

在 figures英文產品中有65篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅國發會,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#故宮公開資料庫雙語化】 你知道臺灣故宮曾位列2015年全球參觀人數第六多的藝術博物館嗎 ❓ 故宮博物院是每一個初來乍到的外國遊客必訪之地,顯示出故宮對於臺灣在歷史文化的代表性及觀光產業的重要性❗️ 因應 #2030雙語國家政策,除了原有的官網雙語化之外,現在故宮的開放資料專區(Open Dat...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,250的網紅TheShinilola,也在其Youtube影片中提到,上次跟大家分享我的包包合集,有些美眉就说我介绍的大多数都是5位数马币的包包。所以这次故意在做一集CP值高又四位数的包包给大家。那就是 #LouisVuitton​ #PochetteMetis​ ! LV路易威登包包开箱影片里有英文字幕噢~ 我自己也很喜欢,所以想和大家分享它的细节。希望大家会喜欢这...

figures英文 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-30 12:04:39

厚厚一疊帳單不想面對🥲 【25堂全情境英文口說課】 ✅ 模擬「各式情境」話題,找出對話重點 ✅ 教你「延續話題」的技巧,聊天順暢「不句點」 ✅ 學會實用「連音」技巧,講出流利的句子 ✅ 學會實用「可替換」詞彙,輕鬆客製你的對話! ✨ 多益金證老師,專為你量身打造的英文口說課程! #募資...

figures英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-30 08:28:08

認真的孩子還是有的! 有孩子詢問導師和俐媽, EEC的電影DVD競試考, 是否如期舉行? 當然囉! 所以週末就應該全家人宅在家, 一起收看”The Greatest Showman 大娛樂家”, 順便學最後一趴精選單字part 7️⃣ 考試時程如附圖, 另外, 每年EEC下學期發的DVD都不同...

  • figures英文 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-15 10:00:19
    有 46 人按讚

    你知道臺灣故宮曾位列2015年全球參觀人數第六多的藝術博物館嗎 ❓

    因應 #2030雙語國家政策,除了原有的官網雙語化之外,現在故宮的開放資料專區(Open Data )也推出了英文的版本了喔 ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶

    因為疫情的關係,國外的遊客可以先從開放資料專區(Open Data)去下載故宮藏品的高清圖像來欣賞。

    未來若狀況許可,就可以直接到故宮兩院去一睹這些文物的風采了喔 (//●⁰౪⁰●)// ‼

    國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum官網🔗
    Open Data專區🔗
    【National Palace Museum Launches Bilingual Database 】
    Ranked seventh in the “Visitor Figures 2015: Exhibition & Museum Attendance Survey," the National Palace Museum is a “must see” for every tourist who visits Taiwan. The museum is the jewel in the crown of Taiwan's tourism.
    Due to provisions in the "2030 Bilingual Nation" efforts, the National Palace Museum has already launched an English version website and opened its database to the public.
    Since tourists are not able to visit Taiwan because of the COVID-19 situation, access to the database allows people around the world to see high-quality images of the collection.
    In the future, we hope every visitor to Taiwan will have a chance to visit the National Palace Museum.
    Website of National Palace Museum:
    Open Data base website:
    #2030雙語國家政策 #BilingualNation2030
    #臺灣故宮 #公開資料庫雙語化 #博物館

  • figures英文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-28 07:30:45
    有 290 人按讚

    Bat Bat雖然跳跳紮坐唔定,不過每當睇書就可以好專注,難得佢咁愛書,所以我絕對唔會吝嗇買書俾佢睇。嚟緊嘅 #大野狼國際書展 #網上書展 係入貨好時機,超過60,000 種書以高達 95% 折扣發售,bookdepoxxxxxxy 賣緊HK$170 嘅書,大野狼只係賣HK$20😱😱😱 價錢平到我以為佢標錯USD呀。

    呢個全球最大型嘅 #英文書展「大野狼國際書展」,今次首度登陸香港舉辦網上書展,無論書種定價錢都非常吸引,好似我哋呢4本書就已經係必買啦:

    🔸Big Book of Giant Dinosaurs + The Small Book of Tiny Dinosaurs, HK$28
    由一隻雞帶領探索恐龍世界,製作極度精美,原價近HK$200,大書講大恐龍,細書仔講小恐龍,Bat Bat 成日指住隻雞笑,其實我都唔知佢笑乜,不過全程都睇得好開心,書仔仲可以帶出街繼續睇添。

    🔸Junior Picture Dictionary, HK$20
    原本超過HK$200,內容上至天文,下至地理,由遠古時期嘅恐龍,到現今瀕臨絕種動物都包括其中,知識層面由淺入深,如果Bat Bat 由而家開始睇到小學可以識得晒已經好叻喇。


