

在 favorite翻譯產品中有122篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,179的網紅我媽叫我不要打鼓,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, (English is belowed) 最近翻照片翻到了2017年,我最愛的鼓手 Antonio Sánchez 帶著他的樂團 Migration 來台灣 河岸留言 演出,想起了之前我曾經翻譯過他的DVD "Master Series"的一段話,非常感動且給我很大的能量,但之前有被盜過帳號都不見...

 同時也有34部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅莎白Elizabeth,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#美國零食#阿滴滴妹#Americansnacks 🎈莎白的Instagram日常: https://www.instagram.com/elizabenny/?hl=en 🎈莎白的Facebook專頁: https://m.facebook.com/shabaianderic/ 🎈合作邀約...

favorite翻譯 在 紅月凌/ AYA Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 10:08:16

【I 💙 U 3000抽獎!浪(歪)漫(樓)填詞活動】 「那個幸(性)運(慾)還是我的嗎?」 感謝因為WBL而能夠認識這麼多喜歡AYA作品的人 也謝謝所有人對AYA一直以來的支持 只要完成以下3步驟 即有機會抽中WBL明信片一組(限量10組)。 💜活動辦法💙 1.追蹤AYA IG帳號 @thea...

favorite翻譯 在 ChiChi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-03 20:03:28

📢 聲音打開!今天不用上班!✌️Sound on ! No Work Today! 勞動節快樂! 與朋友一起瀑布郊遊,是我最喜歡的運動和補充能量的方式。 攀岩尋找可愛的泰山,像個小貓一樣爬過岩石,吃很多小吃😋,在瀑布邊緣吃午餐🍺🥪,真是超有趣的。 祝大家週末愉快,享受美好的氛圍,跟朋友一起開心...

favorite翻譯 在 ChiChi Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-31 01:56:04

🔍現在可以在台北的陽明山看到海竽了!我已經把公共交通資訊和地圖分享出來🗺。 今年有非常多人去玩,所以盡量避免週末到訪。 我在去年的平日去過了(見穿搭),在靜謐的環境中,慢慢享受大自然,真是件美好的事。 你可以在那現採新鮮的海竽花,價格是6支100台幣($3.50美元)。我在紐約時,記得它們超貴!25...

  • favorite翻譯 在 我媽叫我不要打鼓 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-17 17:53:32
    有 48 人按讚

    (English is belowed)
    最近翻照片翻到了2017年,我最愛的鼓手 Antonio Sánchez 帶著他的樂團 Migration 來台灣 河岸留言 演出,想起了之前我曾經翻譯過他的DVD "Master Series"的一段話,非常感動且給我很大的能量,但之前有被盜過帳號都不見了,於是決定再找出來聽打一次重新翻譯分享給大家。

    也再次謝謝 河岸留言可以邀請這麼棒的樂團來台灣!!

    如果不知道Antonio Sanchez是誰的,他是Pat Metheny band的鼓手,葛萊美獎得了好幾座,同時已經得了奧斯卡等N個獎項的電影 Birdman 「鳥人」,這部整部電影配樂只有鼓聲,所有鼓也都是他錄的。

    一些來自 Antonio Sanchez 對鼓手們的金玉良言 (出自他的 “Master Series” DVD )


    嗯,當我還在成長時,我總是夢想著可以在很棒、高聳、最大的場館,跟著大型樂團,以及最棒的音樂家們一起演出。 這夢想當然很棒,但你總是要從某些名不經傳的小地方當作你的起點。

    突然之間,我意識到我正在小酒吧、小俱樂部、或是某家餐館、某個婚禮場演出 — 而且沒有人在專注聽你演奏,那時我覺得很沮喪而且覺得被冒犯了,舉例來說。我以前做很多婚禮場,而且在上面演奏「熱愛105度C的你」(註一) 上百次,演奏時心裡想「我在這邊銃三小?」、「快讓我離開這吧,殺了我吧,我可以演比這個帥一百倍以上的曲目!」於是,我在演奏時只想打卡下班,就沒有把我的專注放在音樂上面。

    又或者某天,我在某間小酒吧演出,正在演奏搖擺樂,或者一些我真的很喜歡的音樂風格,但沒有人在注意聽我們演奏,大家都在看大銀幕上的棒球比賽。 我就想說「好吧,反正沒人在聽,我就把我昨天練功的招式都丟進去音樂吧。」而那時我只是胡亂的丟我練過的招式,並沒有在那個音樂裡面,我也沒有在聽其他音樂家演奏了什麼,不過也許其他音樂家有聽到我做的事情。


