

在 execute指令產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 散戶牛市 🐂💰 Is it investing or just gambling? 這到底是投資還是賭博呢? ★★★★★★★★★★★★ It’s one of the year’s biggest market stories: Mom-and-pop investors h...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅哈記,也在其Youtube影片中提到,此指令適用版本為:1.13以上唷 (/team指令是在1.13之後才加入的) /team join B @r[team=] /team join R @r[team=] /team join G @r[team=] /team join Y @r[team=] /setblock (啟動系統的位置...

  • execute指令 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-02 08:33:51
    有 105 人按讚

    [時事英文] 散戶牛市 🐂💰

    Is it investing or just gambling?



    It’s one of the year’s biggest market stories: Mom-and-pop investors have fallen back in love with stocks, lured by free trading apps, a resurgent bull market led by technology companies and a pandemic that has left millions of Americans at home with little to do.

    New data show a number of ways in which the individual-trading boom has reshaped the U.S. stock market. Here are five takeaways:

    1. mom-and-pop investors 散戶、小型投資者
    2. fall in love with 愛上
    3. free trading apps 免費交易應用程式
    4. resurgent 復興的;再次增長的;再度流行的
    5. a bull market 牛市 (當某一市場、行業或金融工具呈上升趨勢時,通常稱之為牛市。)
    6. little to do 無事可做
    7. reshape 重塑



    🐂 1. Individual stock trading is at a decade high 💰


    Trading by individuals accounts for a greater chunk of market activity than at any time during the past 10 years, according to Larry Tabb, head of market-structure research at Bloomberg Intelligence. During the first six months of this year, individual investors accounted for 19.5% of the shares traded in the U.S stock market, up from 14.9% last year and nearly double the level from 2010, Mr. Tabb estimates.

    8. account for (sth) (在數量上)佔 ; 解釋、說明 ; 對...負有責任
    9. a chunk of 一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大塊
    10. market activity 市場活動

    Bloomberg Intelligence市場結構研究主管Larry Tabb表示,個人交易在市場活動中的佔比超過了過去10年的任何時候。Tabb估計,今年前六個月,散戶投資者在美國股市交易量中的佔比為19.5%,高於去年的14.9%,是2010年水平的近兩倍。他的數據沒有進一步向前追溯。


    🐂 2. Small investors are powering big moves in some stocks 💰


    It has been called the Robinhood effect, the idea that stampedes of investors using the popular app are driving irrational stock moves.

    In fact, such activity doesn’t matter much for most stocks, according to Nick Maggiulli, chief operating officer of Ritholtz Wealth Management. But there is evidence of a Robinhood effect in some smaller stocks, he said.

    11. power (v.) 為…提供動力,驅動
    12. big moves 大幅波動
    13. stampede (尤指獸群或人群因恐懼引發的)狂奔;奔逃,蜂擁
    14. drive irrational stock moves 驅動非理性股市走勢


    資產管理機構Ritholtz Wealth Management首席營運官Nick Maggiulli表示,事實上,對於大多數股票來說這些活動無關緊要。但他表示,有證據表明,一些較小型股票存在羅賓漢效應。

    🐂 3. Asia is where individual investors truly dominate 💰


    Many Asian stock markets have traditionally been dominated by individual investors, unlike the institution-heavy U.S. market. In places such as mainland China, frenzied trading by individuals can create a casino-like feel, with exuberant bull runs followed by spectacular crashes.

    Individuals often account for more than 80% of volume on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, while on the Korea Exchange’s main Kospi market, nearly 84% of shares traded so far this year were on behalf of individual investors, according to data compiled by Hee-Joon Ahn, a finance professor at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul.

    15. be dominated by 由…所主導
    16. individual investors 個人投資者
    17. frenzied trading 狂熱交易
    18. bull runs 行情
    19. on behalf of 代表
    20. data that is compiled by 由…整理的數據


    首爾成均館大學(Sungkyunkwan University)金融學教授Hee-Joon Ahn整理的數據顯示,在上海證券交易所,散戶的股票交易量通常佔到80%以上;在韓國證券交易所主要的Kospi市場,今年以來,有近84%的股票交易是代表個人投資者進行的。


    🐂 4. More of the U.S. stock market is going dark 💰


    The individual-investing boom has led to historically high levels of “dark” trading, in which stocks are bought and sold on opaque private venues, rather than public exchanges. That is because online brokers typically funnel small investors’ trades to electronic-trading firms that execute the incoming orders.

    In July, 43.2% of U.S. stock-trading volume took place off-exchange, according to Rosenblatt Securities, a brokerage firm. That is the highest level that the firm has recorded since it started tracking such data in 2008.