    🔸Think Like an Economist, HK$10
    呢本係我睇嘅,經濟學係社會嘅法則,呢本書用嚟提醒自己think like an economist,其實生活上好多抉擇都會有有答案。

    淨係以上四本書,如果喺bookdepoxxxxxxy 都要HK$500,喺大野狼網上書展買合共只需HK$78 💥💥💥 唔怪得大會都形容自己係 #全球最瘋狂書展,我只能用「痴線㗎」嚟形容,就快放暑假,而家掃定書,到時一齊喺屋企set定daily reading time 就最好。

    大野狼國際書展 #BigBadWolfBooks
    書展日期:7 月 1 日至 5日

    Big Bad Wolf Books 最瘋狂優惠:
    💥高達 95% 折扣出售逾 60,000 種書,涵蓋各大主題類別讀物
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    網頁: https://bigbadwolfbooks.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bbwbookshongkong/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bigbadwolfbooks_hk/

    #TheWildestOnlineBookSale #BBWHKOnlineSale

  • figures英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-22 15:45:21
    有 52 人按讚


    一起收看”The Greatest Showman 大娛樂家”,
    順便學最後一趴精選單字part 7️⃣

    這幾年有”We Bought a Zoo 我們買了動物園” “The Green Book 幸福綠皮書” “Hidden Figures 關鍵少數” “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 白日夢冒險王”...,你那一屆的DVD是什麼呢?

    🤡 俐媽電影英文—大娛樂家篇Part 7:
    🎁 be on tour 巡迴演出
    🎁 bunk (n.) 空言
    🎁 in advance (phrase) 事先
    🎁 profit (n.) 利潤
    🎁 rehearse (v.) 排演;預演
    🎁 defer (v.) 拖延(⚠️ EEC Unit 5的字根-fer大餐)
    🎁 eyesore (n.) 眼中釘;醜陋刺眼的人事物
    🎁 parade (v.)(n.) 遊行
    🎁 claim (v.) 宣稱
    🎁 destiny (n.) 命運
    🎁 be bound to V 一定會⋯
    🎁 long for N 渴望⋯
    🎁 valley (n.) 山谷
    🎁 motion (n.) 動作
    🎁 esteem (n.) 尊敬;敬重
    🎁 lavish (a.) 奢華的(❗️預告:EEC Unit 6會學到它喔)
    🎁 distraction (n.) 分心
    🎁 itinerary (n.) 旅行時程表
    🎁 ringmaster (n.) 馬戲團表演指導者
    🎁 spook (v.) 鬼魅般的出現
    🎁 charge (v.) 猛衝
    🎁 humble (a.) 謙虛的;簡陋的
    🎁 pump (v.) 使用幫浦打氣
    🎁 stretcher (n.) 擔架
    🎁 gloat (v.) 幸災樂禍
    🎁 thug (n.) 惡棍
    🎁 rebuild (v.) 重建
    🎁 evict (v.) 驅趕
    🎁 dim (v.) 使黯淡
    🎁 glitter (v.) 閃閃發光
    🎁 rubble (n.) 碎石瓦礫
    🎁 politician (n.) 政客
    🎁 pitfall (n.) 陷阱
    🎁 anthem (n.) 聖歌
    🎁 emphatically (adv.) 強調地
    🎁 acclaim (v.) 稱讚
    🎁 adorn (v.) 裝飾
    🎁 gamble (v.) 賭博
    🎁 real estate (n.) 不動產
    🎁 investment (n.) 投資
    🎁 dock (n.) 碼頭;(v.) 駛入碼頭
    🎁 renegade (v.) 背叛
    🎁 tent (n.) 帳篷


    #EEC #WillingEnglish #EECmovie
    #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室大娛樂家篇
    #俐媽電影英文 #俐媽電影英文大娛樂家篇

  • figures英文 在 TheShinilola Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-08 13:54:17

    上次跟大家分享我的包包合集,有些美眉就说我介绍的大多数都是5位数马币的包包。所以这次故意在做一集CP值高又四位数的包包给大家。那就是 #LouisVuitton​ #PochetteMetis​ ! LV路易威登包包开箱影片里有英文字幕噢~ 我自己也很喜欢,所以想和大家分享它的细节。希望大家会喜欢这分享(开箱)噢?。记得观看后不要忘记关注我和赞这个影片噢!留言让我知道你们喜不喜欢这款包包吧~

    During my previous episode of My Bag Collection, some of you saying most of the bags that I shared has cost 5 figures in RM. So this episode of Shini Luxury Reviews, I would like to share the bag that cost 4 figures and an IT bag which is #LouisVuittonPochetteMetis . English subtitles are available. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel + like this video. Leave a comment to let me know how you guys think about my bag!

