

在 fabulous意思產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,224的網紅葉媚 YOBI,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 前陣子跟 小貓。dear Rui Gallery去北海道玩的影片出來囉💓 這裡看☺️▶︎ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1dxXIiDo27o&t=6s 已經想念北海道啦😍 (因錄音器材有些故障導致收音有些干擾, 不好意思請見諒😭) 我們是參考這個網站的行程跑的哦~...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Sky game,也在其Youtube影片中提到,影片闡述冰牙龍即將要在iceborne出現 先幫大家預習冰牙龍會的招式與他的生態調查 4:25 鋼模個體為手機板特有產物 意思為王有3階段的保護膜,保護膜存在的期間,傷害都降低,需要持續造成傷害才會解除 4:30 肉質表的火屬性武器對於風牙龍造成傷害不會很高 進而判斷風牙龍火抗性高(害怕屬性順序為...

fabulous意思 在 Sliva Pony Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 14:59:50

⭐️ 「 Person should be two things Classy and Fabulous 」⭐️ 這句話的意思是 : 每個人都要做到兩點 品味 & 光芒四射 💡 聽起來很簡單 但殊不知我們永遠都抓錯了重點 又或者只知其一未知二 那麼 只懂其中一個甚至是渾然不知的大家 當...

fabulous意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 16:50:16

In celebrating 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE’s first anniversary, we choose​ @champagnelaurentperrier Cuvée Rosé for the special occasion! ​🥂🍾🎉 ​ The Cuvée Rosé w...

fabulous意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 15:44:29

Raise your hand if you are a fan of Borscht like me! 🙋🏻‍♀️​ ​ As promised in the “Pairing wine with Borscht” video, I will reveal my wine of choice to...

  • fabulous意思 在 葉媚 YOBI Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-29 19:06:02
    有 23 人按讚

    前陣子跟 小貓。dear Rui Gallery去北海道玩的影片出來囉💓



  • fabulous意思 在 神奇鯊魚 Magical Shark Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-09 12:27:08
    有 296 人按讚

    Extra Fabulous Comics

    “The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.”

  • fabulous意思 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-12 00:34:41
    有 232 人按讚

    從中亞飛到西亞,第一個抵達的城市就是亞塞拜然的首都 Baku 巴庫 🌃 這座用石油建起來的城市非常摩登,被孤獨星球列為全世界前十名夜生活的城市🍸

    這裡的老城區在 2000年被譽為世界遺產👀 古城外面有許多超值餐廳,要不是風太大(眼睛一直進沙,被吹進泥火山等)🌬️ 不然真的會想在這裡待久一點!難怪這城市名字的意思是「風之城」😆

    你們知道嗎?巴庫是全世界海拔最低的首都!位於全世界最大的湖泊 Caspian Sea 裏海旁邊,這座城市建在海拔28米以下😲 其實從哈薩克是可以搭船橫跨這座湖泊,只是沒有商業船隻,只有貨船🛳️ 再加上貨船只有滿了才會開船,所以時間上不好配合😂

    這座城市是用石油錢建造而成的💰 誇張到就是連市區旁的停車場都有好幾個機器在產油😲 可惜政府沒有把石油錢的分給人民... 當然這又是另一個故事了...

    另外巴庫的土耳其浴也非常有名,可惜我們沒有去體驗🛀 畢竟幾天前在哈薩克已經刷過了,四天內再刷一次全身我怕皮脫落啊!😂

    其實巴庫還蠻多可以介紹的,大家還是先看一下照片吧😁 另外推薦的旅行社以及餐廳在下面唷!

    超讚的免費城市導覽➡️ https://bakufreetour.com/

    巴庫 & 亞塞拜然旅行社推薦 ➡️ http://travelinbaku.com/

    推薦高 CP值當地餐廳:
    ➡️ Qurman Kafe:

    ➡️ Xezer Restaurant:

    #亞塞拜然 #巴庫 #西亞

    Landed in Baku- the capital of Azerbaijan to start our 14 day quick trip around the Caucasus🌍

    This capital is the lowest capital in the world, 28m below the sea level🏝️ It is also known as the "city of winds"🌬️ Due to its harsh wind that almost blew me over several times😬 Including into a mud volcano 🌋

    Situated along the Caspian Sea, it was cool to watch the sunset at the world's largest lake🏞️

    There are actually quite a few things to see in Baku, with its old town being inscribed as UNESCO in 2000😊

    The city itself is also very modern and fabulous food scenes😋 Lonely Planet actually ranked Baku as the world's top 10 destination for urban night life🍸

    The city was built on oil money💰 It was crazy that they just drilling oil left, right and center! Even in middle of carpark 🚗 Obviously whether the money was distributed to its citizens is another story 😅

    Overall being the largest city in Caucasus, Baku did not disappoint 😆 Other than the crazy wind and hot weather on last night, I must admit I really enjoyed it here😁

    One disappointment was probably that we missed out on an authentic hammam experience here in Baku🛀 But I don't think I could do two in a week cz I had one in Kazakhstan few days ago😂

    Quite a lot to write about so I guess everyone should enjoy the photos first 😂

    #Azerbaijan #Baku #Caucasus

  • fabulous意思 在 Sky game Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-05 16:52:05


    4:25 鋼模個體為手機板特有產物
    4:30 肉質表的火屬性武器對於風牙龍造成傷害不會很高

    #sky #iceborne #氷牙竜

    冰牙龍打鬥畫面來源 : https://is.gd/0gMjME
    風牙龍打鬥畫面來源 : https://is.gd/cPkJo0

    訂閱Sky怎麼樣? 點下方網址吧!


