爸爸媽媽還在煩惱漫漫暑假寶貝無處去?來跟Holly一起體驗美育教育的親子課程吧!這次參與的有 ”Music Titita 親子音樂律動” 及 ” 律動遊樂園” 兩項可以載歌載舞的項目。Holly總算能盡情地釋放她熱情的歌舞魂。親切且專業的教師群利用各種繪本並融合...
爸爸媽媽還在煩惱漫漫暑假寶貝無處去?來跟Holly一起體驗美育教育的親子課程吧!這次參與的有 ”Music Titita 親子音樂律動” 及 ” 律動遊樂園” 兩項可以載歌載舞的項目。Holly總算能盡情地釋放她熱情的歌舞魂。親切且專業的教師群利用各種繪本並融合了音樂、歌曲及童謠讓孩子們可以快速融入課堂,帶領親子做身體律動、樂器探索、角色扮演、遊戲方式表達音樂與舞蹈,讓孩子們自然放電、自然的愛上舞蹈及音樂!
開課時間請諮詢 https://www.kidsmusic.com.tw/_yuyue-0 及全省美育分校!
It's almost SUMMER! That means every child is looking forward to sleeping in, and every parent is searching up summer programs to enroll their child in. Let Holly take you to Meiyu Group's Music Titita Parent and Toddler Music and Movement Class. Finally, a place for Holly to do what she loves best, and for Mommy and Daddy, well, we're just thankful for a beautiful and safe environment for Holly to enhance Music and Dance education (and to expel some pent-up energy). Every teaching instructor is a professional in their field, guiding toddlers in song and dance throughout the duration of the class. There are covid preventative measures in place as soon as you walk into the facility, and every staff member wears masks. Take advantage of the experience class offered at 26 different locations in Taiwan. Maybe we'll see you here!
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