實在鬱悶因為講中文被歧視,決定今晚節目聊這個!雖然我會英文,也讓寶寶在雙語環境長大,但語言不是用來與更多人溝通和擴展視野嗎?為什麼會變成講英文的就高尚,講中文的就低級呢?晚上6-8點ONFM「我的媽呀」見!Feeling bad for being racist just because I spe...
實在鬱悶因為講中文被歧視,決定今晚節目聊這個!雖然我會英文,也讓寶寶在雙語環境長大,但語言不是用來與更多人溝通和擴展視野嗎?為什麼會變成講英文的就高尚,講中文的就低級呢?晚上6-8點ONFM「我的媽呀」見!Feeling bad for being racist just because I speak in Mandarin, the staff of dress-maker's shop refuse to take my order, I decide to take this as topic of the show tonight! I do speak in English when it's needed to and me and my hb speak both Mandarin and English to our baby. It supposed to expend a person's mind and knowledge to know and learn more by speaks in various languages, right? Why do ppl think the other way round as speaking in English equals to a higher state than the other languages speakers? Let's talk about this tonight at 6-8pm on "oh my mum" on ONFM.
#藝人 #演員 #中文 #視頻電台 #主持 #我的媽呀 #英文是一種語言不是身分的象徵 #我還在難過 #artiste #actress #onfm #visual #radio #program #ohmymum #host #vj #englishequalstohigherstate #idontthinkso #mandychen