    關於Sky所有經營 :
    ►Sky Game頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/c/Skygame204
    ►Sky Twich頻道 : https://www.twitch.tv/skyy204
    ►Sky facebook專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/sky204/
    paybal(適用國外) : https://streamlabs.com/skyy204
    歐付寶(適用國內) :https://goo.gl/RNzQeW
    歐付寶(直播時使用,會覆誦你的留言) : https://goo.gl/G9oYuE
    Youtube(電腦版)加入會員 : https://goo.gl/9RTy21


  • fabulous意思 在 Sky game Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-16 17:23:51


    補充 : 處於困境是兩個技能都需要再冷卻
    才可以發動 是我口誤了,跟各位說不好意思!!

    #sky #點名 #天賦


    訂閱Sky怎麼樣? 點下方網址吧!


    關於Sky所有經營 :
    ►Sky Game頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/c/Skygame204
    ►Sky Twich頻道 : https://www.twitch.tv/skyy204
    ►Sky facebook專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/sky204/
    paybal(適用國外) : https://streamlabs.com/skyy204
    歐付寶(適用國內) :https://goo.gl/RNzQeW
    歐付寶(直播時使用,會覆誦你的留言) : https://goo.gl/G9oYuE
    Youtube(電腦版)加入會員 : https://goo.gl/9RTy21


  • fabulous意思 在 Hak Me Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-17 09:00:04

    今個vlog都係講下我既專長,就係敗家喇! 當然唔係所有產品都係我敗㗎啦,不過趁分享開,放晒落呢條片度一次過睇夠爽呀!! Nars有個新既crossover系列Erdem For Nars Strange Flowers Collection,PR送咗過黎俾我,個包裝真係靚到無得頂,所以一定要同大家分享,限量麻!另外,我去Tom Ford買香水,買買下買埋佢地既Extreme Collection,試埋色同大家分享! 之後就係Net-A-Porter既回購同埋有藉口買新野去旅行。 最後就係Revolution新品呀,好鬼靚呀!!! 唔好意思,我今個video好似好趕咁,因為黑咪爸突然入院,我又有好多工作安排咗要做,但係又唔想突然無vlog,所以我搞到乜都好急又無化妝,希望大家唔好介意啦~~~ 真實生活係咁㗎啦,有時又會有突發野令到自己步伐突然混亂~~

    Hope you enjoy this #hakmevlogs so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.

    Products/ Information Featured:-

    The following products are from Erdem For Nars Strange Flowers Collection:-

    + *Nars Aqua Glow Cushion Case 限量氣墊粉底粉盒 HK$110
    Review: https://youtu.be/I1OIPnfmBWo
    + *Nars Mattifying Blotting Paper 啞緻吸油面紙 HK$180/100papers
    + *Nars Eyeshadow Palette 眼影組 in Fleur Fatale HK$440
    + *Nars Blush 胭脂 in Loves Me HK$310/4.8g
    + *Nars Multi-use Highlighter Pencil in White Phox 多用途光影筆 HK$260
    + *Nars Lipstick 唇膏 in Voodoo Lily, Wild Flower and Carnal Carnation HK$250 each

    + Tom Ford Fabulous Eau de Parfum HK$2,400/50ml
    + Tom Ford Shadow Extreme in No. 14, No. 05, No. 02, No. 11, No. 04 and No. 19 HK$300 each
    + Tom Ford Lash and Brow Tint in 02 HK$375/6ml
    + Tom Ford Lip Lacquer Extreme in 08 Hot Rod and 07 Slicker HK$420 each

    Emma Hill’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/EJSTYLEblog

    + Victoria, Victoria Beckham The Victoria Cotton Jersey Shirt HK$790
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2Il3D1F
    + Lano - Lips Hands All Over The Originals Travel-Sized Essentials Kit HK$320
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2K5sMun
    + Adidas Originals Superstar Metallic-Trimmed Leather Sneakers HK$656.25
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2K3C6iA
    + ATP Atelier Rosa Cutout Leather Slides in Black HK$1,355
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2rq3xMM

    From Hakme Beauty

    + Revolution Life on The Dance Floor VIP Lipstick in Elite HK$70
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2wHjmDO
    + Revolution Life on The Dance Floor VIP Lipstick in Head Turner HK$70
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2wHjtPK
    + Revolution Life on The Dance Floor Vip Lipstick in Exclusive HK$70
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2IhdbMd
    + Revolution Life on The Dance Floor Eyeshadow Palette in VIP HK$180
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2IfVVXk
    + Obessive Obsessive Eyes Palette HK$250
    Shop: http://bit.ly/2IgmSpU

    What Am I Wearing:-
    Top: Stripe Tee from Mo and Co.
    Accessories: Dinh Van Bracelet + Cartier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)

    ♡黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
    ♡黑咪店Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com
    ♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty


    Where To Find Me:-

    ♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
    ♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
    ♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
    ♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
    ♥ Shop My Collection at Carousell: @iamhakme
    ♥ Twitter: twitter.com/iamhakme
    ♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme

    Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.

