

在 experienced造句產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 看病時向醫生描述症狀很重要,你知道英文該怎麼說嗎?請看#AmericanEnglish 提供的範例。感冒時你曾有過哪些症狀?請用範例造句,在留言處與我們分享喔。 Do you know how to describe symptoms in English? When you visit the ...


  • experienced造句 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-06 11:00:01
    有 687 人按讚

    看病時向醫生描述症狀很重要,你知道英文該怎麼說嗎?請看#AmericanEnglish 提供的範例。感冒時你曾有過哪些症狀?請用範例造句,在留言處與我們分享喔。

    Do you know how to describe symptoms in English? When you visit the doctor, being able to describe symptoms is important. Take a look at the examples shown here.
    What symptoms have you experienced before when having a cold? Use some examples to tell us in the comments. #HealthAndWellness

  • experienced造句 在 Gary Love Share & Gary's English Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-05 09:35:08
    有 25 人按讚

    ==【carry the ball】是什麼意思呢?==

    carry the ball 是一個很口語的片語,在看影片或職場上時常會聽到這個實用的慣用語,它字面上的意思是「#攜帶球」, 但當你的主管問你 Can you carry the ball? 時,你可別真的「帶一顆球到辦公室」喔! :)


    其實在很多球類運動中,「#能拿到球的人常常也是能主導戰術或是擔任進攻的關鍵人物」,尤其是「美式足球」更是如此,所以後來 carry the ball 引申為「#承擔重責大任、#負責主要任務」之意。

    知道這個慣用語的意思後,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

    (1) He is still green in this company. I don't think he is ready to carry the ball on this important project. (他在這家公司還很嫩,我不認為他已準備好能在這個專案中承擔重任!)

    (2) This project is very important. We need someone who is experienced and organized to be in charge. Do you think Gary can carry the ball? (這個專案很重要,我們需要一個有經驗及組織能力的人負責,你覺得Gary是否可以承擔這個重任呢?)

    這樣知道怎麼使用 carry the ball 了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!

    看完本篇文章,別忘了「#按讚」, 並在下面留言「#練習造句」喔!
    In Gary's English, we believe in English communication, not perfection.

  • experienced造句 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-06-03 11:45:00
    有 49 人按讚

    <八種常用寫作句型分享-3 >

    accuse sb of Ving 控告;指責某人於某事
    e.g. At present, plenty of parents accuse school teachers of their indifference to their children’s psychological development.

    be adjacent to 與…比鄰; 連接; 靠近; 貼近
    e.g. The fancy hotel is within a walking distance to Time Square and is adjacent to the two major shopping malls in the city.

    have an affinity for 對…有吸引力; 喜歡
    e.g. The truth is that if you have an affinity for a person, you overlook most of his or her imperfections. That is why love is blind.

    be aggrieved at 因..感到焦慮; 對…感到悲傷
    e.g. Caroline’s mother is rather aggrieved at her having been taking drugs since her high school.

    be allergic to 對…有過敏反應; 厭惡…
    e.g. Suggestions and criticisms are usually unpleasant to people but do good to them in fact. Sadly to say, some are even allergic to them and thus make no progress.

    come into antagonism with 與..鬧翻; 對抗
    e.g. The two entrepreneurs came into antagonism with each other since their companies’ new products seem to be coincidentally identical in terms of function, leading to big loss in profits.

    be apt to 有…傾向; 很容易..; 有可能
    e.g. The old are apt to make such mistakes as thinking the young should always be at their mercy because they are definitely more experienced in everything.
    老年人很容易犯諸如此類的錯- 認為年輕人必須一直聽從他們,因為老年人在每件事都是非常有經驗的

    aspire after/towards/for + N. ; aspire to V. 渴望; 嚮往; 追求; 有志於
    e.g. Caroline aspires to become a successful businesswoman since she is obsessed with feminism.

  • experienced造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • experienced造句 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • experienced造句 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