    舉例來說,當我在九零年代晚期開始跟Niels Pedersen一起做巡迴,那是個非常高強度的演奏,它是個三重奏,每次演出的晚上,我的腦袋好像快爆炸一樣,因為我並不習慣如此需要長時間專注程度的高難度演出,我才了解到我浪費了太多時間以前演奏的時候沒有把專注力放在音樂上。



    註一:原文是說演奏「La Mecarena」,90年代的當紅歌曲。這邊為了年輕讀者,使用較貼近現在的105度C的你。

    註二:Niels Pedersen 全名是 Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (N.H.O.P.),是從70-90年代活躍的傳奇的低音提琴手,演奏速度可以超級超級快又具備非常豐富的音樂性。


    Recently I found a picture that my favorite drummer
    Antonio Sanchez and his band "Migration" touring in Taipei in 2017. And few years ago I've seen his DVD and felt so inspired from these words. I decided to translate it into Chinese to share with other Chinese drummers.

    There's maybe little mistakes because English is not my mother language.

    Some wise words from my all-times favorite drummer Antonio Sanchez from his DVD - "Master Series".

    And the last things I wanna said, hmm, has a lot to do with attitude to work with music and musicianships. Hmm, When I was growing up, I was always dreaming of playing in a nice, tall, the biggest stadium and the biggest band with the greatest musicians in this world. And that’s great except that we all have to start somewhere. And I, all of a sudden, I was playing in a little bar, or small pub, or some restaurant, or a wedding where nobody was paying an attention. And I really felt depressed and I felt violated. And for example, I’ve been played for a wedding gig, and I would be playing “La Marcaena” for a hundred times , and I would be like “What am I doing here ?”, “Get me out of here, shoot me, this is not for me, I’m so much better than this !”
    And I was not putting my heart into it at all. When the next day, I would play in some small bar, I was playing maybe swing or something that I really like, but nobody was paying an attention. Everybody was looking at the screen, the baseball game. And I would be like “Well, nobody is paying an attention, then I just gonna playing practice whatever I was working on yesterday.” And I was NOT in the moment, I was not listening to what the other guys were playing. And maybe the other guys were listening to me.

    So, when I luckily started getting better and better opportunities music-wise, and the situations start getting a little more the manling. I realized that I did not have the concentration I took for me to be able to deal with some of the situations. Uh, for example when I started to play with Niels Pedersen in the late 90s, it was a very tense gig , it was just a trio, and every night I would end would headache , because I was not used to have a lot of concentration and focusing that much, for that amount of time.
    I realize that I’ve wasted a lot of time not being into the music not putting my heart into it. Because, I mean I really feel like if a, you have two arms, two legs, and you are able to play , you are lucky already. And I think if you are playing in some small restaurant, or wedding, or whatever. You treat that situation like the best gig in the world in the most beautiful opera house or the biggest stadium, and you treat you felt the musicians like the greatest musicians you could play with. I think you are on the right path. You put your heart into it, and you give the music and musicians the respect they deserved. Then I can assure you really good things are gonna happen to you. So that’s it for me, thank you so much for coming, hope see you next time.

  • favorite翻譯 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-08 20:51:02
    有 2,127 人按讚


    原文:Today I asked a kindergartener if Friday was his favorite day of the week and his response was, "I don't know. I don't know a lot of things. I'm confused all the time." Same, little man. Same.

    更多人森好難翻譯,盡在 翻譯: Tony Tsou

  • favorite翻譯 在 繪本無極限 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-27 08:21:00
    有 549 人按讚

    謝謝 艾瑞.卡爾 所帶給孩子們的
    Eric Carle (June 25, 1929 – May 23, 2021)

    這些僅僅是他的著作 其中的一小部分




    * 1967, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (illustrator)
    * 1968, 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo
    * 1969, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    * 1970, Pancakes, Pancakes!
    * 1970, The Tiny Seed
    * 1971, The Scarecrow Clock
    * 1971, Do You Want to Be My Friend?
    * 1972, Rooster's Off to See the World
    * 1972, The Very Long Tail
    * 1972, The Secret Birthday Message
    * 1972, Walter the Baker
    * 1973, Do Bears Have Mothers Too?
    * 1973, Have You Seen My Cat?
    * 1975, The Mixed-Up Chameleon
    * 1977, The Grouchy Ladybug
    * 1984, The Very Busy Spider
    * 1985, The Foolish Tortoise (illustrator)
    * 1986, Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
    * 1987, A House for Hermit Crab
    * 1989, Animals Animals (illustrator)
    * 1990, The Very Quiet Cricket
    * 1991, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
    * 1992, Draw Me a Star
    * 1993, Today Is Monday (illustrator)
    * 1994, My Apron
    * 1995, The Very Lonely Firefly
    * 1996, Little Cloud
    * 1997, From Head to Toe
    * 1998, Hello, Red Fox
    * 1999, The Very Clumsy Click Beetle
    * 2000, Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?
    * 2000, Dream Snow
    * 2002, "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth
    * 2003, Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?
    * 2004, Mister Seahorse
    * 2005, 10 Little Rubber Ducks
    * 2006, My Very First Book of Numbers
    * 2007, Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? (illustrator)
    * 2010, Up in the Sky
    * 2011, The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse
    * 2013, Friends
    * 2013, Animal Babies
    * 2013, All Around Us
    * 2014, What's Your Favorite Animal?
    * 2015, The Nonsense Show
    * 2015, How Things Grow

