

在 few可數嗎產品中有197篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【德多少,就得多少】 YOUR VIRTUES DETERMINE HOW MUCH YOU GET 最近家附近有建築工地,噪音多了。 客人聽我的聲音不會有問題,因為我的耳機有麥克風,但如果他們不戴有麥克風的耳機,我聽他們的聲音會比較辛苦。 幾天前,為一位年輕的保險經紀通過Zoom批八字。 ...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428的網紅學英文吧,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「我牙齒好痛喔」 英文怎麼說? 你的牙齒好嗎?你有牙齒痛過嗎? "牙齒”、"蛀牙“ 的英文怎麼說?牙齒的單數複數很容易搞混,不要記錯喔 XD 如果你想跟朋友說你牙痛的事, "我剛開始痛”、"痛好幾天了”、"我要去看牙醫" 要怎麼用英文說呢? 這一集的文化閒聊, Duncan 跟我們聊在美國看牙醫,大...

few可數嗎 在 黛西/安安美少女2.0 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 14:35:44

20210730 許多的情緒至今仍舊是難以消化 思考有時變得很慢有時甚至阻塞 腦中如同被置入數顆不定時炸彈 一個突然它會爆炸並且連環爆炸 而後空氣變得晰薄以致過度換氣 爆炸的時間點不一定曾經有一次 在訓練台上流淚鼻塞卻還要四區 這時除了沉重的鬱悶又加上憤怒 妳在幹嘛不要想這些沒用的爛事 妳在幹嘛堅持...

few可數嗎 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 11:01:22

【夏天症狀】朋友有狐臭問題,你會告訴他嗎? ⭐真朋友就要勇敢說出口 ⭐問題嚴重宜找註冊中醫師治理 #星期二提升正能量 汗臭 vs 狐臭 夏天天氣異常酷熱,在室外待上數分鐘已大汗淋漓,公共交通工具、餐廳、辦公室、電梯都難免瀰漫着汗水味,更怕遇上氣味異常濃烈刺鼻的狐臭。狐臭與汗臭不同,狐臭只出現在腋...

few可數嗎 在 游大東 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-26 14:55:58

【 子華神foodpanda廣告影像拆解 】 _ 代言人,決定了一個廣告的層次。 _ 「相比舊版,今次真係好睇得多!」 _ 這是看過黃子華為網上外賣速遞平台foodpanda日前(21/5)推出的全新廣告「foodpanda點止搵食咁簡單」之後,第一個於腦海中彈出來的反應,然後秒速重播,總覺得有些內...

  • few可數嗎 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-19 10:03:26
    有 1,555 人按讚
































    祖師有訓 - 看命本來就是依客人的福德多寡,而賜福。品行不端的人,承受不起更多的福報,反而會遭反噬。再說了,對貴人都不好的人,對沒有利用價值的人就會更善良嗎?








    Recently, a construction site sprouted up beside my place, creating a lot of noise every day.

    Zoom clients wouldn’t have a problem hearing me, but if they do not have a earpiece with a mic, I would have a problem hearing them.

    Few days ago, I did a Bazi analysis for a young Insurance Agent via Zoom.

    After he entered my Zoom meeting room, he looked at me blankly.

    I smiled at him, deliberately staying quiet, and observed him.

    Few seconds later, he said bluntly, “Hello?!”

    How strange that an insurance agent, who probably have met tons of people, would greet in such an abrupt manner. My middle-aged clients, who rarely use Zoom, have better etiquette than him.

    I replied instantly, “Hi, Mr X. Why is your greeting so crude, upon entering this meeting room?”

    “I always say hello like this and wait to hear a reply, before I greet officially.”

    “I never do that.”

    Actually, this demonstrates the refinement of a person.

    “Did you not read the post I sent you? Why are you not wearing a earpiece?”

    “All along, I do Zooms in this manner without a earpiece. I thought it’s just a suggestion from you and it was not mandatory.”

    “I wrote about the reason for clients to wear a earpiece. Do you find it invalid?”

    He pondered for a few seconds and replied, “It’s valid.”

    “We are both service providers. Clients look for us based on three main qualities. The first being the quality of empathy. You lack empathy and it’s no wonder you say your clients rather listen to others and not trust you as much.”

    “If you want me to wear, then I will wear it now”

    And he sat there looking at me, not moving an inch.

    When he finally put on his ear pods, they did not operate well either.

    It’s peculiar how despite a month of waiting for me, he was slow to get this simple thing done right.

    Seeing how “self-assured” he was, for a brief moment, I find his behaviour pitiful.

    His benefactor was sitting right in front of him, yet his words remained self-serving, totally oblivious to what harmony is about. Wasn’t this sending your benefactor straight out of the door?

    “Even if you gain an upper hand talking like this, have you really won?

