

在 fig中文水果產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,537的網紅約克在哪裡?Where is York?,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [越南,會安 Hoi An, Vietnam] 馬鈴薯果汁? Juice of Potato? 晚間時分,空氣仍是難以忍受地悶熱。我想喝點沁涼的,在傳統市場裡尋著一間果汁攤。相較起其他大聲拉客的年輕姊姊們,這位中年阿姨只是憨厚地笑,大方地先請我吃點醃製水果。 拿起攤子上的菜單,越文英文各一...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#好家在我在家 #宅料理 紅毛丹、龍眼、榴槤到底怎麼切?專業主廚從小水果到大水果通通切給你看 坎達兒·珍娜沒吃過火龍果?► https://smarturl.it/hk8ylm #切水果 #專業主廚 #療癒廚房 00:00​ Intro 00:40​ Grapes 葡萄 01:01​ Strawbe...

  • fig中文水果 在 約克在哪裡?Where is York? Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-06-02 19:48:01
    有 19 人按讚

    [越南,會安 Hoi An, Vietnam]
    馬鈴薯果汁? Juice of Potato?


    Sapodilla,我指著字秀給阿姨看,她則端出一盤像馬鈴薯般的果實。「Good?」「Good, good...」她用簡短的英語回應。

    In Hoi An, the air was humid and hot even in nights. I fancied drinking something cool and searched for a juice stand in the market. In comparison with other young sellers, this middle age auntie simply attracted me to sit on her stand by a warm smile.

    I looked for a fruit which I've never tried on the menu. Sapodilla, I showed auntie the word and she took a plate of fruits similar to potatoes.
    "Good?" "Good, good..." We communicated in basic English.
    The sapodilla juice tasted like the fig, sweet and thick.

    I was acting like a little girl, checking everything on auntie's stand. While finishing the juice, I told her, I will come back tomorrow!

  • fig中文水果 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-10 12:00:02

    #好家在我在家 #宅料理
    坎達兒·珍娜沒吃過火龍果?► https://smarturl.it/hk8ylm
    #切水果 #專業主廚 #療癒廚房
    00:00​ Intro
    00:40​ Grapes 葡萄
    01:01​ Strawberry 草莓
    01:30​ Fig 無花果
    01:57​ Plum 李子
    02:27​ Lime 萊姆
    02:46​ Lemon 檸檬
    03:18​ Kiwi Berry 奇異莓
    03:38​ Longan 龍眼
    04:07​ Gooseberry 鵝莓
    04:26​ Prickly Pear 仙人掌果
    04:52​ Star Fruit 楊桃
    05:12​ Rambutan 紅毛丹
    05:44​ Passion Fruit 百香果
    06:01​ Mandarin Orange 蜜柑
    06:16​ Persimmon 柿子
    06:45​ Pepino Melon 香瓜茄
    07:15​ Quince 榅桲
    08:01​ Cherimoya 番荔枝
    08:23​ Apple 蘋果
    08:46​ Dragonfruit 火龍果
    09:23​ Avocado 酪梨
    10:32​ Peach 水蜜桃
    11:11​ Pomegranate 紅石榴
    11:46​ Orange 橘子
    12:18​ Yellow Plantain 黃芭蕉
    13:03​ Green Plantain 綠芭蕉
    13:51​ Mango 芒果
    15:12​ Grapefruit 葡萄柚
    15:55​ Durian 榴槤
    16:48​ Papaya 木瓜
    17:41​ Pineapple 鳳梨
    19:12​ Cantaloupe 哈密瓜
    20:00​ Pomelo 柚子
    20:46​ Pumpkin 南瓜
    21:21​ Honeydew 香瓜
    22:03​ Watermelon 西瓜

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