

在 explosive飾品產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,358的網紅Boyz In The Hood,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, - ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ - ❖A1 Bboy (Bboy1vs1)❖ 第三組介紹 - Kowloon 為大家介紹這位來自China,所屬舞團Boyz In The Hood/Green Panda famly的Bboy Kowloon。跳...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅kayan c,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一次拍網購開箱片 唔知大家點睇我既戰利品呢? 可以留言話我知喔 Bloomingdale’s 小知識: Bloomingdale’s 除了網站銷售運送至全球,在美國更加設有實體店鋪, 目的為提供一站式購物體驗,包括男裝、女裝、鞋袋、飾品、童裝、到傢品等等… https://www.bloomi...

explosive飾品 在 Boyz In The Hood Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-26 15:24:39

- ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ - ❖A1 Bboy (Bboy1vs1)❖ 第三組介紹 - Kowloon @kowloon_loongchi . 為大家介紹這位來自China,所屬舞團Boyz In The Hood/Green Panda fa...

  • explosive飾品 在 Boyz In The Hood Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-25 14:00:00
    有 8 人按讚

    - ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ -

    ❖A1 Bboy (Bboy1vs1)❖ 第三組介紹

    - Kowloon

    為大家介紹這位來自China,所屬舞團Boyz In The Hood/Green Panda famly的Bboy Kowloon。跳舞風格極為硬派的男人,令人瞠目結舌的爆發力與不拖泥帶水簡潔有力的動作是他的一大特點,總是無時無刻霸氣外露,在Battle場上只要一跳起來,絕對是沒有再跟你客氣的壓迫感,是他一直以來讓人印象深刻的地方。現也是中國知名賽事與知名服飾品牌 Green Panda主理人。
    Last but not least, coming all the way from Beijing, China, representing Boyz in the Hood & Green Panda Family, Bboy Kowloon. Kowloon’s flow is just so raw, explosive and hardcore that it would leave anyone seeing him go down open-mouthed. He is a straightforward bboy who keeps it brief but always intimidates his opponents in battles. The moment he goes down he reveals his true nature and becomes wild, putting lots of pressure on his opponents, that’s at least the major impression he leaves on people. Kowloon is now well-known for being Green Panda clothing’s executive director.
    Boyz In The Hood 10th Anniversary
    ⚡️Welcome to the PARTY⚡️
    .更多資訊 For more info : https://reurl.cc/nKOge

  • explosive飾品 在 Boyz In The Hood Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-24 08:00:00
    有 8 人按讚

    - ♛ Boyz In The Hood 10TH Anniversary ♛ -

    ❖A1 Bboy (Bboy1vs1)❖ 第三組介紹

    - Kowloon

    為大家介紹這位來自China,所屬舞團Boyz In The Hood/Green Panda famly的Bboy Kowloon。跳舞風格極為硬派的男人,令人瞠目結舌的爆發力與不拖泥帶水簡潔有力的動作是他的一大特點,總是無時無刻霸氣外露,在Battle場上只要一跳起來,絕對是沒有再跟你客氣的壓迫感,是他一直以來讓人印象深刻的地方。現也是中國知名賽事與知名服飾品牌 Green Panda主理人。
    Last but not least, coming all the way from Beijing, China, representing Boyz in the Hood & Green Panda Family, Bboy Kowloon. Kowloon’s flow is just so raw, explosive and hardcore that it would leave anyone seeing him go down open-mouthed. He is a straightforward bboy who keeps it brief but always intimidates his opponents in battles. The moment he goes down he reveals his true nature and becomes wild, putting lots of pressure on his opponents, that’s at least the major impression he leaves on people. Kowloon is now well-known for being Green Panda clothing’s executive director.
    Boyz In The Hood 10th Anniversary
    ⚡️Welcome to the PARTY⚡️
    .更多資訊 For more info : https://reurl.cc/nKOge