    21. investing boom 投資熱潮
    22. historically high levels of 歷史高位
    23. “dark” trading 暗盤 (暗盤是指大利市機以外的股份交易買賣。 由於當中的買賣並不曝露於大眾之前,不會經證交所披露其中內容,所以這些買賣被稱之為暗盤。)

    24. opaque 不透明的;不透光的
    25. private venues 非公開場所
    26. public exchanges 公開的交投
    27. brokerage firm 證券商


    據券商Rosenblatt Securities提供的數據,7月份,美國有43.2%的股票交易量發生在交易所外。這是該公司自2008年開始跟蹤此類數據以來所記錄到的最高水平。


    🐂 5. Big winners may be electronic traders 💰


    The firms that execute individual investors’ orders have enjoyed surging volumes. The three biggest players in that business—Citadel Securities, Virtu Financial Inc. and Susquehanna International Group LLP—traded a combined 69.4 billion shares over the counter in June, more than triple the level from November, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. The vast majority of the firms’ over-the-counter trades come from individual investors. OTC trading is a type of off-exchange trading.

    Electronic-trading firms profit from individuals’ trades by collecting a small difference between the buying and selling prices of a stock. It’s hard to know how much money they are making, though, because most are private and don’t report financials.

    28. big winners 大贏家
    29. surging volumes 交易量大幅上升
    30. the biggest players 巨頭 ; 主要參與者;主力
    31. according to 根據
    32. the vast majority of 絕大多數
    33. over-the-counter trades 場外交易 (場外交易是指證券投資機構之間不通過股票交易所,而以電話、電傳等方式相互進行的股票交易。)

    為散戶執行交易指令的公司交易量大幅上升。據Bloomberg Intelligence的數據,這一領域的三巨頭是Citadel Securities、Virtu Financial Inc.和海納國際集團(Susquehanna International Group) ,6月份的場外交易總量為694億股,是去年11月的三倍多。這些公司的絕大多數場外交易來自散戶投資者。



    What are some problems this phenomenon might cause? Benefits?



    📰 華爾街日報訂閱方案: https://bit.ly/39ULVh1

    🎓 華爾街日報獎助學金計畫 (A20): https://bit.ly/2C2tUAI


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  • execute指令 在 iThome Security Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-15 14:04:29
    有 27 人按讚

    原本為了GitHub開發者可以控管大型檔版本的外掛程式Git LFS,研究人員發現,Git LFS出現了一個漏洞,駭客可以輸入ssh:// 網址來執行任何shell指令,取得管理權限。

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  • execute指令 在 哈記 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-11-08 16:00:03

    此指令適用版本為:1.13以上唷 (/team指令是在1.13之後才加入的)

    /team join B @r[team=]
    /team join R @r[team=]
    /team join G @r[team=]
    /team join Y @r[team=]
    /setblock (啟動系統的位置座標) air
    /execute if entity @a[team=] run setblock (啟動系統的位置座標) redstone_block
    /execute if block (啟動系統的位置座標) air run say 隨機系統分配完畢!

    ▶ 發片時間:
    假設當天臨時有事不發片 會在YT社群公告唷~



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  • execute指令 在 Onityan Youtube 的最讚貼文

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    /execute at @e[type=snowball] run kill @e[tag=bomb,distance=..2]

    /execute at @e[tag=bomb] run summon tnt ~ ~ ~

    /kill @e[tag=bomb]

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  • execute指令 在 Onityan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-03-26 18:01:26

    ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═




    ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═
    /scoreboard players tag @a add arrow {SelectedItem:{tag:{arrow:1b}}}

    /scoreboard players tag @a[tag=arrow] remove arrow

    /scoreboard players tag @e[type=Arrow] add ga {inGround:1b}
    /kill @e[tag=ga]

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    /give @p minecraft:bow 1 0 {display:{Name:"時雨蒼燕弓"},ench:[{id:51,lvl:100}],arrow:1b}

    /give @p minecraft:arrow 64 0 {display:{Name:"時雨箭"},ench:[{id:99,lvl:1}],arrow:1b}

    /testfor @e[tag=arrow]
    /scoreboard players set @p 集氣 0

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    /execute @a[tag=arrow] ~ ~ ~ /execute @e[type=arrow] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~5 ~ ~5 ~-5 ~ ~-5 minecraft:sand

    /execute @e[type=arrow] ~ ~ ~ /fill ~30 ~-3 ~30 ~-30 ~4 ~-30 minecraft:air 1 replace

    /execute @e[type=falling_block] ~ ~ ~ /summon Arrow ~ ~-2 ~ {damage:100,crit:1}

    /kill @e[type=falling_block]

    /fill ~30 ~ ~30 ~-30 ~5 ~-30 minecraft:air 1 replace minecraft:sand
    ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═
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    ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═ ═