    I would never buy insurance from such an agent, as obviously he was not the considerate kind.

    I still read his Bazi that day, said what I should but there were also a lot I did not reveal.

    Because he is lacking in virtues.

    Many people think lightly of virtues. They assumed that if they do no evil deed, they are virtuous humans. Fact is, if you do not follow the reasonable requirements of other people, deliberately breaking the rules for your own gain, you have no virtue to speak of.

    Some naysayers will tell me, but hey you are a practicing Buddhist, so you should exercise your compassion and not be bothered with his behaviour! Don’t get attached to external form!

    This isn’t about me.

    Compassion without wisdom brings more harm than good.

    Since ancient times, it is a rule of thumb that we practitioners allocate good fortune to clients, based on their conduct and luck.

    A person with undesirable conduct is unable to bear greater fortune, or there will be adverse consequences. Moreover, if a person is unkind to his benefactor, it is very unlikely that he will be kinder to another person with no value to him.

    You can’t define a person as a good man, just because he is willing to donate money. We got to look at how he uses his heart.

    Everybody wants to be special and different from others. But if what you are doing is the same as other people, nowhere better than them, then you can only carry a mediocre Destiny.

    Don’t be superstitious to think that everybody is out to get you, and you go running to the temples or Feng Shui masters to chase away the villains.

    Every obstacle in our destiny, every little stone that trips us, is placed in our lives by no other person but ourselves.

    If you do not change, the obstacle isn’t going to budge either.

    And here’s an official note: For any Zoom client that does not wear a earpiece with a microphone, I will cancel the consultation and give you a refund.

    Having off days out of the blue are so much more fun!

  • few可數嗎 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-01 13:13:16
    有 533 人按讚


    //2019 年 10 月 20 日九龍遊行案,前民陣召集人陳皓桓、民主黨前主席何俊仁、社民連前立法會議員梁國雄等 7 人,被指煽惑他人參與未經批准集結、組織未經批准集結等。7 人早前承認控罪,法官胡雅文今(1 日)在區域法院判 7 人監禁 11 至 16 個月。除了黃浩銘,其餘被告的刑期與早前 8.18、8.31、10.1 未經批准集結案刑期同期執行。//


    【吳文遠 - 10.20九龍遊行案件感言】











    【Avery Ng: On October 20 Kowloon Rally】

    This is a political case, so I think it is appropriate to frame my remarks within the political context of this matter.

    We live in rapidly changing and challenging times. Journalists, newspaper publishers, broadcasters, academics, teachers, students, artists, singers, trade unionists, political activists, democratically elected representatives, and many other citizens are being silenced, arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned by the Hong Kong government for supposed reasons relating to “security”.

    What’s more, the definition of this “security” is constantly shifting and expanding. A newspaper article published yesterday, a speech, an opinion, a slogan--even a gesture may be treated as a threat to security today.

    Actions that would have previously and sometimes rightly merited community service or fines just a few short years ago, now lead to the possibility of jail. Where once there was the space to disagree agreeably and debate ideas honestly. Now there is intolerance.

    Every day brings a new re-interpretation of the rules. Every day we reach a new level of absurdity. Even children’s cartoon books have now reached the status that they are seen by some as a threat to “security”.

    The inevitable question arises: Whose security is being protected--the liberty of citizens? Or are these laws in fact protecting and securing the power of the already-powerful?

    What kind of order are we seeking? Are these laws designed to uphold the rule of law, ensure freedom, a level playing field, and the chance of prosperity for all citizens? Or are they meant to usher in an era in which the government can rule unchallenged and unchecked?

    In the times that we find ourselves in, one needs to make a choice that is at once simple yet immensely difficult. As Vaclav Havel writes: Do we live in the truth? Or conform to lies and absurdity?

    In my pursuit to live in the truth, we are merely the kid who yelled “hey, the Emperor wears no clothes.”

    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️

  • few可數嗎 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-31 16:41:15
    有 191 人按讚

    #折扣最後一晚 #8月補充講義

    有很多台灣人的休閒活動之一,就是懶在沙發上看英美劇或電影。不管是前些日子的 Emily in Paris、Queen's Gambit、還是近期的 The Chair (to name a few),「你有看~嗎?」是很多時候茶餘飯後我們的 "conversation piece".

    也因此,不管是神劇還是踩到雷,#用英文簡單談論我們的觀後感,是極為重要的能力。總不能一起喝個兩個小時的啤酒,只能一直講 It's great. I liked it. 或是 I don't recommend it.

