

在 financially中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in fron...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過32萬的網紅The DoDo Men - 嘟嘟人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這次的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)完全改變了全世界的生活。很多家庭都受到很大的影響。 美國的疫情也越來越嚴重,住在加州的我們也受到很大的影響。 大家一定要團結起來,一起度過這個難關。 The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed many lives in th...

financially中文 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 10:56:32

#Melody生詞教室 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 中文有「馬死落地行」的說法,但其實英文裏面看到 “dead horse”,不要以為是同一個意思呀!“Flog a dead horse” 其實是解「枉費心思」,因為鞭打一隻死馬是徒勞無功的。以後想形容某些政策或方法沒用,就可以用這個idiom了! ⠀⠀⠀⠀...

financially中文 在 Peggy Chong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-30 18:22:44

Thank you all for the love💕 (swipe to the end!) I got so much of blessings in the season of convocation👩🏻‍🎓. (This is quite long so thank you if you’r...

financially中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 20:28:39

*中文版在下方* LAP adoption day was once again an absolute success because of you. LAP would like to thank all of you for making this possible. Lots of fur...

  • financially中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-20 14:41:20
    有 100 人按讚

    翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective

    There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.


    文章來自於New Humans of Australia (有取得授權)


    I didn’t meet my father until I was 6 years old. My parents had a comfortable, middle-class life in Shanghai, or as close as you could get under communism. But they always wanted to live overseas, and just before I was born, my dad came to Sydney to set things up. I don’t know why, but in the end, my mother and I didn’t join him until I was 6.

    •a middle-class life 中產階級生活
    •set things up 打點一切
    •live overseas 往海外生活
    •in the end 最後 (表達在經過一段時間或一連串事件之後的結果)



    Unfortunately, half a year after we arrived, he left us. That was a huge shock. Our transition had already been quite difficult, as we both didn't speak English. Also, as Shanghai was such a big bustling city, Sydney felt a bit like the countryside, especially on the weekends, as no shops were open back then!

    •shock 令人震驚的事件(或經歷);驚愕,震驚 (come as a great shock 讓人倍感震驚)
    •transition 轉變;過渡
    •a bustling city 繁華都會



    We were very much reliant on my dad, not only financially, but also as a conduit into the wider community. So to have that broken was quite distressing. I remember Mum crying a lot. As we had become socially isolated, we didn’t find out anything about Centrelink, so we survived on her savings for a while, and then got some help from her family back in China.

    •be reliant on… 依賴...
    •a conduit into 進入...的渠道
    •distressing (adj.) 令人苦惱的,令人擔憂的
    •become socially isolated 變得孤立於社會
    •survive on her savings 僅靠的她積蓄過日子

    我們相當依賴我父親,不僅是經濟,他也是我們進入更廣泛社區的渠道。因此,當局面被打破時令人相當痛苦,我還記得母親時常哭泣。由於我們孤立於社會,所以我們並不知道澳洲社會福利聯絡中心 (Centrelink)的任何資訊,僅靠母親的積蓄支撐了一段時間,然後從母親在中國的娘家得到一些幫助。


    Eventually, Mum moved us down to Melbourne, where we were able to make some new networks and family friendships. But I was bullied a bit at school about things like my food and clothing! Whenever someone bullied me, I would defend myself, but because I didn’t have the language skills to explain to the teacher why, I got in trouble quite a bit. I ended up having to move school 3 times before I came to Balwyn Primary School, which was relatively multicultural.

    •be able to 能夠
    •make new networks 建立新的人脈,關係網
    •be bullied 被霸凌
    •language skills 語言能力
    •get in trouble 惹上麻煩
    •end up 最後處於;最後成爲;以…告終
    •relatively 相對地
    •multicultural 多元文化的

    最後,母親帶著我搬遷到墨爾本,在那我們能夠建立起新的網絡與家庭情誼。然而。我在學校飽受霸凌,例如我的食物及衣物。每當有人霸凌我,我會自我防衛,但我的語言技巧不足以向老師解釋事發原因,因此常常陷入麻煩。後來我不得不再三轉學,直到就讀相對多元文化的博文小學(Balwyn Primary School)。


    After that, I did alright. Music featured very prominently in my life. I had started learning the violin from the age of 2.5 years old and even with all the troubles that were going on in my life, had somehow still kept up with it. As a result, I got a music scholarship to Trinity Grammar School. But even there I used to get into quite a lot of mischief, and would often skip school to go to the movies.