    (作品列表 節錄摘要自維基百科)

  • favorite翻譯 在 莎白Elizabeth Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-14 20:00:16


    🎈莎白的Instagram日常: https://www.instagram.com/elizabenny/?hl=en
    🎈莎白的Facebook專頁: https://m.facebook.com/shabaianderic/
    🎈合作邀約請洽(Business inquiries):elizabeth@pressplay.cc

  • favorite翻譯 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-18 07:21:01

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 紅瓜子斑,打鱗,清除內臟,清水洗乾淨,擎乾水。
    2. 薑,去皮,切絲。
    3. 放魚在碟上,薑絲鋪上面。

    1. 大火在鑊中煲滾1鑊水。
    2. 大火蒸魚12分鐘。
    3. 另一邊鑊,大火燒熱油1湯匙。
    4. 魚已蒸好,倒去碟上的魚汁。
    5. 切好蔥絲放魚上,灒滾油。
    6. 在魚兩邊加入少量生抽。
    7. 完成,可享用。

    Steam red flag grouper

    Red flag grouper 1 No.
    Ginger 1 No.
    Green onion 1 No.

    1. The fish, get it scaled. Remove its intestines. Rinse thoroughly. Hang dry.
    2. Ginger, get it peeled and shredded.
    3. Put fish on plate. Shredded ginger is to be put on top.

    1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame.
    2. Steam the fish at high flame for 12 minutes.
    3. Heat up oil 1 tbsp at high flame on the other side.
    4. Fish has been steamed well. Pour away water on plate.
    5. Put shredded green onion on fish. Pour hot oil on it.
    6. Pour little light soya sauce on both sides of fish.
    7. Complete. Serve.

    ?魚 (系列播放清單)


    Steamed Red Flag Grouper? Meaty & Sweet?A Gourmet's Favorite?


    Red Flag Grouper

  • favorite翻譯 在 Chelsea Chiang 雀兒 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-31 16:27:13

    💜我使用的巴西莓粉 :https://t.ly/lgYV

    🌟S u B s C r I b E!👉https://goo.gl/XXnKD1
    💬徵求新增字幕與翻譯小幫手❤️Help me translate this video into your language!


    Acai Fruit Oatmeal Bowl

    Acai Muesli Yogurt Cup

    Acai YogurtProteinCake

    Acai Yogurt Chia Pudding

    除了加在果昔或做成Acai Bowl其實還有超多吃法!

    Hello guys, I'm Chelsea
    Today I want to share with you
    4 way to use acai to make
    Delicious and easy healthy desserts!
    I add acai to my foods everyday and i love it!
    Acai berry natural fiber, omega6 and 9, and rich in anthocyanins,
    Antioxidant, beneficial nutrition
    In addition to adding to smoothies or making Acai Bowl, there are actually more ways to eat!
    These four desserts are super simple
    Can be made without an oven~
    Suitable for the whole family or good friends to make and enjoy together!
    Hope you guys will like it:)
    leave a comment which one is your favorite? :P

    【今日使用食材 Ingredients I use 】
    巴西莓粉 Acai Powder:https://t.ly/lgYV
    USB巴西莓隨行果汁機 Mini USB Blender:https://t.ly/lgYV

    有機奇亞籽chia seeds:https://iherb.co/JvwZqs1U
    泡打粉 Baking Powder:https://iherb.co/3YZPJz8n
    Xtend 巧克力蛋白粉:https://iherb.co/eLkzq1ez
    ♡My favorite iHerb list 我的最愛精選購物車:https://iherb.co/xkVaNmeG

    Germangoods BCAA Protein Cereals:https://reurl.cc/N6Z10m
    Germangoods 花生蘋果蔓越莓穀片 body power muesli:https://reurl.cc/bRn49d

    這裡還可以找到我 😊
    ✰ instagram ➭ @chelsea.chiang
    ✰ e-mail ➭ newciiiity@gmail.com
    ✰ facebook ➭ https://www.facebook.com/chels.chiang/

    @Jahdai - Someone Else

