【𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔】
Central Market was constructed by reinforced concrete for columns and beams with simple and flexible layout that fit for the...
【𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔】
Central Market was constructed by reinforced concrete for columns and beams with simple and flexible layout that fit for the functions of a market. It is an excellent example of a Bauhaus building manifesting the dominant architectural tenet “Form Follows Function”. Simply put, the design of building and its components are guided by the function it performed.
The revitalised market houses dining and shopping venues, ranging from specialty restaurants to local boutiques. Although the revitalisation project creates controversies, to me the project is a pretty successful one especially under the stringent statutory approval process nowadays. The market retains the facade facing Jubilee Street and Queen Victoria Street, as well as the atrium and the main staircase. 6 types of stalls are also exhibited to show the public how the former wet market was like, including hanging bars of meat stalls and water tanks of fish stalls. Traditional washing and polishing plastering techniques are also used to recreate the traditional appearance of the main staircase.
With the preservation of traditional architecture features and incorporation of modern elements, I hope the Central Market would become a new vibrant community hub where traces of old memories would be found and remembered.
🔎: #foodographieeCentral
#foodographiee🇭🇰 #centralmarket #centralmarkethk #hkcentralmarket #中環街市 #portrait #三級歷史建築#bauhausarchitecture #巴洛克建築 #architectureporn #ootd #formfollowsfunction #bauhausstyle #hkkol #hkarchitecture #hkphotography #hkfoodblogger #architecturephotography #市區重建 #hkarchitect #interiordesign #interiordesignhk #historicalbuilding #hkblogger #bloggerhk #discoverhongkong #instahongkong #lightandshadow #architecturehk
facade建築 在 Urban Photography / kingymak Facebook 的最讚貼文
德輔道中61至65號的 #華人銀行大廈 最為大眾熟悉或許只有大樓十七樓、總是「排長龍」的百年找換店。
華人銀行大廈由昔日產量不少的華人建築師 #周耀年 、 #李禮之 (周李建築師工程師事務所)設計(其他作品如九龍麵粉廠和香港聖公會聖馬利亞堂)。大樓的水泥外牆吸引了我,1995年呂元祥建築師事務所曾為廈設計過幕牆系統,但現時所見的外加建築裝飾應為2002年 JADL Design Ltd. 負責:高層以不同金屬裝飾部件點綴,水泥外牆成了一道灰色背景,仍然可見;低層以石材全面覆蓋,一時也找不到能看見柱樑間有彎角設計細節、看見原水泥結構的舊相片。
The Chinese Bank Building at 61-65 Des Voeux Rd was completed in 1966, designed by Chau Lu-Nin and Richard Lee (Chau & Lee Architects & Engineers), HK-Chinese architectural firm who designed a lot of buildings in HK since 30s (such as Kowloon Flour Mills & HKSKH St. Mary's Church). The exposed concrete facade caught my attention to snap these few photos and digging out of its architectural history. Full info in Chinese description.
#現代主義建築 #現代主義
#中環 #香港
#modernarchitecture #modernism
#central #hongkong
#1kmArchitecturalPhotography 1km Studio。
facade建築 在 Urban Photography / kingymak Facebook 的最讚貼文
San Po Kong Mansion, a #HongKong mega composite building that once integrated a single-hall 1,454-seat cinema & 540 residential flats, completed in 1967 (the year with leftist riots in Hong Kong & Cultural Revolution in China)
過去一年鏡頭特別對香港五、六十年代商住綜合用途大廈建築有興趣,當時條例上開始打破四層唐樓、九層無電梯大廈為主的框框,各區紛紛建造着當時「最高」的綜合式商住大廈。前幾天偶然發現這一個動盪年代、動亂地區* 開業的「前」戲院建築。
皇都以外,其實當時亦有許多以戲院、商店和住宅合體的設計組合-- #新蒲崗大廈 1962-66年的建築入則圖便以”Theatre & Block of Flats “ 稱之。#鄭頌周 為工程師背景建築師。戲院部分設計以簡潔的長條形佈局,990座位的大廳低座加上464座位的上層樓座,配以梯級形普通水泥橫梁屋頂建造17米闊的無柱空間,結構實用至上。同層住宅和酒樓可見在聲學上與戲院有雙層分隔牆或以室外空隙隔聲,住宅共有540個單位,長形地盤的單位佈局能一字排開,地盤四面環街,不致於如過千單位的新都城、海山樓等,單位要向內庭「互望」。
承建商老闆並製片人 #盧林 為當時 #英華戲院 的院主。戲院1967年開業時播放「快樂年華」。八九十年代改名為 #麗斯戲院 ,2005年8月8日結業。2008年改則圖可見戲院樓座已拆掉,改為普通平面的樓板,加開窗戶後成為老人院,區内看戲的快樂年華不再。
* 六七左派暴動(香港在文化大革命期間的共產反英政府活動)早期事件的人造花廠工潮於新蒲崗發生
**the building facade doesn’t look straight not due to camera lens distortion but physical bended frontage of the building
old photos & ref from the internet &:
Gwulo: Old Hong Kong
Bosham Youtube Channel
The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group
#RitzTheatre #YingWahTheatre
#SanPoKongMansion #SanPoKong
facade建築 在 Ingay Tali 穎艾達利 Facebook 的精選貼文
🔎南瀛藝術與物質文化 等你一起來探討🔍
#文化局 辦理 #南瀛地區之藝術與物質文化 ,邀請大家一起認識從過去到現在踏過大臺南留下足跡的族群。讓我們從不同族群的角度來探討不同時代、不同物質在服飾、建築、藝術等不同面向的使用。
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countributions to the Tainan soundspace
14:00-15:20|Place identity of Tainan Shophouse Facade: Investigating the role of Architectural Formation Arts Components from the unexplored approach & 記憶、藝術展現與地方: 臺南市民權路做為藝術文化傳統與創新之路
15:40-17:00|荷蘭時期普羅民遮堡建築復原研究&Foreign Elements in Early Architecture and Town-Planning of Anping
11:10-12:30|建築類空間 3D 掃描技術應用-以臺南國定古蹟為例&傳統建築門神彩繪保存修復研究以「臺南彩繪大師陳壽彝作品-朝天宮凌虛殿門神彩繪『天干地支』」為例
12:30 -14:00|午餐
14:00 -15:20|西洋藝術收藏中的過去、現在與未 來-許文龍的臺南奇美博物館&四散與俱全:臺日國立博物館典藏之府城匠師陳瑞寶作品探析
15:20 -15:40|休息
15:40 -17:20|"Calligraphying the Tainan Area with Chen Shih-hsien 陳世憲"&記憶空間與身體記憶:從 <臺南公園的身體地圖-百日行 走>舞蹈創作來探討編舞家周書毅 對臺南公園的感知與身體詮釋
圖片來源👉🏽 #南瀛國際人文社會科學研究中心
#南瀛 #藝術文化 #物質文化
#Ingay資訊分享 #臺南活動 篇
Line ID|@ingaytali