    For more photos, kindly check out hashtag #LVWithShini on Instagram.

    Brand : @Louis Vuitton ​
    Item name : Pochette Metis BAG
    Product reference: M44875
    Product descriptions : With its on-trend satchel silhouette, the Pochette Métis bag has become an object of fashion desire. This compact, go-everywhere model in the House’s Monogram canvas features a distinctive S-lock closure with a polished gold-tone finish. Versatile and unexpectedly roomy, it is fitted with a chic top handle and a long detachable strap for shoulder or cross-body wear.

    • MY BAG COLLECTION | 我的包包合集 : https://youtu.be/NPUFZAdP3is​
    • CHANEL COCO HANDLE BAG REVIEW | 香奈儿包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/2ZD_6wMK8Ac​
    • LOUIS VUITTON MULTICOLOR PETIT NOE REVIEW | LV路易威登包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/HuCxoKxcgrU
    • HERMES ORAN SANDALS REVIEW | 爱马仕鞋子开箱 : https://youtu.be/BoE-3vc77c4​
    • WHAT'S IN MY BAG + SENREVE MINI MAESTRA REVIEW | SENREVE包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/3cptt_MtK-4​
    • CHANEL CLASSIC MINI RECTANGULAR FLAPBAG REVIEW | 香奈儿包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/K2v1FYsfgXM


    Blog : http://www.shinilola.com/​
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shinilola​
    Facebook (Travel) : https://www.facebook.com/travelwithshini​
    Instagram : http://instagram.com/shinilola​
    Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/shinilola​

    Business Contact : shinilola@gmail.com

  • figures英文 在 賭Sir【杜氏數學】HermanToMath Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-07 18:00:10

    ?杜氏數學 官方網站: http://www.HermanToMath.com
    ?賭Sir 幫你急救 DSE 數學: https://hermantomath.skx.io/courses/6328693527937024
    賭Sir語錄?唔思考 大腦連結就只係沙灘上嘅痕跡
    00:55 ?7分鐘解釋曬全課概念?
    07:40 ?破解全世界最陰濕嘅誤差題?
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    18:00 ?有效數字題型光速剔除法?
    ?️賭Sir是杜氏數學Herman To Math的始創人
    ?全港唯一「完爆」【DSE Core+M1+M2】、【IAL 12科Maths】、【AL Pure+Applied】、【CE Maths+A.Maths】的數學導師
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    #最大絕對誤差 #MaximumAbsoluteError #記得讚好

  • figures英文 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-12 07:58:58

    Please share on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc... with #TWforWHO and #TaiwanCanHelp

    這是一封關於台灣參加WHO給世界衛生組織的公開信. 為什麼WHO跟WHA需要台灣?
    過去幾天看過越來越多台灣的公眾人物在叫WHO讓台灣參加. 在現在新冠狀病毒的疫情狀況中我看過阿滴英文跟吳鳳的影片後我也覺得我要試試看自己試試看.

    This is an open letter to the World Health Organization about including Taiwan as a member or observer. Why should Taiwan be included in the WHO and WHA?

    Over the past few days, more and more figures in Taiwan such as 阿滴英文 Ray Du and 吳鳳 Rifat have been stepping out as proponents of the WHO considering inclusion of Taiwan into the world health organization amid the threat of the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic. Seeing these pleas has motivated me to do my part.

    Dear WHO,
    I’m Brian. An American citizen who spent a good portion of my childhood living abroad in St. Kitts, and have been living and working in Taiwan for the past 10 years.

    As an American citizen and having lived in St. Kitts and Taiwan, I’ve seen and experienced a wide range of medical facilities, practices, and benefits.

    In Taiwan, I’ve without a doubt experienced the best quality of healthcare out of those three places.

    Due to the unique history of Taiwan, it has been excluded from participating in the WHO. However, over the past months and especially in the past weeks since the seriousness of this 2019-nCoV outbreak have come to be realized, many leaders and people of influence from around the globe including the USA, Japan, Canada, Germany, Australia and others.

    I have faith in Taiwan’s ability to aid in the battle against this new coronavirus, not only because of my knowledge of the affordable healthcare that’s available to all here, but also because the technology and procedures here are extremely modernized.

    Taiwan has a highly skilled force of researchers, physicians, and medical professionals who could all be great assets in the worldwide fight to control this outbreak and minimize casualties.

    The experience Taiwan has accumulated in the past while dealing with pandemics such as swine flu, mers, and sars have allowed professionals to learn the necessary skills and precautions to take to help thwart these types of outbreaks, and as a member of the who and wha, the skills of these amazing people could help not just in a local level, but on a global scale to contribute to the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible standard of health.


