

在 feast動詞產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 明天就是感恩節了! 一起與我們練習每日英語會話吧! 今天的主題當然就是: "美國感恩節": https://goo.gl/UKObD5 請點選連結中的錄音檔來學學吧! 會話英文全文: Jana: It was so nice of Professor Palmer to invite us...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅C's English Corner 英文角落,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這集承接上禮拜的文法課,帶你們藉由聊聊「台灣新年」, 加深你們對句子裡,主詞動詞的架構以及重要性囉! 【練文法】 #1天哪!英文文法到底該怎麼學?! // 淺談句子基本https://youtu.be/TWKHITWUAnk 有沒有注意到,整段英文都是用「現在式(現在簡單式)」來說, 因為現在式就是...

feast動詞 在 吸管英語?跟著蘇蘇學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 16:41:33

今天是關鬼門的日子! 在鬼月的尾聲趕快來學學各種鬼月英文單字吧👻 📌 ghost 鬼魂、幽靈,通常是指披著白床單的那種,很西方的鬼XD 算是英文稱呼鬼魂最常見的用法喔~ 📌 spirit 無形的、精神上的,例如靈體、魂魄,平常說的飄飄應該比較接近 spirit 的形式 📌 dead soul...

  • feast動詞 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-11-25 09:30:58
    有 257 人按讚

    明天就是感恩節了! 一起與我們練習每日英語會話吧! 今天的主題當然就是: "美國感恩節": https://goo.gl/UKObD5 請點選連結中的錄音檔來學學吧!

    Jana: It was so nice of Professor Palmer to invite us all over for Thanksgiving.

    Lee: And it’s the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. for all of us.

    Peter: I’m really happy that part of Dr. Palmer’s Thanksgiving tradition is to volunteer with his family at a local community center.

    Lucía: I’m glad he invited us to that too, and not just to his family’s Thanksgiving feast.

    Ajay: It’ll be good to get off campus regardless. I’m thankful for many things, including that!

    Akinyi: I’m thankful to share this day with all of you. I couldn’t ask for better people to meet and become friends with this year.

    Lee: Agreed! Hey, what do you think the food will be at the Palmers’?

    Lucía: Dr. Palmer told me he was planning to have a turkey with all the trimmings and three kinds of pie.


    在美國,Thanksgiving Day——感恩節——是在每年11月的第四個星期四。這是美國的一個主要節日,根據傳統,全家人相聚在一起慶祝,並吃火雞。

    A tradition:傳統

    To volunteer :在這裡是動詞,意思是義務或志願做某事。

    A community center:社區中心,即供同一居民區的人使用的活動或服務場所,有些也舉辦講課。

    A feast,餐宴,往往是為慶賀,菜餚豐富。

    Off campus :校園外

    習慣表達語couldn't ask for (something) 的意思是,無法要求更好的了,即已經再好不過了。 I couldn't ask for a better friend的意思是,你是我再好不過的朋友了;我無法想像能有更好的朋友。

    Turkey with all the trimmings:火雞和(傳統感恩節大餐上的)所有配菜

    Get a move on:快點走,快點行動起來

    Practice #English with our Everyday Conversations! Today's dialogue: Thanksgiving in the U.S. https://goo.gl/UKObD5

  • feast動詞 在 C's English Corner 英文角落 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-02-15 21:00:03

    【練文法】 #1天哪!英文文法到底該怎麼學?! // 淺談句子基本https://youtu.be/TWKHITWUAnk

    Canigrin Illustration

    This year, the Chinese New Year falls on Friday, February 16th, beginning the year of the Dog.
    The holiday lasts for six days. Taiwanese people would grasp any opportunities to go out and travel around. I don't usually go out that much during that time, though. I just hate going to a place where it's overflowing with people and I have to wait in a line for everything. It just drives me crazy. I'd rather stay at home for a cozy and a laid-back holiday. So technically speaking, I am not a fan of the Chinese New Year Holiday.
    Well, family gathering might be the only thing that I anticipate. The festival always brings families together all around the world. On the Chinese New Year's Eve, we always feast on a delicious reunion dinner, or you can call it New Year's Eve dinner.

    A big part of the tradition is that the married adults will give red envelopes to children or unmarried young adults. The lucky money inside is said to bring prosperity and good fortune in the coming year, The color red symbolizes luck.

    On the same day, people stay up late until midnight and watch the fireworks and light firecrackers.

    The next day, we hang up spring couplets on both sides of the door in order to welcome good fortune.
    ☛ Facebook: C's English Corner
    ☛ Instagram: csenglishcorner
    ☛ 每週四晚上9:00準時發影片喔!



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