    •do alight 過得不錯,做的不錯
    •feature (v.) 以…為特色;給…以顯著的地位
    •prominently 重要地;著名地;突出地,顯眼地

    之後,我便過得不錯。音樂在我生活中佔有重要的一席之地,我從兩歲半開始學習小提琴,儘管生活中事事不如意,我依然堅持不輟。因此,我獲得三一文法學校( Trinity Grammar School)的音樂獎學金。但即使在那,我也常惡作劇、逃學看電影。


    By the end of year 11, I was told I would have to either repeat the year, or consider going to another school, which was quite humiliating for my mum. I decided to move school and surprisingly, I ended up doing quite well in year 12! As a result, I ended up getting into a double degree in Law and Music at Monash.

    •repeat the year 留級 ; 重唸一年
    •humiliating 令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的



    When I started, my first thought was that I didn’t belong because I had done so badly in school up to year 11 and everyone else seemed so smart. But I put my head down, got through it, and ended up getting a job in the legal department of a major manufacturing company, which was a different approach to what most law students do.

    •do not belong 不屬於這
    •put my head down 埋頭苦幹
    •the legal department of ...的法律部門
    •a different approach 不同途徑
    •approach (思考問題的)方式,方法,態度



    I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but I learned a lot of foundational business, legal and corporate communication skills. After that I worked in corporate governance in RMIT, then started to moonlight as a lecturer in the Law Faculty. Eventually, they asked me if I wanted to do a PhD and I blindly said yes! I next worked at Swinburne University, and then was head-hunted to lead the corporate legal team at the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Commission.

    •foundational 基礎的
    •communication skills 溝通技巧
    •corporate governance
    •moonlight (v.) (尤指瞞著僱主)從事第二職業,兼職
    •headhunt (v.) 物色(人才); 挖角
    •legal team 法律團隊

    我非常喜歡這份工作,這是份辛苦的工作,但我學習了很多基礎商業、法律以及公司溝通技巧。之後我在皇家墨爾本理工大學( RMIT)從事公司治理工作,並開始兼職擔任法律系講師。後來他們問我是否想要讀博士,我便盲目地答應了。接下來,我在斯威本大學(Swinburne University)工作,再被挖角到商用小客車委員會領導法律團隊。


    I had a good life, but after a while, I realised I wanted a different kind of job. I could see my seniors were making a lot of money but that their family life was not that good. And looking at my own upbringing, I wanted to be the kind of father who could be present in my own kids’ lives. So I decided on dentistry. It would not only allow me to use the hand skills that I had developed from playing the violin, but also the analytical and reasoning skills that I'd developed in law. Plus it would be flexible, and offer me a stable income and the chance to meet different people every day!

    •upbringing 教養
    •decide on sth 決定某事或東西
    •analytical and reasoning skills 分析和推理能力
    •offer a stable income 提供穩定收入



    My now fiancée, who was my girlfriend at the time, was also applying for further study, and coincidentally we both got into university in South Australia, so we moved to Adelaide together a few years ago.

    •fiancée 未婚妻
    •at the time 當時
    •apply for 申請
    •further study 繼續教育,進修;進一步研究;深造
    •coincidentally 碰巧地;巧合地

    我的未婚妻,當時的女友,也申請繼續深造,巧的是我們都考上南澳大學(University of South Australia),所以幾年前一起搬到阿得雷德( Adelaide)。


    I was lucky to get a university job at Flinders University. Initially, I started out as a casual lecturer in the law school, but I’ve since transitioned into teaching health law and research, and I’m currently writing a few books on the intersection between law and medicine. And also, obviously, trying to finish my dentistry degree!

    •start out as… 起初擔任...
    •transition into… 轉變到...

    我很幸運的在福林德斯大學(Flinders University)找到工作,起初我在法學院擔任臨時講師,但我後來轉換到醫事法教學及研究。目前我正撰寫幾本關於法律與醫學相接的書籍,並努力完成我的牙醫學位。


    Mum eventually retrained as a Chinese high school teacher, and she’s still teaching to this day. Like most first generation migrants, she struggled quite a lot, and invested heavily in my success. After we’re married, my fiancée and I are planning to have children, and I’m sure they will have it much easier than I did.

    •retrain 重新培養;再培訓;再訓練
    •to this day 至今
    •first generation migrants 第一代移民
    •struggle a lot 掙扎奮鬥許久
    •have it much easier 過的比較輕鬆



    Still, a lot of the failures that I’ve had in my life have really informed a lot of my successes. Looking back, I wouldn't really want to change that to have a smoother life.

    •inform [正式] 影響某人的態度或意見

    •have a smoother life 有一個更順遂的人生



    Over the years, I've learned that perseverance is very important. I hope that through telling my story, I can be an example to others who might be in a similar position as I was: to show that there's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.

    •over the years 多年來
    •perseverance 不屈不撓,堅持不懈
    •be an example 成為榜樣
    •be in a similar position 處於相似的處境
    •down the road/line/track 將來(的路)


    有興趣的同學可以支持New Humans of Australia


    Photographer: Paul Heinrich instagram.com/paulfheinrich

    文章與圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2XJsciq


    翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs

    批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

  • financially中文 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-07 09:00:38
    有 15 人按讚

    【Can we value good journalism more?】#雙語文章

    Instant news, out-of-context headlines and social media posts are capable of giving information on an event, incident or conflict. But these messages will only be like scattered pieces of knowledge compiled in our head without any meaning and connection.

    In contrast, good journalism, on which critical thinking and media literacy are built, is supposed to provide more context and make readers feel, think, and care.

    So, before the tech giants tighten their grip on the news industry, we need to take action to financially support the media we respect and trust, value the good work they put into, and never take good stories for granted. →




    ▍最新《世界人才在台灣》季刊入手 >> bit.ly/3pQtPE7
    ▍線上書展優惠,2021 全新季刊這裡訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW

  • financially中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-07-13 21:55:35
    有 37 人按讚


    当一对夫妻要做 #IVF试管疗程时,做丈夫的应该用什么态度来面对?常常有网友告诉我说,我的老公精子不好,可是他还是不能戒烟戒酒,好不配合。要知道,不孕症不只是女人的责任,男人也是有责任。这篇文章,是以男人的角度出发,里面分享身为丈夫应该如何帮助太太一起度过疗程,文章是英文内容,是奥莉爸爸写的,奥莉爸不会中文。分享给大家😊

    IVF Journey, A Husband’s Perspective

    Hi all, before reading further I would like to say this is NOT an instruction or tips for IVF and hopefully readers will understand my poorly written English. This is my journey as a father of the IVF baby girl. Why am I sharing all this? It is because my wife had a Facebook page of her IVF journey at https://facebook.com/ivfjourney2015/ and she told me that majorities (not all but most) feedback indicate husband not supportive enough to commit into a journey of IVF. I’m not a true supportive husband either, least I made up my mind to make it happen.

    Let’s start with “Why IVF?”
    We went for a fertilization test and results with;
    Husband: Teratospermia (Human language, sperm is weak for fertilization process)
    Wife: Unexplained infertility (I think this is easy to understand, there is for the confirming reason for this result and we don’t go for further test after it because it will consumes too much time and money)

    We married and planned to have children late 2011, both our ages were 37 in 2015 because of late marriage. My wife introduced IVF because she does not want to give up and feels regretful in future and so do I. Maybe because I did too many regretful things in the past, now I do not want this happened to my wife. At least I do it better then ignoring it.

    Preparation for IVF
    Financially, I know it will involve amount of 20k – 30k “Ringgit Malaysia” in the whole process depending on the situation and this is only one chance for me. I don’t have the money for a second attempt because I need to allocate funds for delivery if success.