    基於 IMDB / 爛番茄上面的「#Review大數據」,你會發現英語母語人士在講述心得、敘述電影時,很有默契地常常會用相似的 #語塊,或是都會有特定提及的面相(#思維模板)。

    以評論The Chair 第一季來看,喜歡這部劇的人很多都會在最後談到希望有第二季。我們來看看他們怎麼敘述,裡面一定有很多讓你覺得「啊,原來就那麼簡單」,這就是有思維模板和沒有思維模板的差異。

    ・Give us more.
    ・I hope this series returns.
    ・Let's hope there's a sequel!
    ・Great acting and well written - hope there will be more!
    ・I am hoping there are more series planned!
    ・It would be great to see a second season.
    ・I hope more seasons will follow.
    ・Looking forward to season 2!
    ・I'm so waiting for the next season.
    ・I want a season 2!
    ・The main criticism I have is that there aren't enough episodes to make it more complete.

    🔥 3D 英文筆記術的 #8月補充講義 中,我將特別整理可以讓你們用簡單但道地的方式敘述英美劇、電影觀後感的語塊。幫我在下面留言「我已購課,我想要領取 8 月補充講義」我就會內信給你。

    ✓ 3D 英文筆記術的 #折扣碼領取和使用 #只到今晚 (8/31, 11:59),想要領取折扣只剩最後幾個鐘頭喔!(購課後跟我領 3-8 月共 6 份補充講義)

  • few可數嗎 在 學英文吧 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-18 14:02:05

    「我牙齒好痛喔」 英文怎麼說?
    "牙齒”、"蛀牙“ 的英文怎麼說?牙齒的單數複數很容易搞混,不要記錯喔 XD
    "我剛開始痛”、"痛好幾天了”、"我要去看牙醫" 要怎麼用英文說呢?
    Duncan 跟我們聊在美國看牙醫,大概一次要花多少錢,
    通常最便宜還是要 xxxx 元!

    快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    我牙齒好痛喔 My tooth really hurts.
    tooth 牙齒(單數)
    teeth 牙齒(複數)

    蛀牙 cavity / carie 英式
    我剛開始痛 It just started hurting.
    痛好幾天了 It's been hurting for a few days.
    我要去看牙醫 I‘m going to see the dentist. I need to see the dentist.

    歡迎你先試聽看看 ~ 我們還有最後的優惠碼名額,
    結帳前輸入 ivybar380 ,就會再折 380 元喔!

    或追蹤 iVY BAR 學英文吧的 IG,上面圖文版 podcast 複習也很棒喔!
    現在我們也有影音版的 Podcast 實境秀喔

  • few可數嗎 在 外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-26 15:00:09


    Lucas第一次來 #台灣 時,是在幾個小時內就做出決定, 那幾個小時永遠改變了他的 #人生。

    Lucas和他的朋友們覺得開一家賣西餐和飲料的餐廳是個好主意。外國人喜歡它,他們可以在下班後看電子郵件 (當時沒有wifi),而且是一家真正的西式餐廳。


    IG: weirlucas
    加楓二 Fh2 - Taphouse & Pizza Pub (https://www.facebook.com/fh2pizzapub)
    你有Instagram嗎? 來看看我的:foreignerintw
    喜歡看我的Facebook? 找 ”外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界“
    --------------------- 其他影片 ---------------------
    為了20美金! 美國人38年前到了台灣,從此愛上! - For 20 USD! An American came to Taiwan 38 years ago and fell in love here!

    搬到台灣會讓你的生活更快樂嗎?從一個失戀又失意的男孩,到幸福雙收的臭豆腐愛爸 - Cole Fogle的採訪 - Moving to TAIWAN Gonna Make You Happier?

    棄高薪、賣房,從美國搬到台灣,值得嗎? - Quitting jobs, selling house, and moving to Taiwan. Was it worth it?

    5個為什麼外國人最愛住台灣的理由 - 5 Reasons Why Foreigners Love Living in Taiwan!

    在台灣必做、必吃、必玩的10件事 - 旅遊導覽 - BEST 10 Things To Do in Taiwan Travel Guide

    我在台灣學到的7件事,也許全世界都應該學習 - 7 Things the world can learn from Taiwan

    #外國人​ #愛台灣​ #生活​ #老外 #文化 #台灣 #美食 #旅遊 #旅行

  • few可數嗎 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-14 22:30:16

    ■ 更多林子安:

    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5

    🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶


    陳零九 & 邱鋒澤《天黑請閉眼》小提琴版本
    | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of Werewolves by Nine Chen feat. FENG ZE






    There's no better time for me to cover Werewolves after I just played at Nine Chen and FENG ZE's concert few days ago.
    Werewolves was from the board game, the Werewolves of Miller's Hollow. It went virus these years from TV shows to YouTube channel. Nine Chen is soooooo goood at the game that people would misunderstand him as the professional gamer or what, so to show himself as a singer-songwriter, he made this song with FENG ZE LOL

    It’s really my honor to be able to be in their concert. It's night so please close your eyes and enjoy my cover 😉

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!


    編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
    (Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !

