

在 expensive同義產品中有40篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂國際大小事— 🇦🇫 📰 Will the Taliban take Afghanistan back to the past? 🀄 塔利班會把阿富汗帶回過去嗎? "Thanks to God you are come," shouted an old man as ...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅江湖人稱S姐,也在其Youtube影片中提到,一個獵頭公司從一人開始到超過50人的規模不可思議 辦公室導覽,在這裡工作每天都有Expensive感 老闆特地請了負責亞太醫療及科技業同事現身說法: 獵頭的一天在幹嘛。 為何進入獵頭產業? 做獵頭遇過的xx事 更多內容請期待7/26下集直擊顏值聰明的Pro級老闆 有任何關於獵頭的問題歡迎在底下留言喔...

expensive同義 在 周世雄 Chou Shih Hsiung Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-05 16:28:15

#紐約流浪記 #謝謝美國🇺🇸 身為一個藝術家,也是崇尚自由的人,我幾乎每一趟旅行都沒有事先規劃,只求說走就走。或許這是一種虐心的病,我不得不承認,我對於這種帶著一點任性、隨心所欲的決定,感到著迷。 “ The best things in life are free. The second ...

expensive同義 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-15 12:33:16

題外話: 跟紐約朋友聊天, 我們台灣人在家的娛樂跟歐美差不多. 唯一的不同是高價外帶外送便當. 友:「曼哈頓都沒那麼高(昂)級(貴) .」 我:「哈哈 ~ 你們外國人是 Yogurt Bowl 可以當主餐, 台灣人不行😏」 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📍#侯布雄法式餐廳 Part 2 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀...

expensive同義 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 17:25:16

☆Meat & Veggie Lasagna 義式肉醬蔬菜千層麵☆⁣ ⁣ Swipe for recipe ⁣ ⁣ The first time I’ve ever had homemade lasagna was made by my then boyfriend now husband (A’s...

  • expensive同義 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-17 17:29:44
    有 447 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂國際大小事— 🇦🇫

    📰 Will the Taliban take Afghanistan back to the past?

    🀄 塔利班會把阿富汗帶回過去嗎?

    "Thanks to God you are come," shouted an old man as my colleagues and I marched into Kabul on 14 November 2001, battling our way through the joyful crowds.

    📌 2001 年 11 月 14 日,當我和我的同事們走進喀布爾時,一位老人喊道:“感謝上帝,你來了。” ,我們在歡樂的人群中艱難跋涉。

    The anti-Taliban(塔利班) forces of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, which had the backing of the US and other Western countries, had halted(停止) on the city outskirts, and the Taliban had simply run for it.

    Five years of the most extreme religious dictatorship(獨裁政府) in recent times were over. Under the Taliban, Afghanistan(阿富汗) had become a black hole in which all sorts of extremism(極端主義) could thrive(滋生).

    📌 阿富汗的北方聯盟的反塔利班武裝得到美國等西方國家支持,在城郊停了下來,塔利班乾脆逃跑。最近五年最極端的宗教獨裁結束了。在塔利班統治下,阿富汗成為各種極端主義滋生的黑洞。

    Only two months earlier the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington had been planned and guided by Osama Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda movement. It simply never occurred to me then that Taliban could make a comeback(捲土重來).

    📌 就在兩個月前,對紐約和華盛頓的 9/11 襲擊是由奧薩馬·本·拉登和他的阿爾蓋達組織運動策劃和指導的。那時我根本沒想到塔利班會捲土重來。

    The governments of Afghanistan's two post-Taliban presidents, Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani, were democratically(民主地) elected but never strong, and corruption(腐敗) was the system which worked best.

    Nevertheless President Ghani would still be in his palace and the army would be driving round in its expensive Western vehicles, if Donald Trump had not decided that he needed a foreign policy success before the 2020 election.

    📌 阿富汗的兩位後塔利班總統哈米德·卡爾扎伊和阿什拉夫·加尼的政府是民主選舉產生的,但從不強大,腐敗是運作最好的制度。
    儘管如此,如果唐納德川普沒有決定他需要在 2020 年大選之前取得外交政策的成功,加尼總統仍將在他的宮殿裡,軍隊將駕駛昂貴的西方車輛四處行駛。

    Several Afghan politicians(政客) and journalists(記者) I know were horrified by the conclusion of the US talks with the Taliban political leadership in Doha in February 2020, and doubly so when President Joe Biden made it clear he was going to stick to it.

    📌 我認識的幾位阿富汗政界人士和記者對 2020 年 2 月美國與塔利班政治領導人在多哈的會談結束感到震驚,而當喬·拜登總統明確表示他將堅持下去時,更是倍感震驚。

    I was warned that no matter how moderate and peaceable the leaders in Doha might promise to be, the Taliban fighters on the ground would feel no compulsion(強迫) to observe the fine print.
    And so it proved.

    📌 我被警告說,無論多哈領導人承諾多麼溫和和平,地面上的塔利班戰士都不會被迫遵守細則。事實證明如此。

    Directly after the US, British and other Western troops(軍隊) began pulling out(撤退), the Taliban fighters across Afghanistan made their play for power. Reports of prisoners being executed(被處決) brought an atmosphere of blind panic in one town after another, until Kabul itself succumbed(屈服) and officials and soldiers were battling(爭鬥) their way to the airport to get out.

    📌 就在美英等西方軍隊開始撤軍後,阿富汗各地的塔利班武裝分子開始爭奪權力。囚犯被處決的報導在一個又一個城鎮引起了盲目恐慌的氣氛,直到喀布爾本身屈服,官員和士兵爭先恐後地趕往機場逃生。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/Lbk9nx

  • expensive同義 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-06 10:22:37
    有 23 人按讚

    cherish 珍惜、愛護 (v.)​
    E.g. Even though you don’t cherish your life, please don’t hurt others.​

    appreciate / cherish / thank / treasure / value 感激、珍惜 (v.)​
    E.g. They really appreciated this opportunity to cooperate with us.​

    bright / hopeful / sanguine 樂觀的、懷有希望的 (a.)​
    E.g. Wendy is hopeful of winning a gold medal in this competition.​

    costly / expensive / invaluable / priceless / valuable 貴重的、珍貴的、無價的 (a.)​
    E.g. Cathy’s advice has been invaluable to the success of the project.​
    Cathy 的建議對這個工程的成功起了無價的作用。​

    permanent / eternal / long-lasting / durable / enduring 永久的、永遠的 (a.)​
    E.g. Tracy worked as a jobber before she found a permanent job.​

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    📍 能夠透過英文文字清楚表達自己的想法

  • expensive同義 在 Sammy LYN 海外報 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-30 20:00:32
    有 3 人按讚

    到了澳洲念書之後 發現澳洲的星巴克數量真的是肉眼可見的少

    今天就整理了幾個原因 來跟大家聊聊星巴克在澳洲失敗的原因

    在進攻澳洲市場前 星巴克在中國市場獲得了巨大的成功
    但開店的速度比不上人口和需求的成長 損失慘重

    澳洲其實早在二次世界大戰的時候 就是一個移民大國
    在歐洲移民進入的同時引進了歐洲的咖啡口味 (希臘式or義式)
    因此已經具有滿成熟的咖啡文化和市場 對澳洲人並不具有吸引力

    先前提到說 因為在中國的成功 星巴克抱著太大的自信進攻了澳洲的市場
    缺乏了進軍國際市場的事前準備 因此在澳洲這塊土地上慘遭滑鐵盧

    “why would you want to sit around a pretend lounge room drinking a weak and expensive coffee when you can go around the corner and have the real thing?” (Wailes, 2008).

    🛫今天的分享 應該算是個澳洲的小小冷知識


    #SammyLYN海外報 #留學 #留學生活 #留學生 #海外生活 #海外 #海外經歷 #澳洲留學 #海外經驗 #留學路上 #星巴克 #行銷 #國際市場 #咖啡 #咖啡市場 #星巴克咖啡 #Australia #studyabroad #SammyLYNoversaes #SammyLYN #internationalstudent #university #uni #starbucks #marketing #internationalmarket #coffee #starbucksmarket

  • expensive同義 在 江湖人稱S姐 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-20 20:30:01


    個人品牌課程上線囉! https://pse.is/P3R9B (線上)
    購買筆記本在這: https://reurl.cc/O14xx9
    筆記本粉絲團: https://reurl.cc/kdEG4q
    關於S姐: https://huntersherry.com

  • expensive同義 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-03 09:58:44



    * エンジン:強制空冷単気筒2サイクルエンジン、排気量49cc、最高出力2.3馬力
    * 車重:45kg
    * 変速機:自動変速
    * クラッチ:自動遠心クラッチ
    * ブレーキ:前後機械式ドラムブレーキ






    Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Passol is a scooter by which YAMAHA MOTOR began putting on the market in 1977.
    It is a bicycle in the displacement division with the motor.