    Mentally, I do some studies/research on IVF. The whole journey took 50 days and in one of the process my wife needs to do a self-injection daily. I quickly asked my wife “Daily injection?! Do I need to fetch you to clinic daily to do this?” She answered “No, we need to do this ourselves”. A final question from me going to be “How?!” After we sat down and discuss, we comes into conclusion and I will do the injection for her. This was the most painful and nervous moment I ever experience by poking a needle to my wife’s belly EVERYDAY!

    Lifestyle, 6 months earlier. My wife told me the NO’s, NO alcohol NO smoking NO midnight wandering NO stress. I said, I will fly up to the skies like butterfly if I able to do all the NO’s. It’s like a mission impossible. How can a man like me not go out to social with friends without alcohol and smoke? The joke was sleeping early! You want me to social with my friends in breakfast or lunch time? At this time, she softly said “I really wants to have a cute baby in future, it looks more like a family. Furthermore, I don’t want to have regretful moments in future”. All these words came out of my love (wife), her words melted in my heart deeply. I told her “Ok, we will go for it BUT you will need to promise me ONE IMPORTANT thing. No matter the process success or not we only have one attempt we need to accept the truth and live happily without regret in future.” she agreed.

    Commitment, this is not some empty promise. I made a huge commitment to change my lifestyle into zero alcohol, tobacco and lesser stress. If comparing the pain and suffers my wife will take in this journey e.g., injection, medication effects, hormone changes and all the effects from pregnancies to delivery, mine looks more alike small potatoes (looks much more simple). Trust me guys, don't compare it, if you do and more likely you're going loose badly. For the sake of making a better future, I had fulfilled this commitment.

    IVF Journey Phase 1 “Unskilled Husband Injection”
    Day 1, doctor consults us for Buserelin injection. I need to inject this medication into my wife's belly each day sharp at 8AM. The nurse had guided me side by side to do the first injection.
    Day 2, I started my first injection to my wife's belly without anyone guiding beside. Feels a bit nervous because this time I'm doing it all by myself. I try to hum some music to distract my wife's from looking at the needle while injecting but still she is looking at it.
    Day 3 - Day 15, sometime the injection hurting and causes bleeding/bruise to her. I need to find a new spot to inject every time and sees her bruise makes my pain in the heart too. My injection skills improved dramatically. She even told me that she doesn't feel pain like the beginning stages.
    Day 16, follow up 2nd checkup. Doctor said, everything goes smoothly and added another medication to inject called Gonal-F to take home and start injecting on day 23. This message never surprises me because I've been told earlier, but just that the price to pay for this medication is quite costly.
    Day 17 - Day 22, nothing much on these days and we just stick on the plan as usual.

    IVF Journey Phase 2 “Stressful Night”
    Day 23, Gonal F injections start today. This needle doesn't look same as those earlier, it comes with medication in it and look like a pen.
    Day 24 - Day 26, side effects of the Gonal F medications started. My wife is feeling irritation at the injection site, fullness, bloating and tenderness in the lower abdomen due to the increasing size of the ovaries. Her mood changes dramatically as I can tell, but she endures it and tell me she can handle it.
    Day 27, follow up 3rd checkup. Doctor said wife has eggs total of 12 and is ready for Transvaginal oocyte retrieval "Human language, Egg retrieval" at day 31.
    Day 28 - Day 29, final injection of Gonal F. At day 29 night, I inject Ovidrel to wife belly to that causes the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation) for day 31.
    Day 30, resting whole day. Finally, we had a day without injection and worrying about holding any needles. Today we wondering about the egg growth, not knowing will the eggs grow more or still the same amount of 12.
    Day 31, egg retrieval. 8 egg success retrieves and I give out my sperm for oocytes selection on the same day. Wife given cyclogest for oval protection after the egg retrieval.

