

在 fearless中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅騎呢.weak7.卜車呔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 毛揚問我'fearless'中文係乜 😂...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅UTIN喻婷,也在其Youtube影片中提到,泰勒絲最近發行重新錄製版大碟,高中大學就聽Love story,也聽了她很多歌,但不算了解 記憶中看過她很多流言蜚語,原本對她印象不太好,因緣際會看完她的自傳電影後完全改觀,她對創作的堅定和信念讓我深受啟發,也深深感動,我也會重拾信心與決心,持續加油的❤️ UTIN FB:https://www....

fearless中文 在 Mama Em 創業媽媽&混血娜娜? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 23:15:47

(𝙀𝙣𝙜 —> 中文) The more risks you allow your children to take, the better they learn to take care of themselves. Diana has always been fearless. She’s ...

  • fearless中文 在 騎呢.weak7.卜車呔 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-15 11:51:54
    有 603 人按讚

    毛揚問我'fearless'中文係乜 😂

  • fearless中文 在 UTIN喻婷 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-07 09:51:14

    泰勒絲最近發行重新錄製版大碟,高中大學就聽Love story,也聽了她很多歌,但不算了解

    UTIN FB:https://www.facebook.com/utinyang​
    UTIN IG:https://www.instagram.com/utinyang/

  • fearless中文 在 Nigel Sparks Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-30 14:00:19

    Dato' Maw is not your ordinary "Dato". He is one of the proudest Cina I know. Dato' Maw is fearless when it comes to pushing boundaries, breaking stereotypes and saying what needs to be said. His goal is to fill the void between two generations, the old and the new. Make great music that's close to us as Malaysians and prove the whole of Chinese Music Industry here in Malaysia wrong!

    Super proud to see how he has found his sound and never backing down from what he truly believes in. I am inspired after listening to his come up and struggles. Hope this inspires you too.

    Do subscribe and help us share this out, it will mean the world to us!

    Music by : Saucie J

    Nigel Sparks

    Dato' Maw


    Timecodes :
    0:00 - Intro
    0:44 - Are you a real dato?
    2:30 - How we met
    7:16 - Was the Chinese rap scene bigger then or now?
    8:48 - Did you make a cap?
    12:38 - Fired from working in Levi’s
    13:06 - I was a tuition teacher
    19:14 - You came with a luggage bag
    24:28 - Mutual friends on Facebook
    34:18 - I met Justin Bieber
    38:03 - Hypeman is actually an occupation here in Asia
    39:00 - Huat cap sold out
    41:46 - Money and face
    46:27 - Very hard meh to get a million views?
    50:53 - I wanna be a YouTuber
    51:22 - Rap of China
    54:29 - What is Ban Huat?
    1:02:07 - No need think of your future ah?
    1:03:11- Eh you wanna be Namewee ah?
    1:05:06 - Inside a box until the day they die
    1:09:42 - Daughter wants to be on OnlyFans
    1:11:05 - Who do you want to prove wrong?
    1:12:40 - How many “Journey to the West” do we need?”
    1:15:55 - “Wei jibai, I’m Chinese leh”
    1:16:28 - You feel like prostitute
    1:21:56 - Legacy
    1:24:35 - Outro

    #theproveemwrongpodcast #datomaw #马来魔

  • fearless中文 在 Sandy采聿老師 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-03 11:25:36

    J.K. Rowling (哈利波特作者) 最近發表了她的新創作《The Ickabog》,目前故事放在網站上供讀者免費線上閱讀,要到2020/11才會正式出版原文,所以中文翻譯還要再等等了。但是喜歡英文小說的年輕讀者不用擔心,這是我台灣學生錄製的中文導讀,內容是Chapter 1: King Fred the Fearless 第一章:無懼之王佛萊德 (暫譯)。


    故事發生在一個豐裕富庶的小國家Cornucopia,人民豐衣足食。國王稱自己為Fred the Fearless,他有兩個很愛逢迎拍馬屁的臣子Spittleworth還有Flapoon。國家的首都在最南邊,是一個叫做Chouxville的大城,以美食馳名中外。首都北邊有兩座城:以乳酪聞名的Kurdsburg,還有以肉品聞名的Baronstown。在更往北邊走是美酒之鄉Jeroboam,那裡出產極為香甜的葡萄酒。在最北端是惡名昭彰的Marshlands沼澤地,沼澤地和南方的城市不一樣,那裡土地貧脊,沒有什麼物產,最有名的大概只有那個關於怪獸Ickabog的傳說了....


    J.K. Rowling新作品《The Ickabog》完整全文線上閱讀

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