    * Engine: Compulsion air cooling single cylinder two-cycle engine, displacement 49
    cc, and max power 2.3 horsepower
    * ..car.. heavily: 45kg
    * Gear-change: Automatic changing the speed
    * Clutch: Automatic centrifugal clutch
    * The brake: Machine type drum brake before and after.


    HONDA puts the leisure motorcycle and Rordopal based on the bicycle on the market in the previous year. The sales offensive was strengthened with TV commercial as the weapon that appointed a drastic low price and Sophia Loren. The scooter that Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. prepared as the opposition model is Passol.

    It designs the commodity of the priority, and Slustepp etc. to be able to get on by arranging installing a smooth step side and the foot have been achieved more friendly though the woman wears a skirt ..under the concept that it is possible to get on... In TV commercial, eight various herbs Kaoru who had a popular image was appointed and it tied to the smash hit.
    Significance of existence of Passol

    The simplification of the manufacturing process by busy of making of parts and a unit a plastic material greatly contributed also to the reduction of car heavy cost, and the mechanism and the style became prototypes of the scooter made in Japan thereafter. It is not possible that there were about five time price difference in the rival in Japan though the existence of the Vespa that the Itariapiageo Co. manufactures was the same kind of scooter.

    The power performance was welcomed at maximum speed with 45 km/h by range of customers practical that neither an excessive performance nor an expensive body were demanded about the catalog data though was poor.
    Succession model

    Is the concept Passol in October, 1982 as it is?U was put on the market. The lineup of the scooter is enhanced recently, the improvement of the adoption of V belt for driving system etc. is given though it came to be set as a model the bottom line the cheapest. It was not easy to light it very, and however, the lack of the power performance was integrated and disappeared with the class model.

  • expensive同義 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-10 12:05:47



    * エンジン:強制空冷単気筒2サイクルエンジン、排気量49cc、最高出力2.3馬力
    * 車重:45kg
    * 変速機:自動変速
    * クラッチ:自動遠心クラッチ
    * ブレーキ:前後機械式ドラムブレーキ






    Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Passol is a scooter by which YAMAHA MOTOR began putting on the market in 1977.
    It is a bicycle in the displacement division with the motor.


    * Engine: Compulsion air cooling single cylinder two-cycle engine, displacement 49
    cc, and max power 2.3 horsepower
    * ..car.. heavily: 45kg
    * Gear-change: Automatic changing the speed
    * Clutch: Automatic centrifugal clutch
    * The brake: Machine type drum brake before and after.


    HONDA puts the leisure motorcycle and Rordopal based on the bicycle on the market in the previous year. The sales offensive was strengthened with TV commercial as the weapon that appointed a drastic low price and Sophia Loren. The scooter that Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. prepared as the opposition model is Passol.

    It designs the commodity of the priority, and Slustepp etc. to be able to get on by arranging installing a smooth step side and the foot have been achieved more friendly though the woman wears a skirt ..under the concept that it is possible to get on... In TV commercial, eight various herbs Kaoru who had a popular image was appointed and it tied to the smash hit.
    Significance of existence of Passol

    The simplification of the manufacturing process by busy of making of parts and a unit a plastic material greatly contributed also to the reduction of car heavy cost, and the mechanism and the style became prototypes of the scooter made in Japan thereafter. It is not possible that there were about five time price difference in the rival in Japan though the existence of the Vespa that the Itariapiageo Co. manufactures was the same kind of scooter.

    The power performance was welcomed at maximum speed with 45 km/h by range of customers practical that neither an excessive performance nor an expensive body were demanded about the catalog data though was poor.
    Succession model

    Is the concept Passol in October, 1982 as it is?U was put on the market. The lineup of the scooter is enhanced recently, the improvement of the adoption of V belt for driving system etc. is given though it came to be set as a model the bottom line the cheapest. It was not easy to light it very, and however, the lack of the power performance was integrated and disappeared with the class model.