    IVF Journey Phase 3 “Hopeful Embryo Culture & Embryo Transfer”
    Day 32 - Day 35, rest at home. We had pillow talk every night concerning about the growth of an embryo. We also look at sample growth stages of an embryo from the web to see what the current growth stage is.
    Day 36, another hopeful and nervous morning. Doctor tells us the result of embryo culture as below;
    Total Embryo Retrieve: 8
    Embryo Qualified for ICSI: 6
    Embryo Success until Cleavage Stage (Day 2 – Day 4): 3
    Embryo Success until Blastocyst Stage (Day 5): 2
    Embryo Qualified / Recommended for Transfer: 1
    Both our eyes looked at each other, knowing only 1 Blastocyst Embryo available to transfer and doctor tell the same after it. I really do not know how to express both our feelings into words here, as we expected to have at least 2 Blastocyst out of 8 embryos and only left 1. We both agreed to proceed this only 1 Blastocyst transfer as this is the only choice we had. It's more likely walking on a 100ft tall string with no supports mission, a single error will fail the mission.
    After the transfer process, wife given a room to rest for few hours. A nurse came and give us adjunctive medications, injections and advice while resting at room.

    IVF Journey Phase 4 “The Final Moment of IVF”
    Day 37 - Day 49, after the transfer. This period is known as 2WW (2 Weeks Wait) with adjunctive medications, injections and be very careful. I just let her sleep/rest more on the bed, I served her every meal in the room. We're also nervous and curious about pregnancy results on day 44, we tested with cheap pregnancy tester and get got a double line on it and we do have a little hope and joy with this result. On day 47, again we test, but this time with expensive pregnancy tester and the results double line again! We're so hopeful and happy at this moment. We really hope this result is true until the next checkup.
    Day 50, final checkup. My wife goes for the hCG test by giving a sample of blood, we waited 2 hours for the results. While waiting, nurse guide us to a room to rest. Wife slept and I sat beside concerned on the hCG test results. 2 hours later, the doctor invited us to look for him. Before doctor speaks, while we are sitting down, my wife's eyes were starring in the hCG results number and she spotted the hCG number is 452. She smiles happily while doctor tells her "You are pregnant and congratulations! Come back after 2 weeks to scan for baby heartbeats. And please go out to the counter and ring the bell!”

    Just Sharing My Thoughts
    By all means, I’m not bragging about my success. I would like to say if anyone is planning on IVF, teamwork is very important and husband play a very important role to increase the success rate. Sometimes, I do feel like a spectator than a participant myself because I never experience any of the medical exams but this is not true. Every injection I put on her belly, I feel the pain in my heart as bad as she has on the belly. Ok, nothing much to share in this IVF journey and next time I might be sharing another journey as a Father! Here is my little baby girl Facebook page奥莉 Olivia Baby - 梁童心心 https://fb.me/oliviababylove if you wish to see her growth updates.


    #ivf #ivfmalaysia #ivfjourney #baby #alphafertility

  • financially中文 在 The DoDo Men - 嘟嘟人 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-22 11:00:03


    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed many lives in this world. Many families are heavily impacted.
    The spread of the virus has dramatically escalated in the US. We are also impacted heavily in California.
    We must work together to overcome this hardship.

    Everyone has the responsibility to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, and there are many ways to help.
    If you are financially capable of helping more, please see below links and consider donating:

    This includes many charities by category: https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=content.view&cpid=7779
    We personally donated to GlobalGiving: https://www.globalgiving.org/ (Coronavirus Relief Fund)

    世界衛生組織WHO: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
    美國CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
    加州居民FAQs (中文): http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/FAQ-TradChinese.pdf
    台灣衛生局: https://health.gov.taipei/Content_List.aspx?n=73944FE6C44396EC

    Credits to our friends who provided some videos/pictures to us:
    Leslie Jin, Jonathan Tan, Sara Tong, Michelle Hwang, Tiffany Chen, Stephanie Ho, Nandar Yukyi, Qianqian Bao, Shan He, Christopher Chu, Doris Jung, Rona Chen, Judy Kao, Samuel Wang, Tina Lo, Catherine Gao.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedodomen/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDoDoMen/

    #新型冠狀病毒 #美國疫情 #COVID19

    Footage sources
    KGW News
    WCVB Channel 5 Boston
    Global Stats
    Scientific Animations
    CBS News
    Washington Post
    CBC News

  • financially中文 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-02-02 08:00:00

    Not sponsored.
    MORNING SKINCARE ROUTINE: https://youtu.be/gDWrMaHux-8
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    http://t.cn/Rbkwvim (FeelUnique)

    Foreo Luna - Sensitive Skin

    Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner

    Aesop B & Tea Balancing Toner

    Dr Mul Collagen Plus Rejuvenating Serum*

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    L'Occitane Ultra Rich Comforting Cream

    Bicelle Hydra B5 Cream*

    Melvita Pulpe de Rose Plumping Radiance Duo*

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    I get sent products from time to time to review or to share with you all. These products are marked with an *.
    I am in no obligation to "sell" these products nor to review them in a positive light. I am to select the products I feel are related to my channel and to review them for you (the viewer) and to provide my honest feedback to the brand(s) for further product development/analytics.
    From time to time I am invited to collaborate with brands where I am financially paid to publish sponsored content. All sponsored content will be marked as such (Ad/Sponsored in video title and info box) and will be reviewed in the same way as non-sponsored/self-purchased products. Opinions cannot be bought and reviews cannot be masked.

  • financially中文 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-01-10 17:49:10

    What I would pack for a 3-night trip to Taipei :)
    我知我過去兩年不停改革我的YouTube Channel, 為的只是想配合支持我和喜歡看我的影片的viewer們
    亦唔好嚇親點解會有英文片吧 XD 最重要係大家可以keep住enjoy我的片
    之後應該.. 唔會再有咩改變架喇!感謝大家一直以來的支持 我會繼續努力的!

    ♦ Instagram: bethniy
    ♦ Facebook - http://facebook.com/bethniblog
    ♦ 英文Channel - http://www.youtube.com/bethni
    ♦ VLOG Channel - http://www.youtube.com/bethnivlogs


    ♦ Official BLOG

    ♦ Google+

    ♦ Twitter

    Inquiries: info@bethni.com
    PO BOX:

    May contain affiliate links.

    Suitcase - Taobao
    Pyjamas - Victoria's Secret
    Dresses - ASOS
    Jeans - AEO
    Sweater - People Republic
    Intimate Pouch - Freebie
    Brush Roll - Sigma

    Toiletries Bag - Cath Kidston
    Cleanser - Emma Hardie

    Hair Oil - OGX Healing Vitamin E*
    Body Lotion - Le Chateau Du Bois*
    Beauty Blender Cleanser Solid

    Hair Mask - Kiehls
    Makeup Remover - Banila Co Clean It Zero
    Leaders Amino Moisture Mask
    Aesop B & Tea Balancing Toner

    Dr Mul Collagen Plus+*

    Elta MD UV Clear Sunscreen
    Tarte Maracuja C-Brighter Eye Cream
    Melvita Pulpe de Rose Face Cream*
    Cotton Pads and Q-Tips

    Makeup Bag - Ted Baker
    BareMinerals Bareskin Foundation*
    Ipsa Primer*
    Ipsa Cream Foundation*
    Ipsa Creative Concealer*
    Rodial Contour Powder*

    Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit

    Tartelette in Bloom Palette
    Love Liner
    Tarte Inner Rim Eyeliner

    Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil

    Too Faced Melted Lipstick - Melted Berry

    Urban Decay Anti-Aging Primer Potion

    Circle Lenses - Select Fairy - Mode Brown 1 Day
    Beauty Blender

    Electronics -
    Macbook Pro Charger
    Camera Chargers
    JuicePak Charger
    iPhone Charger - Rose Gold Happy Plugs USB Lightning Cable*


    Magnifying Mirror
    Tangle Teezer

    Foldable Luggage Bag - LeSportSac

    ♦ Music:

    ♦ Disclosure:
    I get sent products from time to time to review or to share with you all. These products are marked with an *.
    I am in no obligation to "sell" these products nor to review them in a positive light. I am to select the products I feel are related to my channel and to review them for you (the viewer) and to provide my honest feedback to the brand(s) for further product development/analytics.
    From time to time I am invited to collaborate with brands where I am financially paid to publish sponsored content. All sponsored content will be marked as such (Ad/Sponsored in video title and info box) and will be reviewed in the same way as non-sponsored/self-purchased products. Opinions cannot be bought and reviews cannot be masked.

