
    A Powerful "Go" 一个有力的"走"

    Dr. Soo Wincci has replied me on her FB post. Flattered and grateful.

    When everything is ready, I will "Go".

    This has been my goal after I started my 1st job in 2014 but after that I left it behind. Until few years ago, I found that I was so lost in my future and for me, I reckon that I really should keep upgrading myself to another level as an independent woman if I wanted to be different and something in my field. I never give up to pursue and hopefully this comes true in the near future.

    Thanks for the inspiration all the time. You are the wonder woman 🤜🏼🤛🏼




    谢谢你一直以来的灵感。你真是个是奇女子 🤜🏼🤛🏼 @dr.soowincci

